Fag you beat me to it.
Monster+ Godzilla |
cookie = monster
So youre hazeleyes ah? Very nice !!!! |
jail or minimum wage?
Was that combat move comments for me tastycakes?
My Broken Heart
Hey gourmet,
I hope you come back to read all of these post because you are not alone. My ex thought the grass was greener on the other side as well with her co-worker and after 3 months found out otherwise and asked me to take her back. After 18 years as well. No way. Respect has no middle ground. Its all or nothing. Trust me he is hurting alot more than you are b/c he already realized he ruined it and he has to live with it. I agree with recon. Go d all the things you have always wanted to do and please dont get involved serioulsly with anyone yet. Trust me I know. Take your time and when you get to a point you can talk a normal conversation without mentioning his name you will be good to go. Take some gourmet time. Cant make anyone happy unless you are happy so its time to make you happy. enjoy. |
What do Woman Really want ?
Hey king, whats Ontario on you for now? Remember hes the one that said
woman can be president so watch out. the female wrath might get you also. Lolol Whats up Ontario.? Just kidding man. |
What do Woman Really want ?
I think woman pretty much would like what men would like.
Someone who wont cheat on them. Someone who wont embarrase them in public. "wait to you get home and talk about it. Nobody wants to hear your dirty laundry" Someone who is as eager to get home to her as she is to get home to you. Someone who even if they dont agree with what she is saying they will listen and be receptive to her needs. Someone who understands that if you only have 2 days off, maybe one shouldnt be spent in front of the TV watching football for one of those days."oouucchh" Someone who knows that 50/50 is a crock of sh---. Its 100/100 Someone who after all really does see the world thru her eyes because only then can you understand what she is trying to say to you. |
Impeach Bush
Folks, for what its worth. We are all part of a bigger game. I tell you
this because I have read enough about it. Dividing folks into parties is what the money people that run the country want. As long as we are thinking in "democrat/republican" mind sets they are happy because we are not looking into their affairs. By they I mean the Federal Reserve. They are as Federal as you and I put together. They dont pay taxes and we pay income tax solely to pay the interest they charge the US for issuing money. Google it. You will see that the income tax and the Fed Res started the same year. 1913. They are a private corporation whcih you and I cannot buy stocks in and they do not pay taxes. In 1992 alone they made 292 billion dollars from interest the US (you and I ) paid them. Only the banks that belong to this system can buy stocks. They give the president a list of 4-5 names for the president to choose a new Fed Reserve chairman. Not only do they choose the chairman they have a 14 year term. Hell our senators only have a 6 year term. So I tell you folks read about the the FR and you will see that all the talk of Republicans and democrat crap is merely a ploy to keep us divided and off the subject of who is really running the show. I am b y no means a fanatic. I served in the service from Jimmys term to Clintons term. I voted for Ronnie,GB senior and Clinto. Could not bring myself to support GB junior. So with that I tell you I am right donw themiddle of the road nut only until I started reading about the Federal Reserve. I will even give you a few sites to browse when you have time. You will see how obvious it is when you really take the time. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-466210540567002553&q=federal+reserve http://www.freedomtofascism.com/ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=- 7403366410552837196&q=aaron+russo Really good interview. http://www.losthorizons.com/Cracking_the_Code.htm |
jail or minimum wage?
When I was in the Marines I was assigned to Key West Fl as a translator
for all the Cuban exodus courtesy of Fidel Castro. We know Fidel was emptying his prisons and jails prior to sending normal folk over so alot of those people were overnight offenders. I met a 12 year old boy who set a cop car on fire and he said I got my ass whooped and thrown in jail and 2 days later I am in the US and it was worth it. Saw alot of people like that so yes people do the darndest things for a specific purpose. |
pound = 1/4 pounder
judgement = Guilty
Brandy, where are you? I sent you an e-mail. |
alot = money
Bench = work
am trak
Had a co=worker take one from DC to Washington state and it was
expensive. But he said it was awesome. They went to the Grand Canyon area then went up to the NW. I think he said it was about 2-3K a person. |
Picnic = Park
Some woman has what Sheena?
Every one =World
Shagna did you have a date this weekend?
Brandi I got your e-mail. thanks I might go tomorrow. |
beat me to it ah
chocolate = oreo |
ice cream= lick