Community > Posts By > muzikmaker

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:11 PM

HELL NO! Those people usually have guns!noway

Gotta agree with Whisper on this one. Deadly might turn out to be me.

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:03 PM
Did you know that you can kill your dog by feeding it grapes or raisins?

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:02 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....quick!! someone hand me a blindfold!

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:00 PM
did you know that red food dye is made from little red bugs?

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 08:50 PM

just laid in bed and wished someone was there to share it with you

Just a couple of months ago, I had an opportunity to visit Chicago, but wanted to avoid a motel/hotel charge. A guy with whom I had been Iming and chatting with via phone for a couple of months invited me to stay at his apartment.

He had finally narrowed his 'search' down to three ladies, of which I was one, and in the end, choose one of the others, making me a 'runner up'. I went to his apartment knowing he was planning on meeting her for the first time within the month, and of course I knew meeting him would hurt because I had REALLY grown to like him, but life goes on........

In payment for his hospitality, I offered to give him a massage, which he gratefully accepted. He is on his feet on concrete all day long and has foot and leg cramps, pain, etc. OF COURSE, even though I am self taught, I give a very professional massage and never compromise my clients privacy.

We had discussed our 'relationship' ahead of time and that there would be no fooling around, so when it came time to retire for the night, he asked if I wanted to sleep on the couch or else he would. I told him I wanted to sleep with him, no fooling around, as agreed. He said.....'OK' he didn't believe me.

We did sleep together, even spooned. It felt ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! Neither of us touched anything we shouldn't....It just felt SO GOOD! I forgot how much I missed human touch/closeness. Especially the non-invasive intimate kind....if there is such a thing.... (hey! I just made up a new term!) It wasn't as difficult to control myself as I thought it would be considering how sexual I am. And deprived. It helped that he behaved himself, too. I would do it again in a heart beat!

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 08:11 PM

huh Why cant I get a straight answer out of any women on this subject?huh

laugh I think there is a double standard:tongue:

My opinion: A mans biggest fantasy is to be with two women. I think women are more likely to try it just to please their man. Even if they are not gay/bi. Men don't fantasize about another man unless they are gay/bi. And because of that woman don't think about it.

Actually, that's what a cuckold relationship is all about. A 'bull' joins the relationship to service the woman while the partner watches. Of course, there can be varying degree's of involvement on the voyeurs part, depending on the bull's willingness to becomine involved with him, as well. But as a rule, there is generally NO involvement between the men.

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:58 PM
Alright, true confessions here....just what you were waiting for, right?

I've been IM'd by SEVERAL men on another site in regards to some REALLY kinky sh@t. Including voyeurism(sp), cuckold relationships and even animal sex. I have no idea why they pick on me. I think I look perfectly innocent, but anyway.....

Since it's been so long since I've had even straight sex (6 1/2 years since my husband was killed), all these suggestions and 'testimonials' peaked my interest and I did some Internet searches. I have to admit it has really been a trip and I get turned on easily'm willing to admit it would 'do something' for me, at least once, anyway.

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:26 PM
I just re-read the's only a PICTURE of a pickle! Yikes, I thought I was getting the real thing.....whatever....ohwell

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:23 PM
where is that information I asked for? I can't consider spending 25 cents more until I have that information!

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:21 PM
$1000.25! This really is the most I have ever bid for a pickle!

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:19 PM
I bid $500.25. This is the most I have ever bid for a pickle!

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:08 PM
I think we need to have more is this a Gerken or a slippery Jim or one of those HUMUNGOUS Dills that only fit 8 to a 2 gallon jug?

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:41 PM

Well, how it looks from here is that you aren't over her. If you were, this would be a non-issue.

Yea, to be totally honest though, I probably won't ever be TOTALLY over her. It's just something I'm going to have to deal with.

