viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:38 PM

noway noway noway where is the naked one

hey y'all
hey noel how are youflowerforyou

Did you want me to leave it uplaugh

wowzers..nice pic
what are you upto tonight

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:38 PM

there you go

Look down I posted
lol i saw

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:36 PM
there you go

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:32 PM

noway noway noway where is the naked one

hey y'all
hey noel how are youflowerforyou

Did you want me to leave it uplaugh

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:31 PM

hey y'all
hey noel how are youflowerforyou

hello are you?
im good and youflowerforyou

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:28 PM
hey Adirtygirlflowerforyou

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:28 PM

hey y'all
hey noel how are youflowerforyou

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:22 PM

buying a shade for it! stupid maintenance put a new light outside and it shines in my window at night. frown

Shoot the light outlaugh laugh laugh

i wish i could!
pellet gun should do the trick

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:20 PM

Well, I am but all I see is skin blushing which is better than a hat and boots any daybigsmile bigsmile

not naked i only have my hat and boots onlaugh laugh laugh laugh

oh my goodness.....<<closing eyes>>

Not me, I have mine wide open

***looks real close***
laugh laugh laugh

Looks ^ did I say that out loudblushing
yep you did merle laugh laugh laugh

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:19 PM

allright yall....I am headin out
bye iammedrinker

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:19 PM

buying a shade for it! stupid maintenance put a new light outside and it shines in my window at night. frown
get roman blinds they rock

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:16 PM

i don't know!
whered you have it last

if i knew, i wouldn't be having this problem :tongue:
what are you measuring

nothing exciting... laugh. a window.
whatr you doing to it

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:13 PM

not naked i only have my hat and boots onlaugh laugh laugh laugh

oh my goodness.....<<closing eyes>>

Not me, I have mine wide open

***looks real close***
laugh laugh laugh

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:12 PM
bye bill

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:11 PM

laugh laugh laugh

i don't know!
whered you have it last

if i knew, i wouldn't be having this problem :tongue:
what are you measuring

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:09 PM

Hey iame i guess we are old news i leave for a minute and a new guy takes my place laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ahhhh viral your not replaceable........
aww now im blushingblushing

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:07 PM

i don't know!
whered you have it last

if i knew, i wouldn't be having this problem :tongue:
what are you measuring

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:07 PM
not naked i only have my hat and boots onlaugh laugh laugh laugh

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:05 PM

i don't know!
whered you have it last

viraloneontheout's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:05 PM
hows that for a tease