Community > Posts By > missyfissy
Just because I'm over 50 does not mean i have to stop living. I still want romance in my life. i guess it depends on where you live as to the quality of activites there are for your age.along with the people you meet .Meeting people in the bar seen is no longer for me,and going to bingo halls is'nt it either.then theres also the issues of race,so whats the deal? Might be hard to find a lot of men in bingo halls. It's easier in a martial arts class or at a hockey game. |
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Sun 09/18/11 01:19 PM
The recipe may be easy to come by but the red lion could be a little harder.
Heh heh. People can walk down the street past a hundred people a day, and once a month someone may flatter them to tell them they certainly don't look their age. They won't remember the hundred that said nothing but will always remember the one who was probably comparing you to a relative who looked 20 year older than his age. Therefore pretty well everybody on earth believes he or she looks 10 or 20 years younger than they really do.
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Sat 09/17/11 06:24 PM
To be honest, in your 50's, but your car looks awfully young!
Dating or friends
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Sat 09/17/11 06:21 PM
Neither! For every one relationship that turns out good with that age difference, it seems there are 99 that turn out bad.
Women who date men half their age will be dropped as soon as a young chick walks into the men's lives. Young flesh looks pretty good compared to wrinkled skin. They will also often find themselves becoming mamma's to their young lovers and having to dole out regular and hefty allowances. Most women who date men twice as old will find the old men extremely disturbing and slow in later years. In that case the men are likely to be abused. I've seen those two scenes so many times I can't even count them anymore, yet both women and men still often convince themselves that their younger partners are truly interested in them mainly because they're so good looking and gifted. In many cases, the young are truly hoping they will soon die and they will run into a big inheritance. |
Be Truthful..
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Sat 09/17/11 06:09 PM
There's somebody out there for everyone, & surely there are women also who think like you. As to whether it's a bad thing, that's for you to decide, keeping in mind that over 80% of the world now has herpes and may remain unaware of it until one day (possibly even after they marry) their immune systems weaken and it reveals itself permanently, letting your precious partner know they now have it too even though it hasn't exposed itself in "their" bodies yet.
Some types of herpes give cervical cancer to women. For all we know, it could even give some types of cancer (yet undiscovered) to men. As far as I know, to date it can only create painful warts all over your private parts for the rest of your life. Each time you sleep with one person you are really sleeping with everyone they have slept with and everyone all of their partners have slept with. In other words, you could be sleeping with a few hundred people every time you sleep with just "one". So the whole thing is basically the call of your partners and yourself. While most young people believe they're invincible, it's a horrible way for 80% of the population to find out they're not. |
Rate my pic pls
I agree with the comments about your lack of confidence. One thing you should never allow
your brain to think, your mouth to say, or your fingers to type, is the fact that you are ugly, unattractive, a failure, a bad person, or anything like that. If you had kids, would you want them to say that to themselves? You wouldn't, because you know that would hypnotize them into self destruction in the long run. So start saying the opposite, if even only to yourself, every single day. In no time you will become the person you assure yourself you are. |
lets try this again
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Sat 09/17/11 05:42 PM
hello all, hows everyone doing? my name is michael and i was on mingle along time ago when it was called just say hi. well i redid my profile and got another name and joined last night. i tried to get people to rate my profile last night but since im in california and its a different time zone no one replied, they were probaly in bed. now since its day time and people are here please look at my profile and tell me your opinions about it, and please be honest i can take it. also do you thinks its best to write on your profile looking for relationship or looking for friends? thanks for your feedback. Changed your name? I hate the name I chose quickly when someone else, I believe, already had the first part. Since you seem more familiar with this site than I, I guess the only way to change it is to delete the account and get another name, is that right? Or does there have to be a gap in service for that? Is there any other way around it? Does anyone know? |
How Bad Is It?
Just be yourself.
How Bad Is It?
Just be yourself.
