Community > Posts By > tautologic
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Thu 07/05/12 09:33 PM
How often was she sexually active with her husband? The answer is very likely "Not often enough". Hate to break it too you but it is not always the woman who stops having sex with the man. Guys sometimes just loose interest in perfectly willing and desireable spouses just as often. Wheather it is illness of physical or mental reasons, diabetes, incontinence from prostrate problems, impotencecy, job loss, natural disaster's to a long list of other reasons to halt intimacy even hidden homosexuality. That is true. But it's far more likely that the woman loses interest in sex. Perhaps the man isn't meeting her needs if she's losing interest in sex. Applause! |
I don't acknowledge all that behavioral psychology stuff because it reads to me like justifications and excuses. "My wife doesn't understand me." It's whiny and begging for forgiveness. Kind of like "she nags and it doesn't benefit me so I'm out of here". |
First of all, I don't believe my parents "worked" at their relationship. I think they simply accepted each other as they were. I can remember only once when they disagreed. But, they had very clear rolls in the relationship. He worked and made the living, she stayed home, kept the house and raised my sister and me. I don't understand why a committed, sexual relationship should be work. I don't work at any of my other relationships. I think the more work you do, the more compromises you have to make, the more likely it is you're with the wrong person. I can get along with anyone that wants to get along. I'll do my part. All the same stuff I do as a single man (dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning). But, once the nagging starts, once she starts telling me how SHE wants me to be, I start packing my bags. She's no longer a benefit to me and has become a source of stress. So, I tell her, don't let that door hit your butt on the way out. BUT, THEY NEVER LEAVE They just keep nagging until I finally become angry enough to throw them out. You don't think it requires effort to be accepting? Perhaps they "worked" at shielding and protecting you and your sister from their disagreements by dealing with them privately. Rolls are a good thing. I think in todays day and age the traditional "rolls" have evolved/changed whatever you wish to call it, and frankly it doesn't matter who stays home or works, but I do agree that a family where at least one parent is home with the kids is best. Unfortunately our economy doesn't always allow for that. Also, you do work at all other relationships. You work at being peacable with friends, coworkers and strangers do you not? You accept other peoples failings and disappointments when propriety calls for it do you not? That requires effort. That requires patience. That requires time and emotion. As for compromise, life is full of it. Why should interpersonal relationships be any different? To fail to compromise makes one a very shallow person. Which by your last comment seems to be the case. How sad for you to be so selfish and deny another persons needs or desires. Perhaps you have experienced nagging because you failed to be giving in your relationships. One one point I agree with you, you are better off alone. This is a personal attack. I see no reason to defend myself to you as I've done nothing wrong. And there's simply no benefit in it for me. I'm done. Best wishes. If you want to see it that way, ok. Tootles. |
Oceans-Pearl Jam :)
Hiv tainted condoms
Since environmental transmission is nearly impossible, this story is a hoax. HIV is a very fragile organizm once outside the human body. It must be kept at body temperature 98.6 degrees in order to thrive.
What is love?
Love is not a feeling or an emotion. You don't have to learn how to hate someone or how to be angry or hungry or tired or how to be afraid of spiders. But you have to learn how to love someone and we all do it differently. Love is so important to human beings, that it's listed only after physiological and safety needs on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. First of all, I'm impressed you referenced Maslow. That said, I do think that you have to learn how to hate or be angry. They are learned responses to stimuli and/or experience. You aren't born hating. You aren't born loving either. When you think of newborns their instinct is what attatches them to their mothers. All of the senses are engaged to create that bond. From there, the love is taught, grown. So in a way, love is a sixth sense. Yes we all show love differently; and we love various people in our lives differently. But love in itself is a concept that is static. I can honestly say I never really appreciated true love until I had my own child. It was after that experience that I learned what love truly meant and was able to apply it to others in my life. |
First of all, I don't believe my parents "worked" at their relationship. I think they simply accepted each other as they were. I can remember only once when they disagreed. But, they had very clear rolls in the relationship. He worked and made the living, she stayed home, kept the house and raised my sister and me. I don't understand why a committed, sexual relationship should be work. I don't work at any of my other relationships. I think the more work you do, the more compromises you have to make, the more likely it is you're with the wrong person. I can get along with anyone that wants to get along. I'll do my part. All the same stuff I do as a single man (dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning). But, once the nagging starts, once she starts telling me how SHE wants me to be, I start packing my bags. She's no longer a benefit to me and has become a source of stress. So, I tell her, don't let that door hit your butt on the way out. BUT, THEY NEVER LEAVE They just keep nagging until I finally become angry enough to throw them out. You don't think it requires effort to be accepting? Perhaps they "worked" at shielding and protecting you and your sister from their disagreements by dealing with them privately. Rolls are a good thing. I think in todays day and age the traditional "rolls" have evolved/changed whatever you wish to call it, and frankly it doesn't matter who stays home or works, but I do agree that a family where at least one parent is home with the kids is best. Unfortunately our economy doesn't always allow for that. Also, you do work at all other relationships. You work at being peacable with friends, coworkers and strangers do you not? You accept other peoples failings and disappointments when propriety calls for it do you not? That requires effort. That requires patience. That requires time and emotion. As for compromise, life is full of it. Why should interpersonal relationships be any different? To fail to compromise makes one a very shallow person. Which by your last comment seems to be the case. How sad for you to be so selfish and deny another persons needs or desires. Perhaps you have experienced nagging because you failed to be giving in your relationships. One one point I agree with you, you are better off alone. |
Babies Behind Bars?
