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The Union Way Up
R rated but funny
Im going to think about all my past relationships and send good vibes to the women I have had in my life at one time or another.
Listening to the republicans promoting their version of the stimulus package is astonishing as they argue the same tired out nonsense that has put the nation on an ever deepening economic morass. As one would expect, they want more tax cuts instead of sending desperately needed money to the states. Increasing health maintenance funding, and restoring state’s budgets for depleted unemployment insurance and infrastructure expenditures are, according to the world's top economists, what is needed. But of course the fixated conservatives want more tax breaks for their rich pals.
Of course the republicans insist that rewarding the people who have visited such calamity on the nation is the right course. They’re talking about the people’s money. Handing it over without question, or accountability is the conservative way. Screw them. Let all those conservative bankers and republican campaign contributors bite the dust. Socialism would be far more preferable than what the republicans have demonstrated as Free Markey Capitalism. If one more congressional republican says trickle down economics! Private sector deregulation! Take Grover Norquist’s advice and drown the SOB in the nearest bathtub Obama would give states additional funding for infrastructure projects. But the republicans, ignoring Obama’s clear mandate from American voters, are anxious to see the U.S. drop into a full depression. Robert Freeman says, “the U.S. needs to borrow in excess of $2 trillion this year, and perhaps as much again next year. It is an astonishing, almost inconceivable sum, four times the amount the nation borrowed in its first 204 years combined.” Such is the condition that the fiscally conservative republicans have left the nation in. Yet they continue their drooling diatribes, their constant drivel. It’s astonishing they have the gall to open their mouths at all. But open them they do, and out pours the same ridiculous assertions they’ve always ascribed to. Tax and spend liberals, they rave, as their own deliberate efforts have hamstrung the nation. They’re promising to do better if only Americans will give them another chance to whack them again, as if Americans could survive more of the conservative republicans contributions to democracy. They want less government. But every republican fat-cat CEO in the nation has his hand out to Uncle Sam, that under Bush the Dumber, got it filled with taxpayer cash. They want to keep lowering taxes until the nation is left without a revenue base. They don’t mention that would eliminate most, if not all, of the services the U.S. Government provides its citizens. That is, of course, what they want. They want the U.S. reduced to Third World Status. They’ve been driven for the last 8 years to do precisely that. If they haven’t succeeded they’ve certainly come close. Unless Obama can extricate himself and the nation from the quicksand the republicans left him as a fare thee well, the nation is doomed. It’s decent into Third World status is guaranteed. Republicans should be shunned as lepers. They are bad news. They are against any advancement that free people may achieve. They don’t like the U.S. Constitution. It runs counter to their perceived notions of right and wrong. For instance. It’s right to consign the majority of Americans to servitude. They make perfect fools of Americans, and with the help of the Fox News Show, succeed admirably. The only question left to consider is whether or not they be ostracized as a viable political party. At the least they should answer for the last 8 years of war, debt, and the withdrawal from the world as a nation that’s now unwelcome in the World Community. Americans are going to have to realize that they’ve sung their last hurrah, and its hollow sound didn’t resonate. Rush Limbaugh should be publicly lynched. His stupidity is no excuse for his traitorous behavior. George Bush was twice given office by nefarious means. The first appointment was by a Right Wing Supreme Court. Obama must demand the resignations of those so called justices who voted to award Bush the White House. If they had performed their service to the nation as they were sworn to do, none of the current nightmare would be happening. Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad must be revisited. Congress needs to revisit that decision from 1888, because obviously the Supreme Assholes can’t be trusted to act in the best interests of the nation. The main stream media is accountable too. The Fox News Show is poisoness to the nation’s health. Rupert Murdoch couldn’t care less how his bank account grows. If it enriches Murdoch it’s good - for him. And that’s all he cares about. Murdoch is trash. And so isn’t his programming. That Americans have put up with him for so long is testament to their collective apathy and ignorance. Murdoch should be runoff, preferably tarred and feathered. He is squarely in the way of free society. The republicans will keep lying, exaggerating and in other ways diminishing the truth. That’s what they must do, if they’re to remain a cohesive party. If Americans knew the truth about their motives for shrinking the government, republicans would be in fear for their lives. They want to see a weakened U.S. They desire a rudderless nation, with no clear goals, or long term hopes for the citizenry. They got that with Dubya. An intellectual pygmy, devoid of brains, and completely absent the qualities required to lead a Boy Scout Troop, never mind a nation. But the democratic majority in Nancy Pelosi’s House is still letting the republicans poke her with the scary stick. What the hell is wrong with the woman? And why is she still occupying her leadership position? She’s worse than the enemy. At least the enemy reveals itself. Congressional democrats are going to have to find some leadership. Without it, they’re consigned to impotence, or their standard, frightened neutrality. Democrats, a majority with a clear mandate are anxious, to avoid at any cost, a confrontation with the republicans. Somehow they’ve missed the message that voters gave them a clear mandate. Pelosi says that republican cuts to Obama’s stimulus package will “"do violence to what we are trying to do for the future." Very good Nancy. So what’s keeping you from using that gavel you’ve got, and keeping the republicans from spewing more venomous vitriol to destroy Obama in any way they can, even as he attempts to stop the hemorrhaging that that the damned republicans brought about. Republicans would rather, being racist anyway, run their ugly mouths in attempting to take back what they so decidedly lost in the election. McCain, who got squashed like a bug is, like republicans everywhere, undeterred in his absolutions that government be deliberately paralyzed. The senile old fool can be depended upon to push Humpty Dumpty off the wall, over and over again. Reid, the Senate majority leader, and Pelosi have got to come down hard. They need to show the republicans that after 8 long years of moronic allegiance to trickle down and private sector deregulation they will brook no more bull****. Bang the gavel. Tell the conservative halfwits that despise the U.S. Constitution that there are new rules. Let them run squalling to Rush Limbaugh. But don’t let them influence any more decision making, now that a decent and good man is in the White House. U.S. foreign relations experts, which mean they can’t find their ass with both hands, keep insisting the U.S. hegemony is alive and well. Nothing could be further from the truth. The World looks askance at the U.S, and wonders what’s wrong with a nation that had a prevalent influence over the world but threw it away. The U.S, thanks to the republicans, will shortly be reduced to begging for handouts from foreign lenders. Incredibly, the conservative republicans, which under another name would be, the ****ups who destroyed a nation, are still squalling full bore about the democrat’s propensity to favor the citizenry. Republicans should be outlawed as a philosophy of … thought? An oxymoron, to include the words republican and thought in the same sentence. For it’s very much outside the providence of rationality that they think at all. Deep within what passes for a republican brain, lies a deep seated conviction that if they don’t get everything, no one else should have it either. Look at them. Their haircuts announce their strict conformity and their anxiousness to march in place with nary a thought entering their empty heads. They are unimaginative and forsaken of any hope or challenge for the future. For a conservative, this is a relief, as adverse to thinking as they are. Occasionally they may become aware of a spark. A dim and distant synapse between axiom and dendrite. But such things in a conservative are shrugged off as meaningless. Having no capacity for entertaining notions of progression, they disregard any invitation to the future. Conservatives have convinced themselves that by shutting off their minds, it follows that the rest of the world is doing the same. This is a form of insanity, or at least, mental illness. Conservative republicans should not be suffered as a political party. Today, as they scramble to recoup their losses, from the 2008 elections, they appeal to Americans to give them another chance with the wrecking ball. Many voters, who watched as they destroyed the U.S. economy and deplete the U.S. Treasury, are ready to put them back in charge. These are those Americans who think Sarah Palin is intelligent. The democrats, for their part, don’t seem aware that the republic is being stolen from beneath their noses. Pelosi and Reid, those weaklings, must be replaced with other democrats of strength and conviction. Obama won the election overwhelmingly. The media didn’t like to say electoral landslide, but the racist, Rupert Murdoch, with his traitorous Fox News Show, considered counting too challenging. The truth? McCain and his retarded pal got steamrolled. Is it campaign contributions that keep Pelosi and Reid from unequivocally supporting Obama? Or is it