Attack of the Veggies or Purple Death, Milky white center!
I have a very good friend with an absolute hatred for eggplant. While talking one day I admitted to her that I hated Lima beans. In fact, I'd had a hatred for all things Lima since I'd been a little boy. We agreed that if the two were to combine into one, they would form the most hideous substance in the world. On that note, I wrote this: Once upon a time, not long ago, when people lived in huts and grew their food in rows. There was a little town called South Hampton by the Sea, And all the people there lived in extasy! But there upon a hill in a house made of wood, there lived an evil scientist whos heart was no good. The folks in that there town had made fun of him you see, and it was in his head to let them feel his misery. So he decided to make a monster that would make them die of fright, but couldn't think of nothin' scary enough, (he really wasn't bright). So he asked his little nephew, "Hey just what is grossest to you?" And his nephew promptly told him, "Eggplant and Lima beans EWWW." "Aha", thought the Mad Scientist, "Now I have to the plan!" "I'll make an evil veggie out of Eggplant, Beans and sand!" So for days he toiled and and suffered in his workshop under ground, Until he finally finished and his monster came around! Out the door he pushed it and he pointed at the village, "Kill yon mean old people, Smush them, smash and then PILLAGE!" 12 feet of purple Eggplant walked, on legs like collared greens! And everywhere it went all the people were heard to scream! "Save us from this evil! Oh God help us were in need!" "We're sorry evil scientist for all our evil deeds!" Then out of one small house came a little peasant girl. She looked at the evil eggplant and her eyes began to swirl. "I hate eggplants." She screamed, "And you promised me, oh mother!" "That never again would I eat one, just the thought does make me smother!" And with that she ran up on it and she slapped it with her hand, And out gushed milky bean juice, purple mush and then some sand! "You saved us little girl! You turned that monster into GOOK!" "I do not like eggplant," she said, "They simply make me PUKE!" The moral of this story is, there is no sense in it, Except that Eggplants and Lima beans will always taste like ****! |
The Chill
nice read, thank you
I was wondering what you meant by two poems?
Tangled, dense, heavy is my heart. Once more, by choice, I slid down this hill, knowing that a sharp-toothed monster waited at the bottom. Pain raises its hand against me, encompassing my mind and hindering my release. Peace. The tease, I seek. I cry out to God, but my heart is not there. Another want has taken his rightful place. How do I, knowing what I know, continue to do what I do? What mis-leads my mind into believing that this time could be different? I make these decisions. I accept that fully. Forgive me for my foolishness. I am crying out, once again, for acceptance. Untidy heart, I lay no claim to you. I rebuke you and reclaim my heart of joy. No longer a toy. This man with the heart of a boy. I reject your ploy. Soft and comfy inside but hidden in a shell of the strongest alloy. My light shines forth, blinding those nearby. I cry. But they're tears of overcoming. Overcoming this indignant desert that I chose to wander. My want of water has caused me to drink from the glass that was forever close. I shove that glass away. Not today. Today I pray. Today I close that door and choose to ignore. Untidy heart I sweep away the webs and spring clean the forgotten corners. Words of power spoken into me by my father. Word curses hurled by an angry mother like David's stone. Striking bone. Causing me to fall. I stand up and choose to live. To give. To forgive. From now on my mind is a sieve. Evil things pass through and I keep the good. I choose to awaken, armed with the sharp tools that God has given me to succeed. To feed, to breed happiness. That is my seed. I plant it in fertile soil. A smile here. A hand there, spreading good feeling. Think, Act, Feel. Thats the deal. Change the way you Think. Act like you choose to be. And you will Feel the way you want. Ignore the Devil's taunt. He has no power over you. Untangled now is my heart. Once more, by choice, I Almost slid down that hill. *** I have noticed, from talking to friends, that there inevitably comes a time in everyones life where we need to make a decision. Do we continue to harbor feelings of blame against our parents for the way we were raised or do we decide to accept responsibility for the way we ARE now and forgive them for being human? I've chosen to be responsible. The alternative is a very hardened heart that will never know satisfaction. I know people like this. I choose to not be one. |
The Other Side of Rain
Hey, still have my number? give me a call and tell me how youve been. |
The Other Side of Rain
Edited by
Tue 12/02/08 09:57 AM
