Community > Posts By > madisonman

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:25 PM
"It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something."
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:21 PM

AND, damnit
Tax-cuts to the Oil Companies.
Did that stop them from raising the price of a gal of gas?
Did that tax-cut encourage them to build more refineries in this country?

Let me answer for you.


Exxon contributed almost 40 billion in 2007 amd 2008 to the Us Treasury through income taxes. 2009, maybe 10 billion or 20. Are you going to maker up the difference for the oil companies? Obama isn't either.
What a bargain they got we waged a war for them.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:08 PM
Despite receiving $170 billion in federal aid and recording massive losses, American International Group is going ahead with giving millions of dollars in bonuses this week to senior officers because otherwise, said chairman Edward Liddy, "We cannot retain the best and brightest talent to lead" the company. We are rendered speechless.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 04:50 PM

In the whole Palin "family" situation, what I found humorous was the claim by this same ilk that Bristol Palin was really the mother of Trig rumors. Idle musing/rhetorical question here, in the event they reconcile and get married will the likes of madisonman start another topic stating it?
she realy did
check out this CBS news clip

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:38 AM

I am certain that Hitler's folks tried to imbed values different than he practice. I cannot imagine that Bill Clinton's mom was very pleased at his moral choices, and I would wager that she tried to teach him differently. Does that make them all hypocrites? Or, just because one is willing to stand for what they believe, even if they fail to achieve it every time, only they are a hyppocrite?

It only makes them seem (crazy) if they use their kids like stage props and promote abstinance only education and family values.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:34 AM

I still wonder if Sarah Palin faked that one pregnancy to cover for her daughter, ya know the one were she flew accross the country after her water broke, knowing all along she was in a high risk pregnancy. We never did see the birth certificate on that one. :wink:
:laughing: slaphead :laughing:

Oh no, you've gone and done it now, please don't say birth certificate in here, ack. shocked Besides it's all so water under the bridge now anyway.
she may run again in 2012 (we can only hope) but realy check this cbs news thing out.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:25 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 03/14/09 10:26 AM

I still wonder if Sarah Palin faked that one pregnancy to cover for her daughter, ya know the one were she flew accross the country after her water broke, knowing all along she was in a high risk pregnancy. We never did see the birth certificate on that one. :wink:
check this out for a reminder.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:21 AM
I still wonder if Sarah Palin faked that one pregnancy to cover for her daughter, ya know the one were she flew accross the country after her water broke, knowing all along she was in a high risk pregnancy. We never did see the birth certificate on that one. :wink:

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:18 AM

It makes her mother a hypocrite for claiming to represent "family values"

how? respecting your child (now adult) as an individual trusting in their ability to make their own decisions, however bad they may be, is certainly a Christian family value. don't get me wrong, palin scares the crap out of me but i don't think her daughter's choice says anything about the governor's beliefs. i could understand the hypocrisy angle if palin got an abortion but if she's supporting her daughter even when she's acting like an idiot...
:smile: Perhaps Gov Palin shouldnt run down other peoples families who have differing "family values":smile:
That hits the nail on the head. If her "perfect" family hadnt been used as stage props and had Baracuda palin not trumped family values and abstinance only education I realy dont think anyone would care about her daughter

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 09:50 AM
Well for the record if I were a republican and voted such for the the anti abortion reasone I would be furiouse with the republicans. I suspect it is their bread and butter wedge issue, after all with 8 years of republican dominance in all branches of government Roe vs Wade is still on the books. How else can you explain this except that is they only wish to make it illegal durring campaign seasone and then "poof" the issue is gone never to be mentioned again.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 09:43 AM

as parents all we can do is try to teach our children how to be good adults. when they becoming adults.....they make their own choices. sometimes the parents agree-sometimes not. i'm 37 and my mom doesn't agree with everything i say or do. what is she going to do about it though????? ground me? laugh
37? I thought you were............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ much younger than that flowerforyou

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:54 AM
I just think its funny because Sarah Palin the VP candidate ran on an abstinance only and "traditional family values" platform.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:25 AM
It's unclear if any of this is related to Levi Johnston's mother's arrest on drug charges, but what's done is done: Bristol Palin and fiance Levin Johnston are splitsville.

