I just want to ask this to anyone against gay marriage: How does 2 people of the same sex marrying effect YOUR daily life? Does it take food off your table? Clothes off your back? A roof from above your head? Does it leave scars? Does it make your significant other love you less? Does it make your children grow purple horns? If it doesn't effect you, why does it matter to you? It doesn't effect me, I believe anyone who wants to marry should be able to and there should be NO issues with it. There shouldn't have to be a law instated for it, because in all honesty there shouldn't be any laws against it. Its unethical. Did you know that there were NO laws against it until recently? It was a deterrent Bush used to get our minds off the war and onto something else he wanted to screw up. Well, it is kinda gross seeing two guy kissing. |
Edited by
Wed 12/17/08 12:27 PM
: ![]() ![]() ![]() You want to talk Bible... lets talk Bible. The Bible also say it is not ok to Sin. Like adultery, stealing and lying.. and yet we continue to do this everyday. The Biblical rules are not there to condemn you like man's laws... it is a guideline... a way to show you, you are not good enough to get to heaven and that you need God/Jesus in your life. His Grace and Love even when you don't deserve it. The Bible didn't say drive a Car. The Bible did say don't be a part of the World and yet Christmas became a mockery of Christianity. Is it really about the birth of Christ or has it become a celebration of Consumerism. The Bible has talked about Blaspheme and yet every Christian Anti-Gay Rights and Anti-Abortion Leader are Blasphemous about God. There are a lot more important things in life than worry about two Gay guys having sex their way. You can't save them and passing the law and not passing the law will not save anyone from Hell. However, focusing on your own life can get you saved or save... which ever Christian religion you follow. Satan uses the Bible to condemn and shame people away from God. |
How about this...
Christians seems to be the one with the most problem with this issue... Gay people getting married... because it is the "magic" "Sanctity" of the Holy Union. Well too F bad!!! Until Christians can prove it is so Sanctify and Holy, you wouldn't have a 60% divorce rate. Higher avg. than the non-Christians. Bad marriages isn't because some Gay couple going to take away the meaning of Holy Union. It is taken away because Christianity has become Worldly. It has allowed Politics to mingle with Christianity for Political gains and power and MONEY. There is no Magic or Sanctity of Marriage.. or fair tale about it. It does not belong on a pedestal... it is nothing special... it is just hardwork for any type of couples to live together in any duration of time. Focus on your own marriage and family and how to make it better and F what a gay couple will do with their life... it is none of your business. You are not paying Taxes for their benefits... they are paying for yours. |
Edited by
Mon 12/15/08 10:36 AM
Tabloid trash eh? So a reporter expresses his moral outrage at Bush and that's tabloid trash? By the way this reporter is a citizen of Iraq who has covered the invasion and who has lost several family members in the war. Throwing a shoe or the showing of feet is a symbolic insult as the feet are considered the dirtiest part of ones body. If your country were invaded and your family killed and you expressed your moral outrage would you call that protest tabloid trash? Oh NO... we are there to save them... The people of Iraq loves us... at 11 Billion Dollars a month Tax Free money, they have to love us. One child or two is cheap for the price of Freedom. Throw in a mother in law and maybe brother in law, it is a bargain. |
Throwing shoes for insults is one strange custom to me. ![]() This is a culture of throwing stones at shameful people. Maybe it all started with, looking down for a stone.. crap no stone... maybe a stick... DOH!!! no stick... I need to throw something at that azh0@#... (while still looking down) oh wait my sandals, uh dam that cost me one month pay, but it is worth it to see him get the "Boot to the Head". |
...and they wonder why no one reads the trash tabloid news anymore. Come January the adults will have left the building while the inmates take over. It should be fun watching the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Two years folks! ![]() The Adults???!!!! WTF!!!! My 8 year old daughter could have made the same invasion order and not even seriously considered the consequences of that decision. An Adult don't laugh when a reporter just told, you have killed most prisoners on death role. An Adult can surround himself with dissenters like Obama, instead of ONLY Loyal Party Member "Yes" Men. |
So madisonman,
Would it be ok, if the Salvation Army... first ask if you are a Christian or not and than you are allowed to throw money into the Red Kettle. |
I am not worried about our Democracy or Representative Democracy.
I would be worried about the American Corporations driven by greed and capitalism... unbound and unRegulated. The Last 8 years has been crazy, not because of Bush... but the gov't movement towards representing the Corporation First and the People Second. We, the People don't have a voice anymore... or call it ACCESS to our gov't. Politicals (both sides) are more for CAMPaign Dollars than for our VOTES. A Rich person or Rich Corporation would have the ear of both GOP and Dem Politicians. AT the same time, We the People are being brainwashed and propagandize to support the Corporations' Agenda. Where is the Logic??? Why would a Middle class to Poor Americans support less tax for the Rich or over $250,000/yr. Why are we bailing out corporations and stiffing the workers... I just know when words like: Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, Loyalty, Patriotic, Freedom, God, Jesus, Abortion, Gay rights are used... it is used to stop us from thinking beyond the issue and asking "Why". |
It was funny when the Iranian President claimed "There are no Homosexuals in Iran."
