lol im not a cat
Newbie from Arkansas
omg arkansas is the most boring state in teh US
hey i didnt konw van helsing was on JSH lol
does anyone
dang lol noboyd here?? Artist itn eh Amulance, vheissu, deadbolt lol, well wat does everyone else listen to
where are all the good guys?
im in miami i think its 70 outside i have my ac on lol suckers
does anyone
hell yeah lol i love that cd, but they just came out with 2 new ones, the Alchemy index
does anyone
listen to THRICE?????
where are all the good guys?
i wish i still lived at home, im home sick
where are all the good guys?
hey some of us are in college, and some of us dont drive cus weve been in car accidents which means no car, and some of us dont work cus we concentrating on school
ur no cowboy
A puertomaican??
mrs cutie pants is the cutest momy ive ever seen
nah that wouldnt be right , my advice is dont get the ladies pissed i almst broke my hand cus i took my friends pillow and she was mad at the moment and she kicked my wrist and it went in and jammed , shes go the thunder kikcs
yeah i know lol i broke up with her, she came in to my room one time when i was doing homework and punched me in the face cus she thought i was cheating on her omg i got so pissed
not jsut in bed , theres alot of women out there that are control freaks lol ikonw, my ex would smack me in the back of the head hard
so y do women always say they want a gentle man??? lol got u guys
lol i think women tend to be more rough then men
lol i think women tend to be more rough then men
lol are u rough??