Community > Posts By > PhoenixMatt0601

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Sun 01/20/08 11:18 PM
Because my last boy friend was relationship retarded and I decided not to waste my excellent mouth skills (and others) on him anymore. And so.. I'm single.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Sun 01/20/08 06:08 PM

lol it must really sucked if it had SH*T loads of good Reviews & Comments . Plus it made 41 million dollars on opening night . They tryed to make it Realistic . I have yet to see it , which i am still gonna see it , careless if ppl thinks it sucked .

Good choice. It'll be worth the time and money spent.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Sun 01/20/08 03:00 PM
Edited by PhoenixMatt0601 on Sun 01/20/08 03:00 PM

Yes, the compaint's about the movie come from people who don't know much about cinematography and lack any kind of credibility! They lack incite into what the director was trying to achieve here!

I totally agree with that. Everytime I hear people complain about this movie, I just want to smash my head through a wall. Fools! FOOLS! All of em!! laugh
Dum dum duuummmm

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Sat 01/19/08 11:03 PM

it was a pretty bad movie. There was no ending.

Umm.. yes there was. The ending was perfect in every way imaginable. Not to spoil it, but the ending is dark and brutal.. It's very realistic.

The movie is amazing. You may get a slight headache from the shaky cam stuff... But other than that, its excellent and VERY MUCH worth seeing in the theatre.

And the monster was not lame at all. And Octopus? Where are you getting that? It didn't have tentacles or anything like that. It had a wicked tail, but.. yeah..

Here's a pretty accurate drawing of the creature:

It's not 100% right, but close enough.

The movie is really good. I think you need to see it for yourself and not listen to morons who bash it for stupid reasons like:

-The filming was awful
-the monster looked stupid! (first of all, it looked cool... secondly, the monster is not the point of the film)
-There was no ending! (there definitely was, moron)

All in all, it's a love story set in a chaotic 9/11 esque situation. It's about love, friendship and questions how you would react in a situation like this.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Fri 12/21/07 11:50 PM
I just watched the director's cut. It's actually better than the original version. Although his escape from the nut house is a bit different. It's the version from the workprint.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Fri 12/21/07 11:53 AM
Donnie Darko is actually my favorite movie. I was like.. just sitting there at the end in a "oh my gosh" state.

American Beauty was fantastic as well.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 06:51 PM
The movie scared the piss out of me. And the uhh.. one particular scene in his basement.. had me ballin my eyes out. Excellent movie though.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 06:42 PM
Again, it was good.. Just not as good as it should have been.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 01:43 PM
happy :heart:

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 01:38 PM
Here to help.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 01:29 PM
Tomorrow morning you'll find gray hair.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:58 AM
There's nothing wrong with it. YOu need time for yourself.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Thu 12/20/07 02:24 AM
It was pretty good. It could have been a lot better, but it was still enjoyable. The beginning was good and the last 30 minutes or so was good. The middle... meh.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:07 PM
My hair was like.. Red, a month or so ago. But it faded. So now, my hair is it's natural self (black, blonde, brown mix) with faded red streaks.

Ive been wanting to do it blue and green.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:04 PM
Axe Phoenix. happy Love dat stuff.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:48 AM
Women are evil... That's for damn sure.

But like.. What about my needs! *sighs* frown

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:43 AM
The Sounds - Tony the Beat (Brooklyn Fire Remix) bigsmile

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:18 PM
Umm the dude from Batman Begins did a good job. So.. bleh!

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Tue 12/18/07 08:48 AM
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a sign of weakness... But this was well written. I just don't exactly agree that suicide is selfish and what not.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:21 PM

I wanna fight the guys that created New Coke back in the 80's. They deserve to die, be ressurected, and then die many more times over for creating that crap.

HEY! Stop right there Mr! You're takin it too far. laugh

No way. They must pay for that

I will destroy you, good sir!devil