But he isn't so smart as to be able to out think me. AndyBgood...I got you to admit that gun training should be mandatory...I accomplished my mission ![]() you deserve a good sleep my friend you started the debate ranting and ready to fight and bring thugs to the homeland security workplace (which is insane) .... and as the debate progessed you became calm (probably received an e-mail from the moderators) and in the end you agreed that gun training should be mandatory even for those that didn't have or own a gun...wowwwww.. even for those that don't have a gun????....even Obama wouldn't try to pull that one off......but knowing you it was probably your way to sneak in mandatory neighborhood watch.....ooops...er..I meant mandatory civil defense training but anyway AndyBgood...I'm proud of you |
Drones can be used for surveillance to possibly locate a suspect or persons of interest, doesn't mean the suspects has to be shot or the entire neighborhood blown away by Drone nukes
both the police and the former policeman suspect are only displaying what happens when people that are angry or afraid for their lives are willing ready and able to use guns to shoot innocent people, intentionally or unintentionally In the scenerio that is taking place In Los Angelas..Drones supplied with only a spit ball and a microwave pulse for a weapon would be safer and more effective than armed police |
But he isn't so smart as to be able to out think me. AndyBgood...I got you to admit that gun training should be mandatory...I accomplished my mission |
Pure troll, wasting your time. All he does is troll the religious threads, only reason he is back over here is because he knows others care about this topic and thus he has an in to troll you endlessly. Stop feeding him. Bushidobillyclub...are you still mad about how I used The Cosmological Argument to prove that you were an Agnostic? ...it wasn't hard to do since only agnostics start those silly threads also here in the political forum you have people taking about how Bush and Obama conspried to blow up the Statue of Liberty and the planet Zerkon but yet you call me a troll if you wish to attack me..then do it in a debate...not by being a coward by trying to induce others into a Witch Hunt ... |
No, Mandatory gun training to prevent gun related stupidity all around whether or not you own one or chose not to own one. AndyBgood...if gun training is mandatory, that would require a law ...it's Gun Control.....see how you and Obama are on the same page PUHLEASE! As if! Gun Control and a class on guns is not a matter of LAW! It is a matter of curriculum. Besides, gun control to me is putting the bullets into the intended target! I'm on the same page as Obama indeed! On which dimension? Not this one! AndyBgood...you agreed that gun training should be mandatory, ...and making it mandatory requires an Obama law.... you're not going to contradict yourself and claim that it shouldn't be mandatory...er...are you? so come on home to Obama Now you are just trying to follow the dog under the train. Likewise Obama LAW? Don't you mean executive order? you stated that gun training should be Mandatory whether one owns a gun or not....so what would it take to make your dream of mandatory gun training come true? |
The Pope Stepping Down
I was born Catholic, and I can attest that there are many good and humble servants in the ranks. Be that as it may, I hold no faith in institutions. I wont throw stones and ask that you don't either. Evil lurks at every point of leverage in society. Think about that and look around. Love is the mission and the wisest form of protest. asking people not to throw stones at the Catholic church is the same as asking them not to throw stones at the political parties ..also the church did try to hide child molesting priest and still do ..don't that deserve atleast one stone to be thrown the pope resigning goes against everything the Catholic church is about, they preach to others that illiness is a test of faith, but yet resign because of illiness there is something, not right that is taking place in the Vatican |
I don't have a 'cable box' so they don't know what channels I watch on television. you can't pick up any television channel service without a cable box... yes you can their are still ""for now anyway"" free over the air stations you would still need a digital (cable) box to decode the signal only if you dont have a digital t v and if you do...then the digital television becomes the cable box... |
No, Mandatory gun training to prevent gun related stupidity all around whether or not you own one or chose not to own one. AndyBgood...if gun training is mandatory, that would require a law ...it's Gun Control.....see how you and Obama are on the same page PUHLEASE! As if! Gun Control and a class on guns is not a matter of LAW! It is a matter of curriculum. Besides, gun control to me is putting the bullets into the intended target! I'm on the same page as Obama indeed! On which dimension? Not this one! AndyBgood...you agreed that gun training should be mandatory, ...and making it mandatory requires an Obama law.... you're not going to contradict yourself and claim that it shouldn't be mandatory...er...are you? so come on home to Obama |
The Pope Stepping Down
aren't Catholics/Christians supposed to die in the service or their lord, so the resignation can't be due to illiness, a grave incapacitated illiness would only be considered as a test of faith