Where on earth have my feelings gone? Replaced with numb, dumb, thoughts of emotion. I hide myself behind a curtain of rain. Hardened is my heart to the outside eye, But inside Im soft like cotton Thick skinned but thin organed, every word hurts. And yet I let the wounder in again, and again, and again. “I hate loving you”, she says, “And its your fault always”. “Why cant you be the man that I thought you were?” “You were never the woman you needed to be to have the man I am”, I tell her, but as usual it goes in one and out the other. Im forever responsible. I’ve tried every way possible but its NOT possible. Nothing can fix this and and now Im afraid that, even if a miracle occurred, I’d not believe. Its too late. I’ve told her never again. I will not take her back. She runs with it, but keeps poking. Texting, calling. Little mean things to remind me that somewhere she is there and she has not forgotten. She won’t let me forget. She doesn’t WANT me to forget. Control is and has always been her issue. I’ve moved nine hours away from my son, to hide from her yet somehow she still knows. I remember the glory days when things were bright and she was my sun. Shining, glowing, I felt the heat of her passions and fell in Love. “When did it happen?”, she asks me. “When did I fall in love with you?” I tell her she never did. She cannot love. She can only own. I refuse to be owned. I fight the hook. I’m determined that I will be the one that got away. How many others has she done this too? I’ve read the letters. I’ve seen their pain. The ones she said treated her so badly. That caused her to be this way. Their complaints are the same as mine…. Maybe they aren’t as bad as she claims. My whole world is in shambles. What is there to believe from her? Who is she? How can she say the things she says? How can someone enjoy causing so much pain? She hurts. She aches. She wants to cry but can’t. She has begged me to help her. Some part of her knows what she does. Borderline is what the therapists say, but never to her face. No one ever says anything to her face. They tell me, then suggest I run away. I ran. But I left something behind. Where on earth have my feelings gone? How can I return to the other side of rain? |
The proudest Day of My Life
Is your mother anywhere around this site, or perhaps the other one? Um What? |
The proudest Day of My Life
Ah thank you folks, but I no longer have him. His mother divorced me and married her boss, and they weere able to take me back to court. After 2 years they took Josh from me and gave him to my ex.
I no longer see him regularly. |
The proudest Day of My Life
Edited by
Sat 11/29/08 04:52 PM
The Proudest Day of my Life
Three years ago my wife and I divorced and the court awarded me primary conservatorship of my son, Joshua. Being a father was something that I had never planned on. I waited eight years before giving in to my ex-wife's wishes to be parents. I thought that having a child would slow me down. Ground me. Restrain my freedom of movement. I lived the outdoorsman's dream life, an Alaskan sportsman. Why would I ever want to ruin it by having children? On June 6, of 1999 my son was born and all my misgivings were tossed out the window. Why on earth would I ever NOT want to be a father? Forget adventure, fishing, hunting and skiing! I just wanted to spend time with him. We left Alaska and moved to Texas because we did not want to be introducing him to his grandparents once yearly. How amazing to me that being a father could make me change not just my lifestyle but my environment like that? I was a very good dad. The court in Texas is not known to favor Father's and yet they chose me to be the primary parent, and there was no way I was going to let them down. Consistency was my primary focus. Especially because of the upheaval his mother and I had introduced into his life because of the divorce. I believe in strong boundaries and I had rules that were not stretchable. Joshua knew in advance what the repercussions were before he ever committed a transgression. I had talked to counselors and they all agreed that the key to Joshua adjusting well to his new situation was not leniency because I felt sorry for him, but maintaining strong boundaries to make him feel more comfortable. My hometown's Elementary schools have a system of colors designating your child's behavior. A yellow means they got in trouble once that day. An orange was indicative of multiple acts and a red meant a trip to the Principals office. One yellow meant that Josh lost a privilege the following day, Computer or TV. Two Yellows in a week was a spanking. an Orange or a Red was an automatic spanking. One week Joshua came home with an Orange on Monday. We talked, and Joshua got a spanking. The next day was a yellow, and he was spanked again. The third day was a red, and Joshua was spanked once more. Thursday he came home crying. I asked what was wrong and he said, "Daddy, I get another spanking today." My heart was broken. There was no way on earth that I wanted to go through that again. I looked at him and I couldn't help but to cry, "Joshua, do you know how much I love you? Do you understand that the last thing I want to do is to spank