cowardice? And if it is, what do they think they have to loose? Are they somehow maneuvering for position? And if so, what position might that be? Their spineless propensities have been on public display for years. It’s impossible for Pelosi or Reid to restore any confidence the voters may have once had in them. Go away, Nancy. And take Harry with you. You’re nothing but a pair of pests, obstructing the way forward. The republicans are determined to destroy the U.S. Harry and Nancy are determined to help them as they do nothing to obstruct the continuous and incalculable damage the traitorous republicans are determined to visit on the nation. Where is their patriotism? No one expects Thomas Jefferson to reincarnate in their place, but at least they could stop enabling more republican malfeasance. Foreign lenders watch the U.S. die from economic deprivation. They are not inclined to loan money to a nation of morons who stood by while their republic was stolen from under their noses. They consider, and rightly so, that if Americans aren’t smart enough to detect the root cause of their problems, then why should they extend more latitude, or loans? _______ |
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Mon 02/09/09 08:12 PM
I'm not going to go thru a whole lesson on petrology, metalurgy or the melting of steel.. but there's a saying in medicine that goes something like, "If you hear hoofbeats, think 'horses' not 'zebras'". Roughly restating Ockam's Razor which says that the simplest explanation, the one with the fewest moving parts, is usually correct. I don't know for sure because apparently there are dozens of variables that determine the temperature at which jet fuel burns, but the estimates I've seen range anywhere from 700F to 3500F. More than steel held those buildings up, in fact the structural rigidity depended in no small part on the glass on the outside which shattered in the vicinity of the impact when the planes flew into the buildings. the tree analogy fails the prima facia test on two points. a tree in your analogy is chopped down from near the base. if the planes had hit near the bottom you might, I stress, might have an arguement. but they hit near the top AND if you watch the top section begin to fall it does rotate toward the impact site. second is a tree trunk is mostly a solid mass where a building is mostly empty space supported by carefuly engineered trusses and specified materials.. Not certain, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason the towers fell had something to do with the vertical section of missing support columns near the tops of the buildings owing to the highspeed impact of the jumbo jets and the burning of the jet fuel that (even if it didn't completely melt the structural beams columns) further weakened them to the point that the overburden began to collapse. your conspiracy is a fantasy, driven, I'm guessing, in no small part by your driving desire to find George Bush at fault for the attacks of September 11.. time for dollar tacos.. have a pleasant evening.. And what about the time of collapse? How do we account for the collapse being so fast, almost a free fall? What about a building being designed to withstand an impact of a similar in size liner? What about our military, that is capable of "shocking and awing" everyone as they proceed to demolish a next nation on their list, being asleep at the wheel? What about WTC7, a collapse without any jetliners? For this one takes away the burning jet fuel and massive damage arguments, leaving small damage and fire to be the only reason for the collapse, again, at the free fall speed? What about the plane missing, and being blown up over the countryside, while it has been awaited by the WTC7 to impact it, so it can too, gracefully be accounted for? What about a massive metal column mesh, that would have taken all the heat and dissipated it? |
so the report you want me to go by in your last post you now say is garbage? which is it? the next time time we see a jumbo jet slam into a building, dump thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel into it and it not fall down, let's talk.. |
what school again did you get your civil/structural engineering degree from?? |
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Mon 02/09/09 03:17 PM
BEIJING — A fierce fire engulfed one of the Chinese capital’s most architecturally celebrated modern buildings on Monday, the last day of festivities for the lunar new year when the city was ablaze with fireworks. the late evening the blaze was still raging and the cause remained unknown, but it seemed clear that the 34-story structure, not yet completed, had been rendered unusable. see the inferno and take note it didnot collapse into its own footprint was the internal structure demolished by tons of high speed steel and was there jet fuel feeding the fire? thought not.. seriously, dude, put your tinfoil hat back on.. |
BEIJING — A fierce fire engulfed one of the Chinese capital’s most architecturally celebrated modern buildings on Monday, the last day of festivities for the lunar new year when the city was ablaze with fireworks.