We are so quick to remove children instead of helping. Were such a vengeful, hateful and punishing society. If I thought you actually gave a $hit about these women and their babies I would entertain discussion about it. Why should society help or excuse antisocial behavior? Do you think that these women/men and their future criminal offspring give a $hit about the victims of their crimes? |
Babies Behind Bars?
Ok only to this point. If only the Mother's that deserve to be Mother's had children, and wow what a slippery slope that would be, there would be very few Mother's. But even if we said only inmates do not deserve to be Mom's, another slippery slope, we have to deal with the fact that so far thankfully we have in our society a higher threshold for withdrawing the privilege of Motherhood. Probably because, not that it is in the best interest of the child but the state. Most crimes are not directed towards the children nor are the incarcerations for a lifetime or for that matter the length of a childhood so families are re-uniifed and simply pretending it will work to vacate a particular child to an adoptive family isn't going to happen. As a society we can not afford to re-parent every inmates child. The process of adoption, if people were decent enough to even consider most of these babies adoptable which the crying shame is they don't, the system as we know would collasp completly. The number of inmate PARENTS is staggering. And lets be honest these babies do have father's that if we made the effort could be identified in more cases than not. Simply providing better free birthcontrol would reduce a good percentage of these babies but we have already decided we don't allow that either. It is easy to be all warm and fussy and believe loving adoptive homes exist for every child regardless of the reason but even that is just not so. I bet if sterilization for criminals was mandatory, there would be less crime. |
Things that pisses U off
When people in the self checkout line send their groceries down before you are done bagging your own.
Things that pisses U off
Women who claim that they can't find a nice guy when in reality they are looking for a sugar daddy*. (*sugar daddy being defined as being a man who can give a woman the kind of lifestyle that she wants) What's wrong with sugar daddies?! :oP~ |
My mother and father were married for 60 years, until my mother died. I don't know why or how they stayed together other than force of will. They both decided to commit to each other and stuck to their word. I also know a few happy couples today. But, it doesn't seem to be working for a lot of us. I've recently come to understand that I'm really happiest on my own. I don't like the chaos that relationships seem to bring. That's just it...your parents are examples of ethical commitment. They WORKED to make their marriage WORK. People, especially men in my opinion, do not value that standard today. As for your own personal feelings about relationships, alone. But you need to be upfront about that when dating other women. Seek out those who are like minded and leave the women who desire long, lasting, faithful relationships alone! |
What it all comes down to is that we (men and women) don't really need each other anymore. That's why I'm starting to think love and long term committed relationships are outdated concepts. What if we just decided to be happy on our own and didn't put any expectations on each other? What if we stopped caring about what each other did? We could spend time together doing what we do and then leave each other alone to do whatever. Because humans have an inherent need to be connected to another. It is a natural attatchment we all possess. That is why we keep seeking and searching and NEED that interaction with others. |
Crossing the divide: Women finally out-earning men? Jenna Charlton| Jun 14, 2012 11:50 AM It's taken awhile, but slowly and surely women are closing the gender earnings gap. Compensation is finally catching up to workforce composition. Studies show that the workforce is almost equally comprised of men and women. With the labour force evening out, paycheques have had some catching up to do. Women are demanding and are finally receiving higher salaries, at times out-earning men. It’s about time, right? It’s only taken….forever. But as generations of women have increasingly placed greater importance on post-secondary education and careers, equal pay for equal qualifications and work is finally happening. We’re not entirely there yet - on average women who work in comparable roles to men may still earn less - but we’re moving in the right direction. According to a Pew Research Center study, “young women now surpass young men in the importance they place on having a high-paying career or profession.” Women entering similar roles to men should have always been paid the same, but now as more women than men are increasingly entering high-paying careers we’re starting to see a shift. I have a couple of friends who out-earn their male partners, and are considered the household breadwinner. This is