you?" He said yes and looked at me crying. "What am I going to do? Joshua, I don't want to punish you, I want to hug you. Do you believe me?" Joshua hugged me, sobbing, and said, "Yes Daddy, I'm sorry, I don't want to make you spank me. I want you to hug me too." We sat like that for half an hour, crying, until we both fell asleep. The next day I picked Josh up from school and the first thing I asked when he got into the car was, "How did you do today?" Joshua answered, "Daddy, today I get a hug." Every day after that for six months I was answered with the same reply; "Daddy, today I get a hug." One day Joshua's Principal called me at home. "Mr. Szilva", she said, "I have something special for Joshua at the awards ceremony tomorrow and I think you might want to be there". I told her I wouldn't miss it for the world. The next day I entered the auditorium of Hartman Elementary and took a seat in the front row. Sitting cross-legged in front of the stage were all of Hartman's students. I made out Joshua and got his attention, waving at him. On the stage, behind the podium was a single chair, sitting up there all by its lonesome. I pictured the Principal, Mrs. Speicher, using it while she addressed the crowd. Instead she walked in, and addressed the students from the auditorium floor. "Today', she announced, "I'm happy to give an award to a very special student. This student has made me prouder than any other child I've known and this award is the most special one I've ever given. This young man has had a difficult year, starting it out with yellows, oranges and reds every week. This has changed though and I'd like Joshua to please come take the seat on the stage. Joshua looked up with shock on his face. He'd had no idea he was getting anything at all. He looked at me with his mouth opened then headed to Mrs. Speicher. Mrs. Speicher draped a ribbon with a medal on it around his neck, and pointed to the solo chair sitting on the stage. "Joshua has not had a bad mark in six months". She announced and lead the crowd in applause. I watched my son sitting there, and could not help but to cry. In public. I did not care, that was MY son and I would never be prouder in my entire life. Joshua sat there like a little gentleman and every once in a while he'd look over at me and give me a quick wave. I am so glad I ruined my life by having a child. |
The Man I Want to Be
This is a story about a hero and a small town. This is a true story.
Here is a letter I wrote for one of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure too know. In loving remembrance; Donnie Worthington "Do you know how old I am?", "YES Donnie, I know you are 50! You ask me that every time I see you!" Today a hero passed away and right now I'm wishing that he would ask me that one more time. Nine months ago I moved into Lakeside Village here in Wylie. Among the first people to welcome me was Donnie. I'd seen Donnie around, everyone had. With his head down and his letter jacket on, Donnie would be walking all over town, but more often heading towards or returning from the High School where he volunteered. I'd underestimated Donnie. I went by appearances and kind of blew him off a bit. I was probably a bit patronizing in fact. As those of you familiar with Donnie know, Donnie was a very special man. He was a Special Olympian who loved to show you his medals. He had dozens of them and carried them all by their ribbons on a coathanger. He made it his job to guard those of us who lived near him. It wasn't uncommon at all for me to come home and find Donnie at my door telling me that my apartment was secure and that he'd continue to keep an eye on it for me. Then one day about 3 months ago I received news that my father was going into surgery for emergency triple bypass. I was downstairs praying with another friend when Donnie came out. He asked me the situation, gave me a hug, prayed for me, then went back into his house. A couple minutes later he returned and handed me a five dollar bill. "Take this and use it for gas", he said. "I know its not much but its all I have. I'd give more if I had it". I tried to argue with him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. ...And that was Donnie. Willing always to help. And that is what he is famous for. Donnie did more with what God gave him then most people who you would consider to be normal. Donnie was a Hero, plain and simple. One of my Heroes, and I'm going to miss him. This entire town is going to miss him. Donnie is an icon here. Bigger than life. He's Radio to the Wylie Pirates. This little man gave all he had to anyone who needed it and for nothing! There is a lesson in this. God gives us health. God gives us life. God gives us love. USE IT. Wylie, Texas was a small town when I moved there. A very small town just a few miles from Plano Texas and only 20 miles from Dallas itself. Southfork Ranch, the home of the Dallas television series is only 10 miles away in the town of Parker. In 1977 Wylie fielded its first and last state championship football team. In Texas, where