perhaps the pope wants to die with a clear conscious after leading the flock astray in some way and the only way to do that is to resign the Pope never called The Abrahamic God by the name he first uttered unto Moses and even banish the name from songs and prays he refuse to call the son of the Abrahamic God by the name he commanded his followers to call his son which some has now turned into their God this means that the entire religion is worshipping a name uttered by Man but not uttered by their Abrahamic God and in doing so are worshipping a false god and all are destine to the lake of Fire or perhaps the Pope is just tired of wearing that Pope hat |
I don't have a 'cable box' so they don't know what channels I watch on television. you can't pick up any television channel service without a cable box... yes you can their are still ""for now anyway"" free over the air stations you would still need a digital (cable) box to decode the signal |
No, Mandatory gun training to prevent gun related stupidity all around whether or not you own one or chose not to own one. AndyBgood...if gun training is mandatory, that would require a law ...it's Gun Control.....see how you and Obama are on the same page |
If you call SS payments "tax" -- Yes I hopefully will get it all back if I live long enough. I think it works more like insurance. or a Pyramid Scheme |
I don't have a 'cable box' so they don't know what channels I watch on television. you can't pick up any television channel service without a cable box... The accuracy of facial recognition software is propaganda. It doesn't work well anyway. ok Special FBI Agent JennieBean When I renewed my drivers licence they took my picture and because my hair was different and I had no make up on their software could not even verify that I was the same person. I had to go home and get my birth certificate to get my licence replaced. the DMV is not the FBI Any actual person looking at the two pictures could tell I was the same person. Their computers couldn't do it, the DMV computers look at information not pictures...scanning pictures is the FBI's job.. so I'm not that worried about facial recognition programs or security cameras. your average seven eleven do not need or have this type of technology...so they probably just use the camera to see your face along with your license plates and/or tattoos, in which those that have such technology can access... They only know what I permit them to know. they permit you to believe that |
JennieBean..you mean you get money from the government you're always complaining about? wowwwwwwwwwwwwww
Its called retirement and they took money out of my paychecks all of my life for that purpose. I had no choice in the matter. Damn right I'm getting it back. I'll probably not even live long enough to get it all back. Not to mention the withholding taxes they took and kept all year long without paying any interest back to me for the overage they took and kept all year. so all the money the government took in taxes, you're getting it all back plus more ...wow what a country |
Well then, what have I been saying about something we need as gun owners? None of the classes are free. If anything guns SHOULD BE REQUIRED SUBJECT MATTER IN HIGH SCHOOL WHETHER OR NOT THAT PERSON CHOOSES TO OWN ONE OR NOT! Education goes a LONG way towards safety! My group teaches novices gun handling, cleaning, and safety to new people coming on one of our trips! But there is a huge difference between driving and gun ownership. One is a privilege (driving) and the other is a right (gun ownership). now I have been to hunter safety training and I actually surprised the instructors I had in that I KNEW WHAT WAS A SAFE SHOT AND WHAT WAS NOT! And this was in a a class of 30 people and some were active hunters. Hell, I was even given safety training in BOW HUNTING TOO! Not like any of this will prevent crime... So let me guess, now you are going to say I am some kind of hypocrite becasue I want people to LEARN how to handle a gun safely instead of assuming people just know? I didn't learn how to operate a Bulldozer until someone explained to me what all the levers on it were all about! I kept looking for a long lever for the clutch and it is actually a small lever these days! But just becasue I know how do drive a Bulldozer does not mean I will not find an unsafe use for it if I decide to be a dick! So let me guess, you are against education??? by "education", are you referring to madatory gun training as a requirement to owning a gun? ... |
Edited by
Sun 02/10/13 07:04 AM
I had a dream. Bit by bit, one small thing at a time.... we can take them completely down. ![]() ![]() Jeannie, I'm sure by now "they" know everything they need to know about you. ![]() They only know what I permit them to know. ![]() you permit them to know every website you ever visit you permit them to know every movie you watch on cable television you permit them to know with bar codes every purchase you make you permit them to know who you call on your cellphone you permit them to know everytime you go to sleep you permit them to know what toilet paper you use you permit them to know that special time of the month you permit them to know who visits you is there anything that you don't permit them to know? If you keep them busy tracking your mundane day to day spending and activities, then they are happy. you have been assimulated It is better to look normal and blend in. (It is when you try to hide, that you will really attract their attention.) resistance is futile 1. If you pay cash and you don't show them your Alco card or your Safeway card, they can't track who made the purchase. and you place a paper bag on your head so the cameras inside and outside of the place can't see you 2. I don't think they know what I am watching on cable. if your cable box know...they know 3. I don't use my cell phone for much at all. Its a throw-away pay as you go piece of chit. as long as you use a cellphone..you can be tracked as well as your calls 4. They have no idea when I go to sleep. lights and television goes off, cable box stays on the same channel, toilet stop flushing.....they hear Darth Vader....oops I meant they hear loud snoring 5. They have no idea what toilet paper I use. you take the bar codes off? 6. My special time of the month is when my SS check comes in. LOL JennieBean..you mean you get money from the government you're always complaining about? wowwwwwwwwwwwwww 7. I don't get any visitors. a person with tarot cards always get visitors.....real or imaginary ones ...oops I meant spiritual visitors |
