Community > Posts By > Singer_Guy_Face

Singer_Guy_Face's photo
Sat 11/02/13 10:29 PM
These are original lyrics I wrote for the last band I was in:

This enemy is subtle
It tricks the conscious mind
Leads into illusions
Disinterring in visions
Any indecision
Relentless and Unkind

For there is no avoiding this truth
An endless battle rages on
A fight between yourself and an opponent unseen

A forward movement nowhere
Meaningless and strained
No rest within the violence
Mind numbing the silence
Standing in defiance
With nothing left inside

You lack the will to wonder
Is there something more
Confidence is shattered
Hope eradicated
Left broken and jaded
Deceived and overborne

But there is no redemption in shame
Obsessing over what is past
Results only in endless pain
Release yourself
Be free at last

Locked within an empty room
Broken by insanity
Lost within the pain of fate
Embittered by humanity

Singer_Guy_Face's photo
Sat 11/02/13 10:25 PM
Band: Porcupine Tree
Singer: James Keenan