football is king, that was monumental. The players on that team are still, even in 2008, heroes of the town and can't buy a beer or a meal anywhere they go. Strangely enough they're all still in town too, working as Groundskeepers for the school district and other labor type positions. Its almost like they'd rather go through life at minimum wage than move away from the fame they earned as teenagers. One of those team members was a special needs kid named Donnie Worthington. Donnie did not play, but he dressed for the team. Donnie was the water-boy, the towel-boy and honorary coach's assistant. I moved to Wylie in 2001. At that time the population was 8000 and if you wanted fast food you had two choices, Wendy's or Taco Bell. We had one supermarket and you had to drive 15 minutes to find a traffic jam. Within a few years the population had reached 30,000 and we had a Walmart, an Albertson's and 6 lanes heading into and out of town. Still the it maintained a small town feel. Farms were randomly placed in neighborhoods. One place even has a couple of camels and zebras living in the front yard! Donna was a fixture in this town. He was the town mascot. 30 years after his team took top in state, Donnie was still here, given a position at the high school as an honorary coach. He was a very busy little man, walking everywhere. At 6:30 am you would find him in his letter jacket, proudly displaying his championship patch, hiking head down towards the high school. He seldom walked the entire distance, there was always someone who would stop and pick him up. I heard a story from a friend of mine. She was new in town and stopped at a light. Suddenly the rear passenger door opened and in stepped Donnie. Before she could ask what he was doing, he nodded at her and said, "Thank you ma'am". She realized that he was different, and drove him up the road to his home. That was Donnie. He was so used to being loved and loving, that it never occurred to him someone might not know who he was. I met Donnie when I moved into my apartments. Every single day Donnie would greet me with "Do you know how old I am?" and every day I'd answer, "yes Donnie, your 50." Step two was him showing me his special Olympic medals. It wasn't until my father's surgery and Donnie's gift of $5 that I really put him where he needed to be in my regard. Donnie was an amazing man. As amazing as any war hero. As amazing as any star athlete. As amazing as any celebrity you could ever want to meet. There's a movie in Donnie's life and the way he touched my hometown. It's an Oscar winner, and I picture Paul Giamatti playing the starring role. A well written mixture of Rudy and Radio. There have been times when I've hated living there, but right now I miss it, because Wylie has a heart. Donnie's heart. Drive through town today, 2 years after his death, and you will still see "In loving Memory of Donnie Worthington" signs in the store windows. Donnie was a Christian at its base level. The BEST level. How incredible it must be to know God on his level of focus? Without the influences of life that most of the population suffer from? How awesome to have a child's heart, mind and faith at 50 years of age? Heaven is better off now, than it was 2 years ago because this incredible little hero lives there. And one of these days, I get to see him again. |
Thank you very much. Im a photographer. Writing is something that I've never really tried before.
My child, my soul, my heart, my hurt...
Where were you when I needed you? Always a father I sought, rejection was what I found. Non-verbal, non-committal, unresponsive, unfeeling. Where were my lessons? Where was my knights training? Young man sent crashing into the world. Hell-bent on getting by, Heart rent but never cried. At some point my father died. Love me I begged, when I saw my friend's Dad's, resenting them deeply, never realizing how sad. At thirty I became what I never had. No experience had I at being a Dad. Praise God, my King, for rescuing me, and making me the father I never did see. My son, my child, my heart, never hurt. for you to know God is my life's work. The man Im to be is because of you. Seeking God in my life, one of the manly few. Dis-jointed and random are my thoughts. The thoughts of a man in the brain of a child, in the mind of a teen. Never bad for long because my spirit is filled. Forgiven daily, my job also is to forgive, to learn to trust, to teach to forgive. To live, to give, my heart is Christ's bedroom but my mind is a wordly sieve. Clearly I think jumbled thoughts. All my ducks are in a row except for one that cannot swim. It sinks instead. Dead. And up jumps God's Holy Ghost to ressurect it and again my mind is mine. Forgive me King for not forgiving. Forgive me 7 x 70 for not thinking heavenly. My hero, the man I sought as a child was always there. Why did I fear? He held me dear, eyes filled with tears. |
Neurotica (rev)
