Adultry punishment in the bibile. From NIV bibile
deut 22:22. If a man is found sleeping with another man wife both the man who slept with her and the women must be die. Levitcus20:10 both the adulter and the adulteress mus be put in fire. Mark 10: 11, any one who divorce his wife and marries another women .. Commet adultery aganist him. I nothecd here by living in usa that more than 80% of population is divorces . People divorced each other and marry other people and consider tham selve christian MARK.. MARK I AM ASKING FROM YOU IF A WOMEN DOING SEX WITH DONKEY. SEX WITH DOG. SEX WITH CAT SEX WITH HORSE. SEX WITH BULL. SEX WITH SNAKE . SEX WITH HEN. WHAT WILL BE THE PUNISHMENT FOR THAT.........LOL.......... |
The bibile into two part, the old and the new. The old testment and the the new testment. The complate bibile the old and the new contain 37 book. Ther fore the old testament of the catholic contain 46 book. However the new testament of both these sects contain 27 book. The quran tell us that the tohra was the revelation given to prophet mosex (pbuh) jew which is condider to the old statament this revelation is not present in original form. Jesus(pbuh) was given calld injeel. Which was the gospal of jesus. The gospal of jesus(pbuh) is no where to be found we know that jesus preached the gospal where is it. No one in the right mind. According to methew, mark and johan. We know that word bibile is not present in the Christan will blindy say that the bibile present in its original form. According to john, methaw luke the authour of bible is The bibile is hunders of version no one similer to each I2s mean u make it in your charch. Its not the gospal of jesus.
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. I will not respect ANY FALSE SHEPHERD! I will not respect ANY SHEPHERD! Take the Adult mind here? I knew the Bible backwards and learned that Christianity perverted it's own teachings. I have not insulted Mohammad. I stated facts. If I called him a camel (insert a derogatory word for sexual congress) that would have been an insult. I despise the pope. Several of them were indeed homosexuals and two of them on par with Caligula. Please do not try to compare education here. I read the Quaran and it is just as messed up as the Bible is. Have you read the Book of Mormon? I have. How many other philosophies have you studied besides Islam? I challenge you to read what the others say. I mean read on the Hindi religion. Likewise try understanding Buddhism. There is more out there than Christianity and Islam. And I would state facts about Mohammad in any Islamics face and be fully ready to make war upon that man or group. I am sick of having to be told to live in fear of anyone including God or Allah or whatever you choose to call him. Do you think I would face any Islamic without knowing that because of your own DAMN BIBLE we are at war with each other and I did not declare it? I will do whatever it takes to defend myself from Islam but I will not take the first shot nor will I turn the other cheek. When Islam turns away from Mohammad and accepts a more tolerant teaching leaving the Holy War behind I will then be at peace with Islam. Until then I have the eyes of suspicion upon all Islamic no matter how friendly or peaceful they appear. So don't threaten me. I have faced down Islamics twice my size. Do not assume I am going to fear any man or God. I grew up in fear. I am not afraid any more. What Islam will not teach you is that evil is part of man like good is. Even Christians get this so wrong. We are good and evil. We need to learn to live in balance and find the better way instead of trying to force each other to God's (Allah's) will. Islam is morally bankrupt like Christianity and Islam will be its own undoing. Real education did and is doing Christianity in. It can also be the undoing of Islam. That is why so many Islmaics fear Western education? whta bibile you gona teach me. This bibile who make by your owen. This bibile which differnt version presnt in every country. You not in front of me i will show how to respect of muhammad. How is possible to bring change in quran. Only in pakistan 25 lakh people who memmorize the quran. Leave this all its all bull ****, i challange all the christan and jew of the world memmorise me bibile in ten years. And i will memmorize the quran in 5 month. Common christan . If quran is fals i will fail to memmorise it. If bibile was fals you will be fail to memmorse bibile. You show just fals and null hypothesis. Lets common to pritical life memmorize the bibile and show me. Common, common , common. All the christan please accept my challange |
