Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Sat 10/03/20 09:07 AM
well, I certainly thought I had won yet to my surprise I now find I did not. just another thing here to make me depressed. I hate to lose and by the looks I can never win at this

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Fri 10/02/20 11:58 AM
looks like I won

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Wed 09/23/20 10:51 AM
he is the most beautiful, big tremendously wonderful president we have ever had

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Thu 07/09/20 05:33 PM

Does sex on first date make the Lady cheap
Some men continue to believe that women should be shamed and held to a different standard than men when it comes to sexual behaviour . .. what do you believe ???

I am totally in disagreement with the double standard. Cause check this out, we are all grown adults here so my words might seem a little harsh but hey like I said we are adults, we know wtf sex is and why people do it. Every living thing on this planet has sex. We are the only creatures that associate sex with love when in fact it has absolutely nothing to do with love. Some people may think otherwise but it is how we reproduce. How every critter on this planet does it. In my opinion if a female choses to have sex with whomever she choses and at whatever time she elects as long as she maintains her equipment (clean of smell and debris) and if she has a partner full time that he or she is made aware and agreement is met then it is perfectly fine. Quite some time back I didnt feel this way. I too associated sex with love. It is not. I could go on and on about this but thats not the point I am making about love but point is men should not degrade a female for doing wth ever she damn well pleases just as us men do. Granted if you have a partner of commitment then you are obligated to acknowledge their thoughts and honor them if you do truly love your partner. Double standard was put into effect by society.

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Thu 07/09/20 03:40 AM
is there cash and prizes in this game?

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Tue 11/12/19 08:08 PM

Thinking... Makes my balls itch.

Is that a good thing or bad thing? laugh

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Tue 11/12/19 06:42 PM
your settings lock me out. so I am unlocking them here

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Tue 11/12/19 06:41 PM
why is it every time I expose myself that the ones I expose to get mad but if a girl does it back to me I never get mad

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