lost in your own pyschotic, self flagellation inhibits you, but someone will see you as exotic. Personal dislike and hatred cloud your mirror, hiding from you the person that other see. The power comes from learning to feel free, to be, to liking your me. Scars become bars that hold you in and keep others out. no doubt. But life deals pain and pain teaches character, And character makes you lovely. You'll see. |
Toaster Girl
Edited by
Fri 11/28/08 09:56 AM
Folks, I realize Im putting three different threads up here in just a few minutes. This is stuff I've written in the last week and have been looking for a place to post. Quite frankly I'm trying to get more people to check out the blog. The base idea for the blog is to write about internet dating and how strange relationships are nowadays. This is a true story btw. I met her on about a year and a half ago. Her name was Stacy and we got along wonderfully. Its very seldom that I meet anyone attractive to me that lives nearby... and she lived only 45 minutes away. We talked for a couple of nights online and she made the suggestion that we meet and see if the chemistry continued in person. So I said yes. The next day she drove the 40 miles from her town to mine, and we met at my apartment. Yes, I know, big mistake, but I'm a big strong guy right? What do i have to worry about? First impressions were good. She was very pretty and and had an innate sensuality that I look for and am very attracted too. She came across as very shy and a bit quiet, but she was obviously intelligent and was able to converse. Game on! Maybe this would be a success! We had a wonderful date. We visited the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, had a very early dinner, and returned to my apartment. We agreed to meet again, and Stacey left for home. I picked my son up from my ex-wife's and we settled in to watch some TV. Roughly an hour later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there was Stacey! "Hi," she said, "Look, I want to tell you something." "Oh hell," I thought, "Here it comes..." "I think your my soul mate, I know that's fast, but I knew it when I first saw you and I want to ask you a favor." I asked her what that might be and she said, "Please don't hurt me. I may be in love with you already and If your not going to be in love with me, please let me down now before I get hurt." I explained to her that, althought I had a wonderful time on our date, I was not in love with her and I did not feel that we were soulmates. Im a bit old fashioned, and while I believe love at first sight is possible, It hasnt happened for me. I told her that I needed to put my son to bed, and I asked her to leave. She called me 5 or 6 times on her way home, but I did not take the calls. Over the next week she called several times a day, but I ignored them all. One week after our date, I was sitting in my living room when I heard a knock. I opened the door and there she was, standing outside my apartment holding a box with a toaster in it. "Hello," she said. "you haven't been answering my calls. Look, I noticed when I was here last that you did not have a toaster, so I bought you one. Would you please call me?" I reasserted my feelings about her and stated plainly that she was creeping me out and I would not be staying in touch. She put the toaster down at her feet, told me thank you, keep the toaster, and left. My son suddenly appeared and yelled excitedly, "WOW Daddy! Is that a toaster?" I said yes, and he said, "YAY we can make waffles! Who gave it to you?" I told him Toaster Girl had been here and he has called it the Toaster Girl Waffle Cooker ever since! The last time I heard from Toaster Girl was roughly a month later. While sitting at my computer I recceived a text from her; "Hey, this is Stacey, can I move in with you?" My answer was; "Sure, but I'll need a stainless steel Fridge to match the toaster you got me." I haven't heard from her since.... |
Legs crossed, sitting on the floor.
I remember. It was her smile. Never mind her beauty. Nevermind her style. It was her laugh. It was her glow that kept me, that made me want to know. Even then you were special. Complex, I was always on my toes. Just your skin, the glow within. Just your lips, your hips, your joyful grin. Your arms, your legs, your graceful back. Your hair, so fine. Your eyes, like mine. All wonderful, All beautiful. All trivial. Its your child-like dancing nature that makes you desireable. Its your inquisitive little girl that makes you who you are. Eyes wide, heart huge, voice filled with excitement. I want more. Independent and yet so dependent. A graceful spirit pulls, pulls, pulls, like a magnet. Your words never cease, they flow. Sometimes turbulent, sometimes peaceful. Always a window. Sharp tongue belies soft heart. Hardened by choice, softened despite it. Which is you? I think I know. I remember you, you make me break things. I dream to repair what Ive broken. Give me your heart. |
Thanksgiving and Single
It's Thanksgiving day and I'm sitting here alone, cooking a chicken for myself. My father is coming over in a bit, but he's currently just as single as I am. My mother has left him after 35 years of marriage.