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. You seem to forget that Islam is the youngest Religion,and actually came into existence by pre-empting Judaism,Christianity,plus a few Pagan Religions in the Region! islam is the youn religion in all, but the growing rate is high from all, take examlpe of USA how many christan. Jew, accept islam in a month. Have you seen any muslam in USA , that he accept christan, or jew etc... |
Edited by
Sun 04/08/12 03:25 AM
first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. So your ability to memorize Quran makes it superior? You seem to forget that Islam is the youngest Religion,and actually came into existence by pre-empting Judaism,Christianity,plus a few Pagan Religions in the Region! its not my ability to memmorize the quran. Its the ability of quran that i can save quran in my memmory. But its abilty not presnt in ur religious book. This is the unique character of quran. I am a muslim it will be make me superior on day of judgment. |
Almighty allah
Did you ever stop for a while and asked yourself, what is going to happen to me the first night in my grave ? Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared to your grave ... Think about the day people will be carrying you to your grave And your families crying…think about the moment you are put in your grave Just imagine …yourself in your grave Down there in that dark hole Alone Its too Dark you cry for help But……… It is too narrow your bones are squashed You regret missing 5 prayers ,you regret listening music ,you regret not wearing Hijab You regret ignoring Allah ‘s orders But no ESCAPE …… You alone with your deeds No money ,no jewelries, Only your deeds May Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) protect us all from the punishment of the grave. Ameen |
Almighty allah
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. He who memorizes them all by heart will enter Paradise." [Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 489] muhammad said. If a muslim memmorize the quran and than fallow it. He/ she will be enter to paradise with his/her ten family member. |
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. |
A Massive Flood
A massive flood once hit a town and a man climbs up to his roof. A boat came past and the captain said "climb in!" the man refused and said "No. I have faith in the Lord. He will save me." And with that, the boat sailed away. The water was getting higher now and it was touching his feet. A speedboat came past the captain said "Quick! Jump in!". The man replied "No. I have faith in the Lord. He will save me." And with that the boat sped away. The water was now up to his knees and a helicopter came to his. The pilot lowered the rope and said "Grab the rope. I'll pull you up!" The man said "No. I have faith in the Lord. He will save me. Finally, the water washes him away and he sadly drowned. In heaven, when he met God, he asked "Oh great Lord why did you not save me? I prayed and prayed for hours." God looked up from his puzzlebook and said "I sent you two boats and a helicopter. What more can I possibly have done?" ![]() ![]() ![]() god help us. Some time directly and some time indirectly. It was a indirect help. But the man refuse it. God promise with us. I will give you for eating. I will give you for dressing. I will give you for drinking etc. But god dont promise for it. I will keep meal directly in your mouth. |
Hi guys :)
Edited by
Sat 04/07/12 07:10 AM
Im new to all this, first time on a dating site ![]() you are welcome. Hope you will find for what you are looking....:) |
Muhammad order it 1400 years ago, when education word are not present in europe and america. haha ![]() FACTS Mohammad / 570 - 632 AD/ he was illiterate ========================== EUROPE: Thales (636-546) Greek philosopher,historiographer Anaximander of Miletus (c. 611 - c. 547 B.C.) the first map of the world Archimedes of Syracuse (c.287 - c.212 B.C.), a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer Herodotus (c. 484-425 B.C.) is the first historian proper Seneca (BC 300 -) Roman philosopher Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC/ a Greek philosopher Pythagoras [570 BC - 470BC] philosopher, mathematician Socrates (c. 469-399 B.C.) Greek philosopher Democritus (b. c. 460) Greek philosopher Proclus (A.D. 8 Feb 411-17 April 485) Greec-roman philosopher and mathematician Epictetus (A.D. 50 - 138) Roman philosopher Catullus (c. 84 - 54 c. B.C.) Latin poet Ovid (43 B.C. - A.D. 17) was a prolific Roman poet whose writing influenced Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dante, and Milton. yes muhammad was an illiterate, and the fact behind that, if he literate, so the people blame that.,The Quran is written by muhammd its not the book of god. |
are you a procrastinator ?