Post....I hate to break your bubble, but you WILL eventually be totally over her. Give yourself some time and don't torture yourself with 'what if's'. Unless you were both willing to go for counseling...NOTHING HAS CHANGED! You will do fine....get on with your life and thank your lucky stars this is happening now. Imagine getting back together with her and having to face this same dilemna 5 years from her because NOTHING HAD CHANGED. Better to toss 2 years than 10. brokenheart

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:30 PM

I'm one of those that carry a "few extra pounds" but I also was a caregiver for 7 yrs and stress does horrible things to a body. I got myself into a program and have lost 57 lbs in a yr and a few sizes and still working on it. But does that mean I should put my social life aside until I'm thinner. I have never been skinny and wouldn't want to be..I"m neat clean, nice looking and fun to be with.. Take me as I am and you might be surprised!! :smile:

I couldn't have said it better....have been a senior caregiver for 3 years now, but before that, had over 400 foster kids in 15 years. Talk about stress!! One of them sexually assaulted my 5 year old daughter and another burned our dairy barn to the ground! And just about every other conceivable scenario in between. You live in crisis mode and don't realize how out of control your life is! And then your husband gets killed....don't talk to me about stress.....just pass the Alprazalam, haha

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:09 PM
s1owhand has a really GREAT idea....take dancing lessons! The female/male ratio will definitely be to your advantage and you will have the pick of the pool. AND.....dancing is SO SENSUAL....what better way to see if there is a spark between you?

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:00 PM
Edited by muzikmaker on Sun 07/13/08 01:01 PM

I just have realized lately that i am more attracted to women who are older than myself than girls who are my own age or younger. I was wondering on what advice you could give me on meeting someone who is older and might have an interested in me.


HI.....actually, it depends on how MUCH older you are talking about. I sure don't feel almost 60 and when I look at most pix of 60-ish guys on various dating sites that are available, I am a trifle taken back at how OLD they look and wonder if people think that when they look at me. I do realize I have excess adipose tissue that is filling out the wrinkles and we've gotten to be really good friends by now, lol.

What I AM finding, although not in that a lot of guys my age are on medications and are having ED. For that reason alone I would consider guys several years younger than myself, as an active sex life is very important to me. Considering how young you are, I would think one of the most important things is to make sure you are not an airhead....come across as very mature and not desperate and older women will be attracted to you.....Good luck in your quest....:heart:

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 10:14 AM

I have to agree with Kleisto. I know of what I speak, because as a former foster mother of over 400 kids, I have found that retaliation only adds fuel to the fire. They may have been drinking and if this is part of their lifestyle, there is quite the potential to become....and remain....unreasonable. And you never know if they are some of those kooks that solve things with a gun. Better to say something in a polite, light-hearted way. And if that doesn't work and there are a lot of other houses around that have the potential to hear them, call the cops and tell them you think someone is getting hurt. They could think it was anyone and maybe they will be embarrassed enough to shut up.

This was meant to be a light hearted post, second, I stated that I could sleep through any noise when and if I need to sleep ( they don't know that)I was up surfing the net ( the only reason I heard them( they also do not know that) I also stated that it is my second week at this new house and do not know the natives would or would not take to me. I have no intention what-so-ever of confronting them ( I live here on my own) I will let someone else call the police and I doubt they have a gun ( not so easy to get guns here in the UK) Legal or other-wise.

Bonny, so sorry I missed that....please excuse my enthusiasm to 'fix' the sounds like you are doing fine on your own flowerforyou

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 09:09 AM

love love love nothing like a woman picking out cucumber...I use to pull up a lounge chair but the damn store security ruined thatgrumble grumble grumble

Personally, I don't think that's nearly as interesting as watching a man pick out a muskmelon....or two...(hehe)

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 08:55 AM
I have to agree with Kleisto. I know of what I speak, because as a former foster mother of over 400 kids, I have found that retaliation only adds fuel to the fire. They may have been drinking and if this is part of their lifestyle, there is quite the potential to become....and remain....unreasonable. And you never know if they are some of those kooks that solve things with a gun. Better to say something in a polite, light-hearted way. And if that doesn't work and there are a lot of other houses around that have the potential to hear them, call the cops and tell them you think someone is getting hurt. They could think it was anyone and maybe they will be embarrassed enough to shut up.

muzikmaker's photo
Sun 07/13/08 07:36 AM
I stopped at a bar to get a soda to try to keep awake the rest of the drive home and noticed a gorgeous trophy at the other end of the bar. Being the shy, reclusive type, I wandered over and commented to the three guys nursing their brew that it was the most beautiful trophy I had ever seen.

The older gentleman asked who I was and when I introduced myself, he asked how old I was and if I was married (32 and no). He said..... referring to the owner of the trophy (who, BTW, had won first place in state competition for sharp shooting)....then this is the guy for you...."His name is Jim, he's 35 and he's not married, either". I went up to Jim and put my arm around his shoulder and said..."I'm so glad to meet you....I fall in love with all guys by the name of Jim".....6 months later TO THE DAY we were married.