I'm not especially sad, I could be spending this day with someone, but I choose not too. Maybe that's a sign of healing. In three years time, dating the same woman for the majority of it, I've spent three holidays with her, and she broke up on one. Such is life dating someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. This is not about her though, this is about me. I was awakened this morning by texts from an ex-girlfriend. She has had three dates that I know of this week. Guys are literally fighting over her time. Another ex-girlfriend messaged me yesterday. She was upset because she wasn't seeing her boyfriend enough. "I'm only seeing him for five minutes at a time and I need more". I'd kill to be seeing someone for five minutes at a time. Honestly, I'm nowhere near where I need to be to be dating. My last relationship kicked the living **** out of me. I put so much into it, tried so hard, so many ways and failed everytime, but not because of anything I did. I failed because she has an illness and nothing I could do would ever matter. I've loved three women in my life. My ex-fiance I met when I was 18. We dated for a year before I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Ten days before our wedding date, she disappeared. I know where she went, and I know why she did it, and I also know that within a few months she had realized she'd made a mistake. By that time I had moved on. I hadn't just moved on, I hardened my heart. I became confrontational, angry, arrogant, overbearing. I did not like myself much. My second love was my ex-wife. I met her at a party and she got so drunk that we had to change the party's location because of her crying. A few days later a mutual friend set us up and we began dating. We married in 1992 and had our first and only child in 1999. My ex-wife did not get a good deal when she got me. I was not the good guy I had been before my ex-fiance. She married the hardened, sarcastic man that I became afterwards, but that was ok, that's what she had grown up with, so it felt right for her. Having my son changed me. Joshua amazed me. He gave me life. He made me want to be worth him, and my walls dropped. I remember one day specifically where I could literally feel the anger seeping out of me. I began to like people again. I fell in love with my wife and I became a great husband and wonderful dad. I learned to cook, to clean, to care for people. I began to like myself again. My church asked me to work with the youth based on my relationship with my son! This unsettled my wife and she found someone else. I'd just become too good for her. How crazy is that? She married her boss within a few months of our divorce. Amazingly enough, the judge at our divorce trial gave me custody of my son. I lost custody of him 2 years later. My third love was my recent ex-girlfriend. I met her at a church meeting and for the first 6 months we were friends she was morally and ethically above reproach. She made me sit on a different couch so that we wouldn't be faced with temptation. We tried doing everything in a Godly manner. She was so very impressive! Beautiful, intelligent and joyful. I knew she had a past, a very sordid past, but I also saw daily evidence that she was working on herself and making changes. I knew this was possible because, after all, what had happened in my life? After being friends for months we began dating and everything changed in an instant. I remember going to her house to prepare for our first date, and this woman who demanded that we not share a couch answered the door topless! She walked around her house asking me what shirt she should wear and I just stood there confused. What the hell was going on? Our first date ended with me driving her home and her completely naked in my car. I had to carry her upstairs like that and put her to bed. Needless to say, I gave in and hell ensued. Three years of dealing with massively changing moods and her sexual instability. Demanding we be celibate and telling me that I needed to be a man that could say no to her, and then an hour later walking up to me in nothing but a miniskirt and 6" heels and telling me, "Say no now". I've finally, after three years, rid myself of her emotionally. She still harasses me with texts and calls, but I can deal with them now. No, I cannot just change my number, its a business phone, but I am able to ignore her and not respond. This does not mean I like being alone though. I think about it a lot. Thank heavens I'm not the kind of guy that will take any warm body to fill the emptiness. I'm too stubborn for that. I demand chemistry. I will no longer settle for less than I deserve. Less than my son deserves. I have messed up some good possibilities in the last couple of years too. I have hurt people I care for because I was not over my borderline girlfriend. Who knows where I would be right now if Id been thinking levelly? So, I'm sitting here alone on thanksgiving and I'm giving my thanks Thank you to my good friends who have been through all of this with me and still accept my calls. Thank you Anna and Good Jennifer for still being my friend after I mangled your hearts. Thank you Joshua for being my son. You amaze me and you make me so proud. I promise you I will be strong and be worth your consideration. |
Media Player
Edit: Just noticed you were having problems with VLC, 0.9.2 has just been released, download it and have a go. --- Download this VLC: It is stable as a... ummmmm stable, plays almost everything you throw at it and is customisable. Its not the prettiest media player, but who wants to be shallow. ![]() Ta, Chris. I support this commercial 100% VLC is very good, even handling subtitles as additional files, My media player wont touch that. |
Matchmaking Game - part 141
Im good, very dull day but ive got a home show this weekend so there will be something to do!
And Im sitting here, feeling lonely and wondering to myself: "Steve, your sitting here feeling lonely and wondering to yourself why are you alone..... got an idea.... Leave the house!" I make a lot of sense when I take my own advice |
Matchmaking Game - part 141
same thing i do every night pinky....
Try and take over the world... |
Matchmaking Game - part 141
Hello again all!