Have you ever faced or currently facing the problem of procrastination? How did you overcome it or trying to overcome it ? am good sleeper an dealy an every work alway i force to myself, i will be........ But it become only a perception. |
Every month I get a few interested people who say my profile rocks, I get some who ask me incredibly dumb questions, I get a nice share of hate mail for comical reasons. The rest is made up of those whom I am friends with and we banter back and forth. Also that one guy who wants to know what kind of mice I like to eat. (You sir, are just plain odd) I do get some nudges, but for the most part ignore them since frankly I find them somewhat rude unless I know you already. I get plenty of views. Some friend requests. I have no expectations. I find that too limiting and confining. Why do people sign up on a "dating" site with no expectations??? in case of me. I sign up with full confidence but now i am limit to forum only. But in forum all are aged and retired people......:( |
killing people for natural resourses. It is a peace....:o what natural Resources? Talking Huey again? How come Pakistan has been interfering in Afghanistan sonce the Russians left,or actually even before that? What is your Interest? The only one mining in Afghanistan are the Chinese,protected by NATO! So much for the US and Afghanistan's Natural Resources! ![]() So you still dream about World-Conquest,do you! Peaceful,ain't it! ![]() i dont dreaming to conquer the world, and my intrest is that to push USA from afganistan. Even if i lose my mother. father, sister brother in the war. But i will kick USA from afganistan. Its the dream of every pakistani and majority of afgani. |
That is quite convenient to say yet when a woman faces criminal action as in SHE was raped she needs witnesses and if there are none she is a whore and adulteress. Granted not all Islamics like Christians are so fanatical about their religion BUT the HUGE fact here is that Respect and Lip Service Respect are two different things here. Now let us look at Saudi Arabia, Women are not allowed to drive, they are not allowed to own property, they are not allowed to have businesses. Here in America and most of the world Women are allowed Jobs, Businesses, and Property ownership. Also it is quite convenient for Islam to force a woman to cover herself up because MEN cannot control themselves. In your world if someone raped MY daughter or wife I would cut the fuquer's hand off as well as castrating him. I would do it publicly. I would not let Islamic Justice punish MY women for some other man's lack of self control. Also in Islam it commands a husband to strike his wife if she displeases him. Sorry but a proper family a man does not have to smack up his wife. Likewise a woman in Islam is subject to utter servitude like property. If he sells his wife for an hour to another man it is not adultery in Islam but a man making money off of his property. And god forbid a woman should raise her voice against Islam in any way. Women barely have any rights if any in Islam. and the sick thing is some women prefer to live like that while others revile that way of life. Now i will admit for a change someone is actually Discussing Islam because I get into these discussions and many Islamics get pissed off when I ask the same hard questions I did of Christianity and the answers and responses are the same hostile rebukes of questioning THEIR faith. It is my belief rankly if yo. Lets me know from wher you read these all ****. I read new thing from you in islam. What are u saying its not a islam. Lets come to matter. In case of rape. If witness are not present. So alternate option are present to provide justic to the women. Women can do business. Women are allowed for owen property. Khudija the wife of muhammad she was a business women. Women can do business, can keep owen properity but , under islamc law. If a women doesnt cover her body, these are the presdisposing facotor of adultary, and adultry is sin in islam, and sin is not limit to sex. Where you read it, in islam wife is the properity of husbend and he can sell his wife. Even islam force that, man responsible for home ecnomy and if a husbend mistreat his wife. So she can get divorce. She is free for decision . And about education . Islam say get education from mother arm till to death. Get education even if you go to china for education. Getting education is the deuty of every muslim man and women. Muhammad order it 1400 years ago, when education word are not present in europe and america. |
You give reference of aytullah khaimani. The authour of this book is SHIA and shia is non muslim. If you read my preivious post i explain it. In case of ashia. And muhammad it was the order of allah... So its enough.