the late evening the blaze was still raging and the cause remained unknown, but it seemed clear that the 34-story structure, not yet completed, had been rendered unusable. see the inferno and take note it didnot collapse into its own footprint |
The Union Way Up
Compare MY DAUGHTERS LIFES to a car. Where the he!! did you read that. I was stating that I would be putting my daughters live on the line putting her in a car that was manufactered by cheap labor. Maybe your ok with your daughter riding around in a car made by the lowest bidder. Personally I would think twice No where did I say anything about unionizing and hospital or nursing care. You get what you pay for!!! Personaly I would pay alittle more for a better product. so this jsut makes me wonder how much money I should spend on my daughters first vehicle. and how do you feel about the price of brand new vehicles being so outrageous...that many people cant afford to drive around in a 'quality' car. personally, i agree with you...and I would rather pay more and know the job is going to be done right. BUT affordability has become a factor. with automobiles and insurance....and healthcare. and I guess we werent talking about a nurse's union..that was earlier in this thread. unions remain a stumbling block in some of these hurdles..and well insurance companies remain a burden to ALL people having excellent healthcare. You are brainwashed by the propaganda thrown at you by those who intend to create one world economy. |
The Union Way Up
danceing bannanas for that
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The Union Way Up
BTW, here is a very formidable way of fighting Unions. It's very simple, and it kills them. BUY FOREIGN That's what I do. Not out of "love" to foreign or of "hate" to domestic manufacturers. I just don't like when folks gang up on me, demanding wages before they even learn how to spell. If you are looking at a product, and you know it is made by a union, take your choice elsewhere. |
Would you let a murderer go or a rapist? or a child molester? This clown cannot get away with what he has done to our country.
That old 19th century huckster, P.T. Barnum, is usually credited with the observation that "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people," a quote that should be chiseled on the tombstone of just about every member of the Bush administration, all those cronies and thieves who have returned to private life ever so much richer for placing their faith in the stupidity of the American people.
They thought we were dumb as sticks, and we proved them right - twice. We elected a man who put his own stupidity on display just about every time he opened his mouth, and still we followed, blindly, as he led us into one disaster after another. With somewhat brighter and more nefarious henchmen manipulating him at every turn, Bush got us bogged down in Iraq, made a natural disaster on our gulf coast even worse than it needed to have been, appointed woefully incompetent people to key positions, squandered trillions, failed to provide proper oversight of our financial institutions, awarded a virtual blank check to his VP's old friends and acquaintances, sat idle as the economy was looted, threw money around in Iraq without accounting for where it was going, allowed such shoddy work to be done there that American servicemen were electrocuted in the showers built for them by Cheney's old company, permitted spying on American citizens in violation of the U.S. Constitution, transformed the image of the U.S. from the good guys to the torture people, and turned the Justice Department into an Injustice Department. We were lied to, cheated, and stolen from. It was a horror show from start to finish, from the administration's inattention that allowed the attack on the World Trade Center, to the pictures, spread around the world, of American servicemen gleefully degrading prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Add to that the image of American bodies left rotting in the Louisiana sun after Katrina while the heads of FEMA and Homeland Security remained ignorant of the situation there, and you've got a trifecta of arrogance, ignorance, and incompetence rarely matched in the nation's history. We are a people abused by bad leadership, and the fact that a large number of us chose those leaders only rubs salt in the wounds we've suffered, those scars on our national reputation, our heritage, our values, and our Constitution. The aforementioned P.T. Barnum also famously observed that "there's a sucker born every minute," and it took a great many suckers to fall for the George W. Bush dog-and-pony show. Part of the sham was that little ranch Bush bought in Crawford, Texas to serve as a backdrop to make himself Reagan-esque and portray himself as a simple country boy who loved nothing better than to go out to the boonies and cut brush. But as soon as that Hollywood set was no longer needed for photo ops and propaganda purposes, George and Laura bought a mansion in an appropriately gated upscale community in the suburbs of Dallas, a place from which Dubya hopes, in his own words, to "replenish the ol' coffers" by taking on lots of lucrative speaking engagements