maybe because she is a multi millionaire senator that feels she needs to be safe amongst the mongrel masses that vote for. "InvictusV"....perhaps thats why she is for gun control ...which is her attempt to help those that are not millionaires feel safe among the mongrel masses I guess if Suge Knight paid them enough.. it's a sure bet that it's more than minimum wage The average person has a drone base set up in their backyards just in case their neighborhood gang leader decides they need to do a fly by. isn't it your 2nd amendment right to have a predator Drone instead of an obsolete gun in case you are attacked by the tyrannical government...or gang members I dont give a flying f**k about the founding fathers or whether Jefferson f**ked his slaves. You or I can't do a mother f**king thing about what happened 300 years ago. You keep bringing this up like someone cares. Nobody fning cares what Jefferson did in his free time. He's dead.. You want to negate the document because the writers were hypocrites so be it. You apply that BS across the board then you negate just anything the government has done or will do. I only bring up the founding fathers when someone such as yourself start talking about how things use to be WOW.. is this obama the messiah worship? he has SAVED us.. Praise be Barack.. Barack, I love mingle.. yep, Obama has stopped the war and now bringing the troops home ....that's a good thing...er...isn't it? |
you actually believe that it takes a secret cabal to give the orders to assassinate an american that is overseas plotting to kill Americans?
Is it legal to assassinate a suspect now? JennieBean...when was it ever not legal? ...spies and officers were always assassinated in times of war Do you understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty? I guess you believe that on the battlefield before the troops shoot anyone they first hold a trial ...hey don't shoot at that foxhole at that person that is shooting at you because the person in it didn't have a trial yet Or is it Innocent until proven guilty or assassinated? in times of war..if someone is shooting at you or plotting to kill Americans..perhaps more than likely they are guilty..or perhaps we can all just sit around and wait until they fly another jumbo jet into a skyscraper and then the conspirsy theorists such as yourself can once again blame it on a President If they can legally do this to Americans abroad, how much of a stretch would it take to extend that to our own country. perhaps you should read about the civil war Then it will eventually be legal to assassinate suspected terrorists. is it legal to assassinate them if they break into your home? Do you know what it takes to be a suspected terrorist? Having a farmer's almanac and a map in your car, is one. Being an ex military with post dramatic stress is another. Having had any kind of mental evaluation where some kind of drug was prescribe is another. well if the person you are describing is carrying weapons..would you view them as a suspected terrorist? ...or perhaps as "a person of interest"? People will begin to fear even seeking any help for mental problems or stress. it's Free under Obamacare...people like free |
I am not weaseling out of anything. A teenager is not a 11 or 12 year old. At 13 kids deserve to bear SOME responsibility. But a 16 year old is a minor technically but they are allowed to drive. AndyBgood....what must a 16 year old and/or an adult first do before they are allowed to drive?.... are you saying the same should be done with having guns? you're the one that brought it up...so try to weasal out of that one without sounding like Obama |
How about a real issue instead of arguing over kids dragging guns to school... AndyBgood...you were busted stating that no child should have the 2nd amendment right to take guns to school "PERIOD".... and instead of admitting to your hyprocrisy, you instead try to make it go away by trying to claim that kids dragging guns to school isn't a real issue ...wow you and others sat in this forum crying crocodile tears about how the tyrannical government is taking away your 2nd amendment Rights...but yet look how you are so easily willing to dismiss the 2nd amendment rights of children Why do you think I said they HAVE TO CHECK THEM IN WHEN THEY ARRIVE? There is such a thing as some rare few schools in thee areas to have ARMORIES. That means NO GUNS IN THE SCHOOL PROPER! That does not mean they cannot arrive armed. They just CAN'T ATTEND ARMED. So I'm busted? How? You attempt again to put words into my mouth. The span of area between home and School does not count! So what part of CHECK IN YOUR GUN, do you also not get? Attempting to justify YOUR argument here? So again NICE TRY! sorry AndyBgood....you stated that children shouldn't be allowed to carry guns to school "period" ...if you forgot what you posted I've supplied the link below so that you can go back and read it POSTED BY andyBgood: By all rights children have no business bringing a gun to school PERIOD! http://mingle2.com/topic/show/344508?page=11 post 13 it's so fun watching you guys try to weasal out of the things you post/say .....just like the politicians you're complaining about |