seriously, What do men want?
...ssshh, no it wasnt that.
I already know that told me in a pm. You been helping yourself to that contraband again?
seriously, What do men want?
dont worry, I'll probably be extradited soon. Free flight, get to stay a while too.
| not pass go...dont not collect 200
you are going to jail!
seriously, What do men want?
no, I'm good with the tramp thing all the time. Or the lady thing.
I can see your liberty now, flying away...15-20 hard labour that judge said...although you were unlucky to get the one judge who shopped at the bakery where you worked.
seriously, What do men want?
yes perhaps. Most, if not all bits of the fairer gender look cute to me.
I hope that is creme because if you have been tampering with the baking again you will get into trouble, troublebug. You know what the judge said...
seriously, What do men want?
you have good taste in nail polish too, a very vibrant shade of plum if you dont mind me saying so...
It was directed at you and SilentlyScreaming. You seemed surprised that you made the list @SilentlyScreaming we are all green inside. trust me, I would give you a second, third, fourth glance...and thats before you took anything off...but lets not go there, its a family forum |
seriously, What do men want?
well I vote for me, are there any privileges associated with being your playmate?
Charming company, cheerio.
I like A's B's C's D's E's F's....any of them as long as it says cup after it, you made the grade.
why on earth are you both so surprised?
Clever chaps can cerebrally craft compliments created competently, countering courageous chicks chatter completely
If only we were better educated, it wouldnt have to come to this. I blame the education system for dumbing us down.
Captivating conundrums continually coming
Crafty courageous chick crushes challenger.