Marrige before puberity is not allowed in islam. Dont give reference of shia book, shia is not muslim. And shia is not representive of islam. |
We are happy every were. These the islamist who shitting ur NATO in afganistan. Shame on NATO cant face taliban in afginastan. These are the islamist who make islamic atom bom ( pakistani atom bomb) watch your history, we rule on you for many century . Remember sultan salahudin ayubi. WE rule on spain. We spread the islam from saudia arbia to africa, europe, asia america. Dont be so happy we will come back and we will show you what is islam and what is muslm.we will occupy the world its the promis of god with us. ... we want iran with atomic power....... so why is Taliban always running,and courageously killing their own?![]() ![]() its only propanda of you media. Ask from a soldure who had fyt in afganistan. He will satisfy you. No Honor to hide in Civilian Clothes among Civilians Backshooting clearly marked Combat-Troops! Actually Taliban is lucky that,for some reason,which escapes me,the United States has decided to fight a PC-War! US also decided to run away from afganistan. Caz your soldure not able to face taliban. When USA gonna to lose they decide to talk with taliban and taliban dont want so. Wher your B52 bomber. Wher your F16. Wher your guide measile. They are all fail in afginistan. Lets make a conclusion. Consider if taliban having same weapon like USA. Is it possible for taliban to occupy USA in a month.. you must be a comedian.. that is some seriously funny ****.. its not a joke its universal truth USA gonna to lose the war. Watch US army in afganistan.even taliban killed those 20 US commandos whos done usama operaton in pakistan. the fatal flaw in your argument is that you can only lose a war that you fought all out and surrendered.. this conflict has never been an all out war waged by us. our rules don't allow us to kill the cowards that hide in mosques or stand behind children. as for your theory that given equal weapons the rag tag opium smoking donkey fning taliban could take America in 30 days is just too funny.. the muslim armies that had 20 to 1 superiority over the little Jewish state of Israel and had the top of the line Soviet military weapons got their a$$es handed to them.. when was the last time a muslim army won a war? 600 years ago? muslim armies are so incompetent that they can't even win when they are the only 2 armies fighting... iran/ iraq hahahahahahaha here we talking about taliban. Musilm won a war 600 yers ago. Lol. Who beat rusia in afganistan. Who make USA super power. After beating rusia USA become super power. And who are the winner of present war taliban or USA. Afgan taliban cant reach to isreal, if they reach so you know. 99% taliban are pukton and pukhton present only in pakistan and afganistan. And if you wana know the bravity of pukhton. Ask from rusia. How they treat rusian in afganistan. And how now they are shitting US army.:D your right, nobody has ever beat Afghanistan in a land war... but you gotta remember why we are there. Taliban really has nothing to do with it, that is just a cover story from the US government. The real reason is the trillions of dollars in natural resources, the gold, lithium, copper, aluminum and others. the war on terror is really just a cover story, they want control of things over there. to controll resources of afganistan. Its a dream of USA and pukhton neva full fill it. Usa will be collect dead body of his soldures instead of natural resources. ![]() killing people for natural resourses. It is a peace....:o |
We are happy every were. These the islamist who shitting ur NATO in afganistan. Shame on NATO cant face taliban in afginastan. These are the islamist who make islamic atom bom ( pakistani atom bomb) watch your history, we rule on you for many century . Remember sultan salahudin ayubi. WE rule on spain. We spread the islam from saudia arbia to africa, europe, asia america. Dont be so happy we will come back and we will show you what is islam and what is muslm.we will occupy the world its the promis of god with us. ... we want iran with atomic power....... so why is Taliban always running,and courageously killing their own?![]() ![]() its only propanda of you media. Ask from a soldure who had fyt in afganistan. He will satisfy you. No Honor to hide in Civilian Clothes among Civilians Backshooting clearly marked Combat-Troops! Actually Taliban is lucky that,for some reason,which escapes me,the United States has decided to fight a PC-War! US also decided to run away from afganistan. Caz your soldure not able to face taliban. When USA gonna to lose they decide to talk with taliban and taliban dont want so. Wher your B52 bomber. Wher your F16. Wher your guide measile. They are all fail in afginistan. Lets make a conclusion. Consider if taliban having same weapon like USA. Is it possible for taliban to occupy USA in a month.. you must be a comedian.. that is some seriously funny ****.. its not a joke its universal truth USA gonna to lose the war. Watch US army in afganistan.even taliban killed those 20 US commandos whos done usama operaton in pakistan. the fatal flaw in your argument is that you can only lose a war that you fought all out and surrendered.. this conflict has never been an all out war waged by us. our rules don't allow us to kill the cowards that hide in mosques or stand behind children. as for your theory that given equal weapons the rag tag opium smoking donkey fning taliban could take America in 30 days is just too funny.. the muslim armies that had 20 to 1 superiority over the little Jewish state of Israel and had the top of the line Soviet military weapons got their a$$es handed to them.. when was the last time a muslim army won a war? 600 years ago? muslim armies are