Community > Posts By > eternalsun

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:50 PM

indifferent boredom-sleepyawn

lol sleep is better but boredom leads to creativity. Which is always a plus.

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:48 PM
all kinds of techno/trance/house

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 05:45 PM
Here is a list of things I would like your thoughts on. Each set will have two things, pick one you like more and give a short explanation why.

MPG - power
Chocolate - vanilla
mustard - mayo
cars - trucks
marlboro - camel
beer - liqor
late nights - early mornings
money - being happy
work and money - life and spending money
accoustic - electric
bass - mids/highs
2 doors - 4 doors
big house - small house
movies - music
pools - beach
ice cream - cake
shoes - boots
pants - shorts

Sorry I'm bored. lol

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 04:18 PM
Edited by eternalsun on Thu 12/06/07 04:19 PM

Crappy birthday to you,
crappy birthday to you,
crappy birthday eternalsun,
crappy birthday to you.happy bigsmile

You think you're b-day will be crappy....I turn 40 in a couple months! It is gonna be a downhill slide now.

lol Why thank you! I think. j/k 40? Come on, that is when your life really bigins. You are a very pretty woman and to that note any man should be grateful and honored to grace your side.

Edit: Thank you coco, and thanks for all the flowers too, Ive never been given flowers before, even if they were e-flowers. lol

eternalsun's photo
Thu 12/06/07 04:13 PM

so your trying to get people to feel sorry for you on a dating forum?
sorry for you not having had the best birthday? geez

No, I made a thread about what happened. I am in no way shape or form in need of pitty. Ah, the typical male, always in need of three things, sex, food and belittling others to make them feel more like a man. Glad Im not you.

eternalsun's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:39 PM

sorry but you dont know what a crappy birthday is. My birthday is christmas eve. I never get to see my friends on my birthday, i am always doing family christmas stuff

But I am sure if you planned an early or late party, people would come, let alone respond to you.

eternalsun's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:36 PM

all i can say is happy birthday to you
but i can share a cyber-guinness too....drinker

lol I am by far not a "drinker" but I do enjoy a very cold pint of Guinness

eternalsun's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:33 PM
I am a huge techno and trance fan so almost anything "dance" is cool with me.

eternalsun's photo
Wed 12/05/07 09:32 PM
My birthday is coming up and I figured I would see if anyone of my friends wanted to go grab some food and maybe a drink on my birthday with me. So, I sent out a mass text message to some of my friends of mine and to simply prove how lame I am I got one text message back saying "who is this". Wow, I felt super awesome. I guess my original plan of Arbys and a nice cold pint of Guinness are on my agenda. Thank god for good, caring friends. NOT!

eternalsun's photo
Tue 12/04/07 08:39 PM
Damn. I am a real life chick magnet! Except not. lol

eternalsun's photo
Tue 12/04/07 03:45 PM
My dad told me about his infamous peanut butter and jelly hot dog. You say eww but it's so damn good.

eternalsun's photo
Tue 12/04/07 03:37 PM

Great Advertisement, Eternal!! :smile:

Thank you.
Ive got nothing so far though. Come on, I know there is a woman out there that finds me atleast somewhat appealing, I hope.

eternalsun's photo
Tue 12/04/07 12:42 PM
well i havent really had much luck when it comes to dating so i figured i would make a formal ''flyer'' to advertise, me. my profile really tells alot about me, what i like and dont like plus theres more pictures. i guess my own real requests or requirements are you must be pretty intelligent and able to have a good conversation. i prefere ''city girls'' who are not super model thin or obese. down to earth, real women are a must for me. well if you would care to get to know me in person, let me know. well anyway i hope i did not offend anyone if i did im sorry and it really was not my intention. there it is, i tried, if i fail i can still say i tried. ttfn

eternalsun's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:23 PM
hahaha only 170! I am still so innocent! lol

eternalsun's photo
Mon 12/03/07 07:06 PM
like 2.80ish for regular

eternalsun's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:35 PM

30 seconds to Mars....attack
Awesome song, I was just listening to them a little while ago.

eternalsun's photo
Mon 12/03/07 06:10 PM
This is not really a music topic so much as it is a topic describing ones life. So if it is in the wrong place then move it if you must.

Do you have a specific song that you really think has alot of meaning in your life?

I think mine would be Turn the page, the Metallica version. Don't get me wrong, the bob seager version is awesome but the metallica version is a bit "harder" and further describes my life.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:23 PM
Heres what I believe. We are here, for good for bad, whatever, we are here and we have to make the best of it but in no way is anyone better than another, for any reason. Some may have faults that stand out more than others but we all have faults, yes even you. I will leave this page to go to bed on one note; take a look back at all the wars in the world from times begining and you will see the majority and a large majority of them being over religious beliefs. I have this shirt that says "Jesus Christ" in the coca cola font, you know the one, it say enernally refreshing underneith it. Yeah that one. Well I crossed out the eternally refreshing part and marked in my own words. They say "causing war for over two thousand years" and you know it, deep in your heart, to be the truth. Simply because no religion will ever submit to another is why we even have wars. It's sad to think of all the people who have killed or been killed in the name of their god.

Goodnight to all, it has been a pleasure.

Eternally yours,

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:13 PM

and you believe since everything has a brain it has emotions?

Can you name one living thing with a brain that does not?

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:08 PM

With this attitude love doesnt exist, feelings dont exist
Why would evolution created feelings? EMotions? That sounds like irony when it comes to the purpose of evolution dont you think?

Evolution created cells, which created muscles and organs, so on and so forth. Evolution also created a brain. A brain can decide if it's body is cold or hot, hungry or thirsty, it a no brainer (lol) to think it can think of love and hate, emotions. If you were to drink water, hot water and it burned youre tounge, your brain would tell you, "hey, thats hot, don't drink that again". From that would come memory. Remembering that water was hot. You would remember it hurt when you drank it which would give you a sense of dislike for hot water which is an emotion, dislike.