All signs, and statements by the couple, pointed to a wedding. After all, Bristol Palin was pregnant with Levi Johnston's baby. But the fact that the two were not married prior to the baby's birth was a definite red flag.

A source told People:

"It kind of just happened. I thought they would stick it out. But I think they can work together to raise Tripp."
If I can be somewhat snarky, I could say: what about family values? Based on that shouldn't they be together, for the sake of Tripp? End of snarkiness.

Interestingly, though this didn't become public until today, according to another source, this breakup is common knowledge around Wasilla.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 05:59 AM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 03/14/09 06:01 AM
Its pretty apparent to me that when our nurses cant afford insurance for themselves or children something is wrong with the system big time. One can assume the management has red carpet insurance for life. I see many many people that would benefit from a "single payer" government run program. Who will pay for it you ask? Think along the lines of " I pay x ammount now for insurance and co-pays and my company also pays x amount. We also pay into medicaid. If these funds are re applied to a single payer plan I am sure it will increase our costs verry little and in the long run drive down the cost of medical care and all will be able to see a Dr. when needed. The fact that america has the most expensive health care in the world are not in dispute by anyone. America also ranks near the bottem in care for the western democracies. We are being scammed on a massive scale and our health is held hostage to insurance companeis that only care for the bottom line.

madisonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 04:09 AM

would it save in insurance costs? well Im not paying them anyhow right now.

I guarantee you that I won't ever be going out on strike. I never intend to leave my patients without a nurse. Union or no union. They can't stop me from crossing the line. and isnt that a unions negotiating point...if their contract isnt signed or their demands arent met??

Im sorry...but i run my life and my career.

If you do not have insurance what about your child? I am just curiouse.

madisonman's photo
Fri 03/13/09 09:49 PM

As per this nurses union, Using human life as a bargaining chip is as about despicable as it gets. The same tactics the Palestinians, using innocent human beings as shields. Just imagine if all healthcare providers were unionized and you or children had a life- threatening crisis whilst they were out on strike (wildcat or other). Unions are simply for the losers and truly selfish in my opinion... me, me, me.

That is a unique perspective from were I am standing in the middle class or what is left of it, I see the insurance companies useing human life as a bargaining chip ,pay more or die its your choice.

madisonman's photo
Fri 03/13/09 04:37 PM

i think your wrong...research it.

who owns the federal reserve??

lets face it eh, republicans are the money class and investing class. They trick average folks to vote for them with wedge issues like abortion or raceism and religion things like that. How else can so many americans vote against their own self interest and vote for them? We have been victims of a 30 year propoganda campaign that claimed government was the problemb and not the solution and we bought into it and now that things are so messed up the government has to bail out the free enterprise system. We have over 40 million americans with no insurance at all and a million more are added each year. The time for debate is over our system has failed misserably.

Careful my friend... Very careful. Many civilizations have ended by that philosophy.

i fear you have fallen victim to this...

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
Who said anything about voteing for money? The wall st fat cats are the ones who write their own checks. All I am asking for is a medical field that doesnt bankrupt the economy.

madisonman's photo
Fri 03/13/09 03:37 PM

i think your wrong...research it.

who owns the federal reserve??

lets face it eh, republicans are the money class and investing class. They trick average folks to vote for them with wedge issues like abortion or raceism and religion things like that. How else can so many americans vote against their own self interest and vote for them? We have been victims of a 30 year propoganda campaign that claimed government was the problemb and not the solution and we bought into it and now that things are so messed up the government has to bail out the free enterprise system. We have over 40 million americans with no insurance at all and a million more are added each year. The time for debate is over our system has failed misserably.

madisonman's photo
Fri 03/13/09 03:23 PM
Edited by madisonman on Fri 03/13/09 03:23 PM

why does everyone forget about the federal reserve and their part in this whole thing. if it weren't for this fake fiat money losing it's value, we wouldn't be in any of this mess!! who controls the value of the money? the federal reserve does.

excellent point...madman..what do ya think?
I think the federal reseve is run by fat cat republicans.:wink:

madisonman's photo
Fri 03/13/09 03:18 PM

on election day??

okay...well I guess it should be the gov making the money offa healthcare? do they need their piece of the pie?? Is medicare/medicaid putting to much strain on them and not enough money in their pockets??
They are putting plenty of money in the politicians pockets that is why we have such a crappy health care systemlaugh

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