NY chat
hey NY, F, 20
ok well i got to go talk to u guys later have a nice day
lol thats funny
yea i dont have any regrets i just wish sometimes things would have turned out just a little different
ok and u think ur funny oooooooooookkkkkk..........
well let me tell u when ur with someone and u keep trying over and over it probley wont happen but as soon as u give up then u end up pregnant. lets just hope that ur relationships arnt ending at the time u become pregnant like me. both times i got pregnant my relationships were basically over.
ok.......well........IM BORED........
ok and what reputation would that be?
well thanks
So has anyone done anything fun lately? |
hey i just want to make friends is all
yea, ok well i updated my profile i hope that helps some. I never really know what to say on profiles.
well when u have hot babes on ur profile and a women looks at it and there not that skinny or pretty they think u woulnt want to talk so thats why it scares people off.
well, I have looked. and the first time i was pregnant i had a guy hit on me because he likes pregnant women no other fact to it. I send messages and if u dont want to talk i think u should just send a message back saying so but thats just me.
ok well thanks
the simple fact that no one is really talking to me after they look at my profile so i guess its because im pregnant. So whats wrong with just talking?
Can someone please explane this to me?
Viewing profiles
well if u view someones profile and they dont send an email or friend requst then i just figure they arent interested
I like cowboys with long hair i find them very sexy