i've dated quite a few woman on mingles2 and it seems like everyone of them is a taken. i guess i've got turkey written on my fore head?? Probably just the word "rush,". Either that or you're picking women who are much younger. If they are taken, what are they doing remaining on the site? That suggests they may not be "sure" they're taken. That might mean they would like to find out more about you first. Maybe you should join in on some of the community forums so they can learn more about what you're like. (Note: I tried that and now "nobody" will talk to me. :) |
Got A Question
Are drawstring pants meant to be so considerably loose fitting throughout? ie; Seat, hips, crotch and legs. Mostly in the seat/hip area with rather loose straight legs. Got some on Ebay a while back. Seller claims they are suppose to fit like that. I may not have the right size as I'm use to buying jeans based on the waist size by inseam length. The ones I got are XL and seem rather loose fitting. Though I'm mostly a jeans kind of guy, just thought I try something different for a change. Depends on how big your belly is compared to butt and hips:) Seriously though, I think most are loose. They're supposed to be comfortable, like pajamas. |
Age old dilemna/question
I know what my profile says, but... I have been thinking of using Rogaine. It just seems a hassle to use it twice a day. It is not supposed to bring back my temple hair, but it will stop any further regression. What for? Women care more about what's in a guy' head than what's on it. At any rate, have you tried biotin pills? Maybe you just need to rub a little estrogen into your scalp:) |
Christian Attitude
The religions itself repressed women. The Catholic Church comes from the old school and if a man died his wife then became the responsibility of his brother. Repressed women? Gee I dunno, I like the idea of the brother thing if you marry a guy with a handsome and likeable brother! Seriously though, I think that women should be civil to their spouses. I was lucky enough to divorce without a battle. We just wanted to close the chapter and move on after so many years. Both of us had flaws and both realized that it takes two to tango. Most divorces are as a result of 50/50 flawing, immaturity, disrespectfulness, or whatever you want to call it, even though it's hard to admit that at first. I think it' particularly important for women who have children to maintain at least "reasonably polite" contact with their spouses, although though they may often have to use the phrase, "well guess we'll just have to agree to disagree" (which you may even consider using when he says you have an unchristian attitude.) Often that phrase stops arguments from going further, especially if you quickly change the subject afterward. Plain and simply, no two people will ever agree on everything all the time anyway, and when there are kids in the marriage, it's a lot of stress relief for them when parents are civil. |
Christian Attitude
The religions itself repressed women. The Catholic Church comes from the old school and if a man died his wife then became the responsibility of his brother. Repressed women? Gee I dunno, I like the idea of the brother thing if you marry a guy with a handsome and likeable brother! Seriously though, I think that women should be civil to their spouses. I was lucky enough to divorce without a battle. We just wanted to close the chapter and move on after so many years. Both of us had flaws and both realized that it takes two to tango. Most divorces are as a result of 50/50 flawing, immaturity, disrespectfulness, or whatever you want to call it, even though it's hard to admit that at first. I think it' particularly important for women who have children to maintain at least "reasonably polite" contact with their spouses, although though they may often have to use the phrase, "well guess we'll just have to agree to disagree" (which you may even consider using when he says you have an unchristian attitude.) Often that phrase stops arguments from going further, especially if you quickly change the subject afterward. Plain and simply, no two people will ever agree on everything all the time anyway. |
Do you think so? While your explanation makes perfect sense and was something I hadn't even thought of, I did notice, at least in the older video cameras, that even if a person was standing still I could see right through them when filming sometimes. I don't think the camera captured that, but I could literally see through them myself.
I thought it had something to do with the strange ways the lenses were alligned -- either that or it's a revelation that none of us want to admit: As some have suggested, we really "may" not exist and may be holographic after all! |
Baby Boomers Unite
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Fri 09/09/11 11:34 PM
Old people will slow down the whole country and bring things to a screeching halt. Here are some tips for the resistance: 1. Take forever getting through checkout lanes, write a check. Any more suggestions will be appreciated. Write a cheque? There's nothing worse than an old lady standing in line trying to go through her wallet to give you the exact change. Think most people would choose a cheque any day! Here's one for ya. Take all the pennies out of your piggy bank to pay your income tax in person |
Baby Boomers Unite
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Fri 09/09/11 11:34 PM
The Hutchinson Effect
| I've never heard of this guy before, but this is some of the most incredible stuff I've seen in a long time. Any guesses as to how any of this works? Pretty interesting. Reminds me of Edward Leedskalnin of Coral Castle, the one place in the world I would love to see more than any other. I'm sure most every electrician would knock him though, and he would quickly become an outcast like Tesla. |
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Fri 09/09/11 11:03 PM
The True Meaning Of Things A Secret of Successful People "Here's a fact: there isn't a right or wrong answer to the meaning of things that happen in life. We humans, whether consciously or sub-consciously, choose meanings for everything that happens around us. Successful people are such because they have learned to harness the power held within the secret. Successful people choose positive, empowering, and happy meanings for virtually everything that happens in their life. And in addition to this, they do it consciously until they fully train their own minds to do it sub-consciously because people aren't born to be successful or anything." You come up with some extremely interesting and fun things, Jeanniebean. Let's play with this one though, for the fun of philosophizing. (Love philosophizing just for the fun of the game). You say people weren't born to be successful or anything but what if they were? What if "we believed" successful people chose positive, empowering, and happy meanings for everything that happened in their lives when in actual fact they never chose those things at all, but only started believing those things after they became successful (maybe even as early as the age of three)? And if they only developed that belief later, would they want to admit it to us and let us know they truly never "worked" for that success but that it was given to them practically at birth? Sometimes I've looked at the faces of babies as young as 6 months, and have said to myself, "that baby looks as though he's going to be one successful adult!" The next looks as though his life is destined for ultimate sorrow. In some cases the feeling is so strong when I look at the latter that I feel like crying. I get the feeling immediately from some babies that they are "unloved" and have felt that from the minute they came out of the birth canal. I think maybe happy babies turn out to be happy and successful adults for the most part, while the less happy babies turn out the opposite for the most part. Have you ever noticed those looks in the young babies? If so, what do "you" think in that regard? |