Community > Posts By > pimpwagn23
2011 NFL Season
I expected the titans to be a 7-9 team (approx.), however, I expected it to be because of chris johnson. At the beginning of the year if you told me that chris johnson will be a non factor, then I would say 4 maybe 5 wins tops. Hasselbeck has done well, which, I don't think anyone expected but a nice surprise for titan fans.
I'd love to be able to help you with question you have but yet you make no sense and your analogy did not help. What do most religious people do? What am I claiming to do? I have not made a claim.
religious and what? Please only use pronouns when it is clear what you are talking about.
Well that seems quite ignorant to say that what someone believes is absolutely wrong because you don't understand it. It's fantastic that you THINK that but yet you have no evidence so how can you be so sure? When ever you ask why, also ask yourself why not? It is fine that you would like to challenge the idea of someones beliefs, if the other person feels they need/want to be challenged, but to say that is definitely is not true is laughable at best.
I personally dont see, ![]() why we all, just cant, believe the way we want, and what we want, and not worry, or care, what anybody else is doing. ![]() Unless your trying to convert people. ![]() And good luck with that. ![]() God Bless ![]() The whole problem is a lot of Christians and religious in general can't do that. They insist their way is the ONLY way, and all others are wrong. So it's not as simple as live and let live here when you got people like that. Hence why there are those like me trying to defend others against them. Well I have my own individual way of thinking, and anyone who doesnt agree with it, can frankly, "Bite me", cause its non of their buisness. And I say that with all due respect. Im not gonna waste my time, defending the way I feel about it all right now, or later. Its my right, and my choice to do whatever I feel is right for me, as long as im not harming, or offending, anyone else, or myself. And quite frankly, I care not, how anyone else feels about what I do. Im learning to be more tolerant, and patient, and loving, so its all good right now, for me. I live my life, and let everyone live theres. The same way, I have my relationship with God, and other people have theirs. Im just glad to see that people do have a higher power, that they love, no matter what their terms are, or way of believing is. Whos to say, what anyone else should do, really? See you understand it, but a lot of religious don't. That's why people like me speak out, because someone has to stand up for what is right and against what is not. It'd be great if everyone let everyone else live and let live, but it simply doesn't happen that way. As long as there are people trying to force their religion and way of life on someone else, there will be those like me to combat them and protect those that are having it forced upon them. Because if we don't, who is gonna? If people wanna disagree and cast me out for it, fine, but it isn't gonna stop me from standing up for those that can't do it on their own. Are you entertaining the idea that anyone in this threads beliefs are "not right"? |
Christ without Christianity
It is different because there is only one God in the the OT. Period. The same as the mystical Taoist/Pantheist God. No different. Not Jealous. Not having any human characteristics. It states right in the Bible that the biblical God is a jealous God and it's one of the ten commandments that we are not to have any other Gods before him. Well, if there are no other Gods, then why even bother to make such a statement? How could anyone put another God before God if there are no other Gods to put before him? Clearly this is just one culture trying to create a religion that will trump the religion of their neighbors. This was a common theme in the Mediterranean region. Everyone was seeking to own the copyright on God, and the Christian historically won that war. Also, Jews at any rate do not recognize the name Yahweh - God is not name-able in the OT. This is a misnomer. Well according to Exodus, not only is the biblical God a jealous God, but his name is Jealous too! ![]() Exod.34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: So when you pray you better end your prayer with,... In Jealous' name we pray. Hey, I'm just going by what the Bible says! Exodus 34:14 Could this be an error in the Bible? Or is the Biblical God's name truly Jealous? Not necessarily. Names in those days weren't always the exact same name exactly. Say there was this guy named Joe. One community they may refer to him as Joe. But in another community they may refer to him as Jack, cause he knew jack squat. Names had meaning. Well either the bible is the infallible word of God, or it contains erroneous errors and falsehoods. It can't very well be both. So either the Biblical God's name is "Jealous", or the Bible is totally undependable, and cannot be trusted to contain truth. If you could not translate it then yes you would be correct. However, if you translate that into basic English you might get something like For you are to be worshipers of no other god: For the Lord is a god who will not give his honor to another I've already posted this once. For future reference to all your repeat questions you can look back in the thread. When translated to basic english you will notice the word "jealous" isn't used because english is not the same now as it was than. |
I personally dont see, ![]() why we all, just cant, believe the way we want, and what we want, and not worry, or care, what anybody else is doing. ![]() Unless your trying to convert people. ![]() And good luck with that. ![]() God Bless ![]() You are absolutely right. ![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy stop trying to convert people. ![]() Honestly, cowboy is in the right forum and was just answering questions and posting how he feels on the topic. It is abra who is trying to do the convincing. I'm happy that you find what satisfies you but why come in to a religious thread trying to pick everything apart. |
Kellen Moore
I too should wear orange and blue but for Florida rather, however, I choose the blue and maize and hope someday they will be contenders again.
hahaha yeah a little upsetting to say the least.
It's not like you could turn it off due to lack of scoring because it was the game of the century so you had to endure it. |
Kellen Moore
I know that the University committee cleared the decision, but I still think it would be a really bad move. Better to hold out for the PAC-12. Last I heard they were waiting for a few other teams to make their move first. I couldn't agree more. |
Kellen Moore
Yeah and that is a record that will last a while.