at the conventions thrown by corporations who profited so handsomely during his time in office - until their unfettered greed caught up with them, that is. But lots of the scoundrels managed to make off with their loot, especially those no-bid contractors who took over functions the U.S. military once performed for itself. As incompetent as Bush proved to be, as unsuited and unprepared for the job given to him by all that combined American stupidity and suckerdom, ol' Dubya never let his shortcomings get in the way of his down time. He barely missed a day on his little mountain bike, and he spent more time on vacation than any president before him - almost a third of his tenure in office was spent away from his desk. Which is probably a good thing given how inept and hapless the man was. Though, to be fair, he did achieve the objectives set for him by the wealthy people whose money and influence put him in the Oval Office. They wanted an easily duped chief executive, one who would do their bidding, one who would put their very own foxes in charge of the henhouses and who would secure for them a gusher of tax breaks that would make their former wealth pale by comparison. And now the Bush chauvinists and apologists want us all to believe that Bush kept us safe during his presidency (except for that minor little slip up on 9/11, of course). There is no evidence that anything Bush did thwarted any terrorist strike in the U.S., but that's what we're told to believe, even though there was no real need for terrorists to strike us after what they pulled off in 2001. The Bush administration took it from there, keeping the nation terrified whenever it suited their purposes, wasting our money and the lives of our young men and women in an Iraq sideshow that had nothing at all to do with a "war on terror." Osama bin Laden's wish had been to disrupt the economy and for the U.S. to bankrupt itself. Thanks to the Bush administration, that's pretty much what we did. The terrorists could not have had a better ally than the Bush bunch. They should be in jail, these men - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the neo-cons who are, at the very least, international war criminals, men who sanctioned waterboarding and other "enhanced interrogation techniques" that disgraced us all, tarnished our image throughout the world, and increased the peril of our own servicemen. Bush and his facinorous friends, all those powerful yeggs with their saponaceous ways and ventripotent greed must never be forgiven nor forgotten. _______ |
I agree both Bush's decimated middle class america, Clinton didnt. we had a good economy. We had an inflated tech stock economy.. ;p Didn't mean to start a back and forth with you. But I never said Bush made the economy great. Sometimes there's more to life than money. At least for me, there is. In fact, for me, there is all the time. Life is so big and the principles that govern it so important that we can't keep thinking that success is measured by our pocketbooks. Not saying that you do, tho. Just blabbing to myself, really) Blessed are the poor.. I like that one. ![]() |
I agree both Bush's decimated middle class america, Clinton didnt. we had a good economy. We had an inflated tech stock economy.. ;p |
Both Bush's did way more than Clinton ever dreamed of doing, tho. You have to agree with that. Bush, Sr. started the campaign (which takes time and cooperation from Congress--nothing in WA is overnight), Clinton did nothing, and Bush, Jr. followed up when the terrorism campaign led us to flush out potential problem countries in the Middle East. If Saddam could have accounted for destroying the weapons we had documented during Bush, Sr.'s presidency, as the UN declared needed to be done, we would have never gone to war there. End of story. Do the crime, you do the time. Even our prisoners here sometimes get put off for years. On a much larger scale (a world scale), I can imagine it taking even more time. Especially when you go thru 8 yrs. of standing around about the issue. |
Let us Prey
As an atheist and a skeptic, I try to limit my magical thinking to occasional moments of vanity and revenge. But lately I’ve found myself wishing that if the Rapture is on the level, it would happen soon . . . I mean real soon. The Rapture is the name given to a future event in which Jesus descends from heaven and gathers up all Christian fundamentalists [a.k.a. Christian Right] and swooshes them up bodily to heaven, but not before they’ve jettisoned their clothes and jewelry and all forms of prostheses, including pompadour hairpieces and inflatable bouffant support bladders. Before I get too far into this, I want it understood that I’m not wishing these folks ill. On the contrary, I’m wishing them what they’ve always wanted—an eternity of enjoying the unchallenged moral certitude they were never quite able to fully enjoy here on Earth, but which nonetheless caused the rest of us no end of misery. The signs for finally seeing the backside of the Christian Right are encouraging. According to, the Rapture Index (omens portending the Rapture) stands at 163, the highest it’s been since September 11, 2001 when it peaked at its all-time high of 