Community > Posts By > slate_77

slate_77's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:20 PM
Hey guys anyone that played this game and got this achievment can you help me? It says you can only kill Cultists to get this achievment you have to blow there head up. (Popping Heads) What are the Cultists? Also please if you dont know anything please dont post it just wants time and effort and that assumes you have no life.

slate_77's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:39 PM
WTF do people always post if they dont know what the topic is about? Just a waste of time and writing for someone with no life. It was a epic RPG one of the funest ever. Much like Everquest or Baldurs Gate or even Champions of Norrath or Return to Arms. Dumb@$$ people...

slate_77's photo
Sat 02/09/08 04:02 PM
Hi guys i thought i would post this for all those Dungion Siege fans out there including: Dungion Siege Classic, Dundion Siege Legends of Aranna and Dungeon Siege 2. Also i wanted to ask im looking for a new and sealed version of Legends of Aranna the (US) version not the UK version. You can tell the difference by the rating on the box. (T) for Teen is US and 12+ is UK. Can anyone help me find one thats still sealed and the US version i would buy the other two also if i could find them. Let me know thanx!

slate_77's photo
Fri 01/18/08 04:17 PM
No, he hasent. I ordered one of those undertank heater things that fits my tank almost perfectly. It was spose to get here about 5 days ago and hasent. We have had bad weather here so i hope it gets here soon. Right now hes staying in the water dish and the heat lamps are on so hopefully all i have to do is switch up the lights with the whole top and put the undertank heater in there and he will be okay. A pet store near me sells very small pinkies just a tiny bit bigger than half the size of my frog (if that) i plan to try to feed one of those to him after i get it set up. If all goes well i will start feeding him on a regulare basis. I have that calcium powder stuff so i should be good. My friend told me if gives them a smell or taste or something and will make them want it more if it is on the food item. So whata you think?

slate_77's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:54 PM
LoL thats what i meant but anyway im going to try that to and use the heat lamps for something else. I make a half-decent $$ every 2 weeks. What im going to do is put a fish top on the tank you know the thing that colvers the whole top and then put a undertank heater in there and spray it every now and then does that sound better? The lights are kinda drying him out i think. But do you think he will get enough air in there with the fish tank top? There are a couple little holes in the top giving him enough but not sure.

slate_77's photo
Thu 01/10/08 02:24 PM
You cant use heat pads unless you know exactly what your doing and very careful. The frog is very amphibious and needs a very wet enviroment. With the water in the cage it will crack the tank with the heating pad at the bottem. I got 3 lamps for the top of the tank i have no way of closing the tank to keep the heat traped in but it think it's doing okay. (I have 2 60 wat commen bulbs like you would use in a lamp and another 60 wat red bulb so i can leave that one on at night.) Does this sound good and will the commen bulbs in there now work? I mean its the same thing right, just it's the lamp shooting the heat down in the cage so im good right? I just have to spray the cage often thats the only downfall.

slate_77's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:43 PM
Okay thanx Spider let me know what you think about this i took bits and pieces of what people told me and put it together. Here goes i bought 3 heat lamps you know the dome things that go on top of the cage and there on there way now. Im going to put them across the top of the screen top cage and put two day bulbs in the ones on the left and right and use a timer to turn them off later and then set the middle bulb to come on later at night you know one of the bulbs that heats a little less and the reptile cant see just so he can have that extra heat over night. I plan to spray it daily and i am using tap water for my frog.

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:48 PM
Well thanx azrae and uhh Peachgirl for your moral (typing) support. Night

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:47 PM
I thought it would be faster, funner and easier to know a little more about what im talking about also you know?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:36 PM
Yea there is a local petstore here i can go to. It's just the holidays. I think i will keep the frog for now i will try to feed him a small pinkie and there is a fire down here now making it warmer and hes close to it but still not enough heat. Okay i will do that thanx.

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:30 PM
Yea and actually lol PetCo is like 10 feet down the road from a Home Depot. Well thanx but hey i got a top right now for like fish like i said you know the Flourescent i guess and i have a 30 day return on it so should i take it back. Ohh and then what should i use to hold up the dome lamps? Like a screen top or something?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:25 PM
Yea and as you can see a @$$ to go along with it. Anyway i cant figure this out. I need to provide a 10-12 hour period of light for him with constant heat.

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:22 PM
Okay so uhh i dont know how to set timers or where to get one. So your saying i should just increase the watts in the tank?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:19 PM
Boredinaz your a moron also a @$$wipe your wasting your time. So stop posting slapnuts.

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:13 PM
No **** man i already said that. I need to provide heat and light for them and im kinda in a pinch.

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:09 PM
Okay Azrae you seem to know alot about them or atleast enough to give me a fwe pointers and thanx for all the help you have been trying to give. I'm guessing i have a Fluorescent light in there now because it was built for fish. You know to see them but not to heat the tank. So whata about the Incandescent then?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 09:05 PM
Hey guys here i am once again asking for help. I read that i need a Flourescent light so it wont dry out my Pac-Man Frog as much as other lights. My question is does it provide heat for the frog? Also i need something that the frog can see like a night and a day. Because some bulbs reptiles cant see so does the Flourescent bulb light up the cage so it can see like a in day?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:58 PM
Can anybody answer my question?

slate_77's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:40 PM
Hey guys i have a question for people that have this game. I know you can play the campaign with a friend but can you play it online with a friend, like on the same Xbox? You know like in Halo people can be your guests and they can play w/ you? Can someone help me out?

slate_77's photo
Sat 01/05/08 07:37 PM
Umm okay thanx i guess.