so incompetent that they can't even win when they are the only 2 armies fighting... iran/ iraq hahahahahahaha here we talking about taliban. Musilm won a war 600 yers ago. Lol. Who beat rusia in afganistan. Who make USA super power. After beating rusia USA become super power. And who are the winner of present war taliban or USA. Afgan taliban cant reach to isreal, if they reach so you know. 99% taliban are pukton and pukhton present only in pakistan and afganistan. And if you wana know the bravity of pukhton. Ask from rusia. How they treat rusian in afganistan. And how now they are shitting US army.:D your right, nobody has ever beat Afghanistan in a land war... but you gotta remember why we are there. Taliban really has nothing to do with it, that is just a cover story from the US government. The real reason is the trillions of dollars in natural resources, the gold, lithium, copper, aluminum and others. the war on terror is really just a cover story, they want control of things over there. to controll resources of afganistan. Its a dream of USA and pukhton neva full fill it. Usa will be collect dead body of his soldures instead of natural resources. ![]() killing people for natural resourses. It is a peace....:o |
We are happy every were. These the islamist who shitting ur NATO in afganistan. Shame on NATO cant face taliban in afginastan. These are the islamist who make islamic atom bom ( pakistani atom bomb) watch your history, we rule on you for many century . Remember sultan salahudin ayubi. WE rule on spain. We spread the islam from saudia arbia to africa, europe, asia america. Dont be so happy we will come back and we will show you what is islam and what is muslm.we will occupy the world its the promis of god with us. ... we want iran with atomic power....... so why is Taliban always running,and courageously killing their own?![]() ![]() its only propanda of you media. Ask from a soldure who had fyt in afganistan. He will satisfy you. No Honor to hide in Civilian Clothes among Civilians Backshooting clearly marked Combat-Troops! Actually Taliban is lucky that,for some reason,which escapes me,the United States has decided to fight a PC-War! US also decided to run away from afganistan. Caz your soldure not able to face taliban. When USA gonna to lose they decide to talk with taliban and taliban dont want so. Wher your B52 bomber. Wher your F16. Wher your guide measile. They are all fail in afginistan. Lets make a conclusion. Consider if taliban having same weapon like USA. Is it possible for taliban to occupy USA in a month.. you must be a comedian.. that is some seriously funny ****.. its not a joke its universal truth USA gonna to lose the war. Watch US army in afganistan.even taliban killed those 20 US commandos whos done usama operaton in pakistan. the fatal flaw in your argument is that you can only lose a war that you fought all out and surrendered.. this conflict has never been an all out war waged by us. our rules don't allow us to kill the cowards that hide in mosques or stand behind children. as for your theory that given equal weapons the rag tag opium smoking donkey fning taliban could take America in 30 days is just too funny.. the muslim armies that had 20 to 1 superiority over the little Jewish state of Israel and had the top of the line Soviet military weapons got their a$$es handed to them.. when was the last time a muslim army won a war? 600 years ago? muslim armies are so incompetent that they can't even win when they are the only 2 armies fighting... iran/ iraq hahahahahahaha here we talking about taliban. Musilm won a war 600 yers ago. Lol. Who beat rusia in afganistan. Who make USA super power. After beating rusia USA become super power. And who are the winner of present war taliban or USA. Afgan taliban cant reach to isreal, if they reach so you know. 99% taliban are pukton and pukhton present only in pakistan and afganistan. And if you wana know the bravity of pukhton. Ask from rusia. How they treat rusian in afganistan. And how now they are shitting US army.:D your right, nobody has ever beat Afghanistan in a land war... but you gotta remember why we are there. Taliban really has nothing to do with it, that is just a cover story from the US government. The real reason is the trillions of dollars in natural resources, the gold, lithium, copper, aluminum and others. the war on terror is really just a cover story, they want control of things over there. to controll resources of afganistan. Its a dream of USA and pukhton neva full fill it. Usa will be collect dead body of his soldures instead of natural resources. ![]() killing people for natural resourses. It is a peace....:o |
Shah Massoud beat the russians with weapons like the stinger missile given to him by ..... The United States.. Shah Massoud was no taliban or pashtun.. Shah Massoud was a national hero assassinated by your beloved rag tag donkey fning opium smoking taliban.. During rusian war. All afgan take pat in war if they are pukhton or not. But pukhton nation was the key point if you watch holly wood movie about rusian war theyy all focus pukhtoon nation if you watc rusian movie about afgan war they also focous pukhtoon nation not shah masoud. U say shah massoud beat rusia its good jok. Sha masoud and his army was limt to a particular aria of afganistan. When rusia get kick from afganistan. Foue major group arise in afganistan. Shah masoud was the man of USA. dostum group support by rusia. Gull badin group supportd by iran. And taliban was supported by pakistan. When taliban know that the above people are the DOG of usa. Russia. And iran. They start fight aganist tham, finally taliban get the vectory. When USA attack on afganistan. . dostum met hand with USA . And that was the mean reason USA keep steps on afganistan land. |