182. I don’t know what the numbers mean either. But I’m not making this up. It appears Jesus is getting his transition team in place, what with the recent raptures—albeit by conventional means—of the Rev. D. James Kennedy, godfather of the American Dominionist [a.k.a. theofascist] movement and hater of our secular constitution, and the Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and hater of all people he could think of to hate. I do wish the Lord would get his jesters assembled and move on this. Think what the Rapture will mean to those of us left behind. Twenty-three percent of the 208 million adults in America identify themselves as either Pentecostal or Charismatic Christians [a.k.a. Rapture-ready]. In the event of the Rapture up to 50 million workers will be leaving their jobs without clocking out. The number of positions vacated will be five times as many needed to wipe out the country’s unemployment, leaving the rest of us in a workers’ paradise. Affirmative action be damned! It’s “trickle up” economics at work here. Not only will our career paths be enhanced, but we’ll have a chance at longer, healthier lives by taking the untold billons of dollars President Bush is currently funneling into the Christian Right’s faith-based coffers to save “Americans one soul at a time" and reallocating them to stem cell research and universal health care, which will save considerably more of an American than just his or her ethereal soul. Along with vocational upgrades and improved health, we’ll no longer have to wonder, “is our kids learning?” High school grads having trouble gaining admission to one of our over-crowded universities will have immediate access to the vacant desks—and possibly iPods—left by the tens of thousands of Rapture-ready students attending America’s 102 “Christ-centered” colleges, which will be under new management and begging for warm bodies. And guys, speaking of warm bodies, the universities will be flush with coeds since far fewer teenage girls will be home taking care of their babies—there were 435,000 teen mothers last year. The hundreds of millions of federal dollars spent annually on abstinence-only sex education [a.k.a. religious dogma] in our public high schools will now fund comprehensive sex education programs that promote safe and effective birth control methods. Let’s face it. It was only the Christian Right who thought hormone-pumped primates would ever stop “doing it.” By the way, do I even need to mention that with the Rapture-ready blissfully ensconced behind the pearly gates the rest of us will be left in peace to enjoy our bedrooms and our most personal intimate relationships on our own terms? Unarguably though, the highlight of the Rapture will be finding out which of the “born-again” politicians are left on the ground. Unless someone has been lying to the American people—perish the thought—we stand to lose 48 Senators, 186 Representatives, four Supreme Court justices, seven presidential hopefuls, and one hopeless president. If it turns out—highly unlikely though it is— that the 2008 presidential frontrunners of both parties are missing on Rapture-plus-one, we’ll enjoy the remaining election season with candidates who’ve always been willing to talk about more substantive issues than their most recent meet and greet with the Lord. The God-talk will be in heaven where it belongs. Consider this . . . with a smile. If the Democrats with Dennis Kucinich and Al Gore—we can talk him into it—or the Greens with Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader can’t defeat the unraptured and unrepentant Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani on their own merits, we’ll now own the Supreme Court. There is a downside. We know damn-good-and-well who’ll be sitting at his Oval Office desk with a “fooled you again” smirk on his mug on Rapture-plus-one. But keep in mind, we’ll still have Section 4 of Article II of the Constitution and we’ll have the votes and we’ll have the prison. Keep in mind also, gods mostly help those who help themselves. Having imagined all the above, my thinking is not so magical as to believe there won’t be a few post-Rapture problems. After all, according to Revelations this will be the time of the Great Tribulation and we’ll still have Satan [a.k.a. your choice] to wrestle with. But with the Christian Right enjoying eternity . . . well . . . who cares where, we’ll have only one Devil in the ring at a time. And he’ll be the one carrying a pitchfork not a Bible. Author’s note: Hopefully Jesus is a not a strict sectarian and swooshes up Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists as well. WHAT? I have the right to hope. Robert Weitzel is a freelance writer and contributing editor to Media With a Conscience. His essays regularly appear in The Capital Times in Madison, WI. He has been published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Skeptic Magazine, Freethought Today, and on popular liberal websites. He can be contacted at: ![]() |
First date
Do you talk about sex? ![]() |
The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs report, more commonly known as the Reigle report, says we last shipped a pathogen to Iraq on Nov. 28, 1989.