In which it is partly true, Family members would kill the known said person. Tribal areas in Africa would do the same thing. So, I can't say it is environmental conditioning. My original theory was: the tight bond of religious rules over sexuality and over indulgence and lavish consumerism of the western society created an atmosphere for people to be obsence (sp?) with sexuality and thus choosing gay lifestyle. After hearing simple tribal lifestyle do have some gay people, I don't believe it is a choice nuture... it is something of nature. |
If you can't take the heat....get out of the kitchen. uh hmmm... it is TThhee Light of Truth... not the heat of hell. |
OH PLEASE................. Wooohooo!!!! Her LAST post was to me!!!! I am sorry (not really), I am more harsh towards my Christian Brothers and Sisters. I cannot standby when Christians misrepresent God. |
![]() HAHA!!!! Oh that is funny!!! What was the next picture in the series... the pink shirt guy getting beat up. |
![]() ![]() People in this Country are always talking about how free they are. A bunch of Crap. The only thing this Country is good at, is turning People against each other. After a few people die, then everyone wants to be united. I guess someone will bring up how bad it is in other Countries. Who gives a Damn, when you are tring too get your rights in this Country. Ever notice HATE-Groups love to identify with the Bible as for the reason why they do what they do. It says in the Bible, They mate with their own kind. Linddy... did you use that line back 20 years ago? So were you and are you against interracial marriages? Because at one point it went against the Bible, depending the popular interpretation of the times. My point is to prove that the Bible is used by bad people in what is seemingly good intentions. |
Wait a minute... what if the PEOPLE are being targeted to sway their votes and to get their money.
The number one Con out there is the RELIGIOUS card. The Republican party wouldn't be a party now after the cold war if it wasn't for the Christian Right movement. They cultivated the Pro-Life movement and the anti-Gay right movement to solidify their base of support. None of these issue would really effect any of our lives... no one is going to turn Gay tomorrow if not already one today. And none of you guys will ever have an abortion. IF you want your gov't back... take out the Religious Right movement. They are the source of EVIL. |
![]() You are such a bad person. It is like countdown to Christmas and it feels like ffffoooreverrrr. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am just trying not to think about it. Did anybody notice, Bush is smiling more and a little happier after the election? He thinks he is off the hook. I bet if Obama ask for the Presidency today, Bush would jump at the chance. |
Tell me why anyone....why does it always come down to religion on the gay marriage issues??? Because everyone else would give a mouse butt (translation: rat az) about two consenting male adults getting married... but the Christian Church Ladies think it is the end of the World scenario and a bunch of Men will instantly turn gay because now it is now ok to get married. hehe... Seriously, The Gay Issue is a Strong Heated Debate issue. Perfect Issue/Subject for the Manipulative TV Evangelists and Republicans to GAIN MONEY, POWER and VOTES. They easily have a willing followers of SHEEPS (not asking any questions "Why")that will accept their FEAR tactics into sending them MONEY and SUPPORT. The issue has NOTHING to do with GOD but the WORLD using CHRISTIAN Bible and Fears to CON easy brainless mindless sheeps that accept everything on FAITH spoken by the right people. Read, "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back" by Frank Schaeffer and "Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity" by Bruce Bawer |
Heros & Villains
The Worst 5..
Hmmm... I have to refrain because each did their best under their unique situations... the world situation, who was in Congress, the Public opinion, the complexity of Today's world and issues. I would say, we cannot ever have a President because we feel he or she has a seemingly Good COMMON SENSE. The job requires MORE than just COMMON Sense, because the devil is in the details. Common Sense would get destroyed in the political world of compromises and details. |
Heros & Villains
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 11:25 AM
So far for me, it is George Washington.
So many failed democratic gov't in the world... But Washington set the example of peaceful transitioning to the next administration. Power is tempting as you can see in the world how many leaders try to hang on forever, but Washington gave it up for the next President. I don't know who should be the next four on my list... yet. But, Quiet_2008... I like your Top 5 list... very good reasons. |
![]() You are such a bad person. It is like countdown to Christmas and it feels like ffffoooreverrrr. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 11:11 AM
Gay Right is only an issue for the Christian Right to get Money from their followers.
My kids are not going to be gay because they allow Gay marriages. There will not be a bunch of people turning Gay because it is ok to have a gay marriage. So, if it is a matter that it is a Sin against your God... than how many Sin have you committed against your God today? |