a huge reversal from those 1950s images of the so-called picture perfect nuclear family. The topic of women earning more than men has been making headlines for the past couple of years. In a 2011 article for The Atlantic, writer Kate Bolick describes male economic dominance as "passing into extinction." The recent economic collapse didn’t help matters for men. It’s been reported that more men have lost their jobs over the ensuing years than women. A recent Maclean’s article states that, “job losses during the last recession (and the two before it) were mostly incurred by men, who dominate the hardest hit sectors such as construction and manufacturing.” Women are starting to make greater gains in fields such as “medicine, law, upper management and high finance,” and in doing so out earning men and holding on to their jobs during difficult economic times. This economic shift is also causing societal changes. Women are not getting married as early as they were 50 years ago. Bolick writes that, “women don’t need husbands in the way they used to,” which could account for why “the number of single adults rose to 50% in 2010, compared to 33% in 1950.” Times are changing. Women are movin’ on up and everyone is adjusting. There are a more stay at home Dads now than there were 10 years ago, and if the studies are any indication of economic, societal and household trends we could see a lot more role reversals in the future. We all still have a ways to go in regard to complete equal pay for equal work but progress is forging ahead. As the workforce evens out, paycheques have no choice but to follow. This is a good point. When men are more dependent upon women to survive, it will definitely change the dynamic between the sexes. However, our natural differences won't change. Women are genetically different than men. We are simply more emotional, nurturing and multifunctional than men. Whereas men are more practical and solution oriented. |
People get into relationships because it supplies them with something they want. They get out of them because their wants are not being met. Men and women "cheat" in relationships because they perceive something in the relationship is lacking. True sometimes. But this leads to the whole societal problem of "me first" and "new, better, gotta have it". We are a materialistic and selfish society. Our relationships reflect that societal ill. |
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Tue 07/03/12 01:36 PM
The root motivation is "To find more recipients for your seed", but the thought will be "I'm horny". Most men who sleep around DON'T want children. But their body doesn't care what the man wants, it's running on ancient programming. So a straight man will seek out multiple female partners and a gay man will seek out multiple gay partners. You are going to have to stop being so literal about these motivations. We are talking about subconscious motivations for the survival of the species, not plans for Friday night. I would imagine very few men go out on any given night and thinks to himself "I want to get a woman pregnant", but the guy doesn't HAVE to think that, because that's what his body is trying to do regardless of what he wants. You see, this is why we are superior to animals. Humans don't just run on instinct. This theory is absurd. Men cheat because they are selfish and our society allows it. Could you imagine what would happen if all women banded together and refused to put out with a cheater? Men would tow the line pretty darn quick I think. |
I don't understand women
If you have tried to initiate communication with her and she is not cooperating, you have to evaluate this situation and decide if this is the type of woman you want to be with. It seems to me she has some issues. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. If she isn't willing to participate, you are better off moving on.
TexasScoundral....if your theories (and I use them loosely) are true, please explain why gay men cheat and furthermore why men are gay? If the purpose of cheating is to spread their seed and find increasingly more worthy mates, homosexuality does not perpetuate the human race. First of all, these aren't my theories. I'm talking about evolutionary psychology. Google it. The rest of your post is off topic. is most definitely not off topic. You claim that men cheat to find younger, more virile women to reproduce with. If that were the case, gay men do not reproduce together. So therefore, why do they cheat? If the purpose of sex in your words, is to spread seed in a primitive need to perpetuate the human race with the most worthy candidates, why are men gay? |
Come here big boy :-)
If you want to flirt, keep eye contact for 4 seconds then look away. If you want assert authority keep eye contact for more than 4 seconds.
TexasScoundral....if your theories (and I use them loosely) are true, please explain why gay men cheat and furthermore why men are gay? If the purpose of cheating is to spread their seed and find increasingly more worthy mates, homosexuality does not perpetuate the human race.