However, as BusinessWeek reported last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director sent former Sen. Donald Reigle a list of "all biological materials, including viruses, retroviruses, bacteria and fungi, which CDC provided to the government of Iraq from October 1, 1984, through October 13, 1993." The letter also reveals that the original list sent to Reigle's office failed to identify at least one other additional shipment. But whether or not we stopped sending Saddam this stuff just before or just after the Gulf War is really beside the point. The fact remains that even after Saddam gassed the Kurds in 1988, the Bush administration thought it proper to keep sending these materials until at least a year after what is now Saddam's most infamous atrocity (though not his most heinous act). |
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Sat 01/31/09 04:08 PM
Good grief.. They had a lot of nice things to say about Hitler in the beginning, too. Took about 10 yrs. of the US watching from a distance as hundreds of thousands died before we finally stepped in, and I think we made a difference. How long should we have waited on Saddam (he needed a little longer, b/c of resources in that land compared to Germans, but I'm sure the anti-war movement would have freely given it)...We're supposed to learn from mistakes in history, not repeat them. There's nothing plausible to that tho. Why would we have needed to make him into a boogey man? What did we gain from that, other than the satisfaction of at least helping those people get on with a normal life? Mistakes should be called out, no doubt, and you're right in that, but to say that Saddam shouldn't have been taken out of power when looking at the entire picture has no merit. And we had no other motive than to make the world a better place. If there is one, I would love to see it. When Saddam Gassed the Kurds What did the U.S. Do?August 24th, 2006 – 1:01 AM by Eric Black The trial of Saddam Hussein has now moved to consideration of his biggest, most despicable crime, the Anfal, or the massacre of the Kurds. It was a major genocide, tens of thousands of victims, perhaps a hundred thousand, mostly civilian, whole villages wiped out. Dropping chemical weapons from aircraft was only one of many methods of Kurd-killing between 1986 and 1989, but it became the shorthand for the whole contemptible campaign, even for Saddam’s whole quarter-century of savagery. “Saddam Hussein is a man who is willing to gas his own people,” Pres. George W. Bush said on March 22, 2002, as he built the case for regime change by means of war. Most of us, I suspect, would like to believe that our great nation is a moral force in the world, spreader of democracy, friend to the oppressed, scourge of the genocidal dictator. There are serious historical problems in applying this fairy tale, to this case, starting with this fact, which is seldom mentioned in the coverage of the trial: Saddam Hussein was an ally of the United States before, during and after the Anfal. Saddam started a war with Iran in 1980. Because of U.S. emnity with Iran, the Reagan Administration “tilted” toward Iraq in 1981. In 1982, the State Department removed Iraq from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. In December 1983, Donald Rumsfeld, then a special presidential envoy, met with Saddam in Baghdad and told him that the United States wanted to resume full diplomatic relations. Saddam agreed. During the Iran-Iraq war, the United States provided Saddam with military and economic aid. Some of the forms of aid are summarized in this Star Tribune story by your future Big Questioner, which ran on the eve of the current war. It was still the middle of the Iran-Iraq war, and the heyday of the U.S.-Iraq alliance, that Saddam began systematically slaughtering the Iraqi Kurds to punish them for their rebellions against his rule. The most famous attack was the gassing of Halabja, a mostly Kurdish city near the Iranian border, on March 16, 1988. Rebel Kurds, working with Iranian troops, had taken the town a few days earlier. The gassing, which killed an estimated 5,000 Kurds, was part of the successful Iraqi counterattack. The genocide continued after the war with Iran had ended. The United States publicly condemned Iraq’s use of chemical weapons, but never suspended its aid programs to Saddam. |