Fortunately for him most blue chip quarterbacks will go to a top team and have much more difficult competition. Have you heard any news on Boise going to the big east? |
What a dud of a game....... Couldn't agree more. But I guess it should have been expected since both teams have excellent defenses with lacking a offense |
Christ without Christianity
It is different because there is only one God in the the OT. Period. The same as the mystical Taoist/Pantheist God. No different. Not Jealous. Not having any human characteristics. It states right in the Bible that the biblical God is a jealous God and it's one of the ten commandments that we are not to have any other Gods before him. Well, if there are no other Gods, then why even bother to make such a statement? How could anyone put another God before God if there are no other Gods to put before him? Clearly this is just one culture trying to create a religion that will trump the religion of their neighbors. This was a common theme in the Mediterranean region. Everyone was seeking to own the copyright on God, and the Christian historically won that war. Also, Jews at any rate do not recognize the name Yahweh - God is not name-able in the OT. This is a misnomer. Well according to Exodus, not only is the biblical God a jealous God, but his name is Jealous too! ![]() Exod.34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: So when you pray you better end your prayer with,... In Jealous' name we pray. Hey, I'm just going by what the Bible says! Exodus 34:14 Could this be an error in the Bible? Or is the Biblical God's name truly Jealous? Not necessarily. Names in those days weren't always the exact same name exactly. Say there was this guy named Joe. One community they may refer to him as Joe. But in another community they may refer to him as Jack, cause he knew jack squat. Names had meaning. Well either the bible is the infallible word of God, or it contains erroneous errors and falsehoods. It can't very well be both. So either the Biblical God's name is "Jealous", or the Bible is totally undependable, and cannot be trusted to contain truth. If you could not translate it then yes you would be correct. However, if you translate that into basic English you might get something like For you are to be worshipers of no other god: For the Lord is a god who will not give his honor to another |
I don't think anyone is trying to convince you. You either believe or you don't. Don't be too naive about that. There are entire Christian website entirely devoted to evangelizing and spreading Christianity throughout the world. And they stress the need to 'target" non-believers. After all, what good would it do to evangelize to someone who is already sold on the religion? So YES, there are many Christian organizations whose sole purpose is to CONVERT non-believers into buying into the Christian religion. There are PLENTY of people trying to convince others that Christ is the "only way" to salvation. You're in total denial of reality if you aren't aware of that fact. Clearly you didn't understand those 2 complex lines. Let me clarify. In relation to the thread no one is trying to convince you to believe in something you clearly do not. I'm sure you'll find some way to pick that apart even though it is a very simple post. Well it's been my experience that many Christians outright lie about this. They are indeed trying to convince others even when they in denial of this themselves. Moreover, re-read your own post. You said, I don't think anyone is trying to convince you. You either believe or you don't. You personally may not be trying to convince others. But that's not what you said. You said that you don't think "anyone" is trying to convince you. And that is what I'm saying is extremely naive. ![]() You can ONLY speak for yourself. To think that no one is trying to convince anyone of Christianity is silly. Like I've already said, there are entire Christian organizations that are dedicated to proselytizing and evangelizing the religion throughout the entire globe. Christianity is historically a highly proselytizing and evangelizing religion. The Crusades were the epitome of that, burning down pagan temples and threatening people at sword-point that if they didn't confess Jesus as Lord they would suffer grave consequences. It's historically a quite hostile religion actually. And let's not even get into the horrible things they did to women because of their belief in a demonic "Satan". Burning midwives at the stake as "Witches" many of whom were actually Christians themselves! The religion doesn't have a very proud history. When it wasn't burning witches on stakes or threatening people to convert or be chastised it was socially crucifying scientists for discovering truths about the natural world that conflict with religious superstitions. Many Christian fundamentalists even today use the religion to argue against evolution, the age of the earth, etc. There are many people who have been adversely affected by this religion in this way. And let's not even get into the Christian hostility toward same gender relationships. Try telling people who are being adversely affected by this religion that no one is trying to convince anyone of anything. Good luck with that. Everything you said doesn't apply to this thread. Hopefully for your sake you didn't waste much time typing that. I am not nor would I ever try to convince someone to believe the same thing I do but merely answer a question they might have. |
Great and very interesting video! Thank you for sharing :)
I don't think anyone is trying to convince you. You either believe or you don't. Don't be too naive about that. There are entire Christian website entirely devoted to evangelizing and spreading Christianity throughout the world. And they stress the need to 'target" non-believers. After all, what good would it do to evangelize to someone who is already sold on the religion? So YES, there are many Christian organizations whose sole purpose is to CONVERT non-believers into buying into the Christian religion. There are PLENTY of people trying to convince others that Christ is the "only way" to salvation. You're in total denial of reality if you aren't aware of that fact. Clearly you didn't understand those 2 complex lines. Let me clarify. In relation to the thread no one is trying to convince you to believe in something you clearly do not. I'm sure you'll find some way to pick that apart even though it is a very simple post. |
I don't think anyone is trying to convince you.
You either believe or you don't. |
LOGICAL sense??? of course it won't make LOGICAL sense....cause GOD is SPIRIT, NOT LOGIC... ![]() That doesn't get God off the hook if it's acting evil. If WE know something is wrong and won't do it, you can bet every last dollar God won't either. As I said before, if God is gonna be higher than us, he is going to act BETTER than us, not WORSE. IT IS ONLY MAN'S LACK OF UNDERSTANDING ABOUT GOD, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.... NOT GOD. ^This |
All the verses I typed earlier were things the bible said would happen and they did I don't believe I was talking to you about it but I was asked to prove the bible has been accurate and I just threw a few verses out there that did occur
"The son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28)
He came to give his life, to die, and his death would result in salvation for others. This is the reason he came to earth, to pour his blood out for us. Every bible has worded different not sure on the version you have but Matthew 20:28 does explain it. |