Community > Posts By > ojofolorunso
why? does our technological advances mean we have learned more about what is important or just learned more about how to make our lives 'easier'? Trust you. Jst hope somebody will answer that question correctly and without any prejudice. Among other things we have have failed to learn despite the level of our technlogical development is the sanctity of marriage. We just don't understand it hence we experience divorce and separation and failures in many of our marriages and we still believe we know more than the people of old who used bible as their guide and succeeded in most of their marriages. God will deliver this generation from the veil of technology which is giving many people reprobate minds! |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... How is it current and up to date? Much of what is in the bible is out of date. 'He who receives a prophet as a prophet shall get the reward of a prophet...' and vice-versa. For one to get the latest and current information from the bible,she/he must be truly born again having received Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and saviour. She/he must also depend solely on the Holy Spirit to interprete the most uptodate information,to run daily affairs,even out of the so-called obsolete biblical injunctions,for her/he. Otherwise you'll only be reading the bible like a common story book without making any sense out of it. Faith and a meek heart that will not be carried away by one's level of education and/or civilization are some of other factors. So you now see why many think bible teachings are out of date! Pitiful. I don't know why i pity you because i shouldn't really care what crap you want to believe. But i do. Honestly I'm not to be pitied but to be envied that a book written over 2000 years ago is still doing wonders in my life proving science wrong even in this 21st century. Pls get me right,I'm not saying science is not benefial to mankind. But God proves it wrong many times to keep manifesting His glory to the children of men and my life is a typical example. That is why,online or offline,I cannot marry a wrong woman,not without using my brain anyway. |
The Bible commands that husbands should love their wives and wives submit to their who love their wives don-t have to remind them to be submissive,its only those who withhold their love from their wives who struggle.women respond very well to love .lets hear from men ,wht do you think ? The real point is that it IS a two way are supposed to love/respect their wives and women will respond with honor/submissive behavior - but I don't think we really understand that "submissive" does NOT mean doormat! A loving/respectful relationship wouldn't require that doormat behavior. I believe the scriptural intention is for there to exist a partnership where both people's needs are met in harmony. If there is the slightest imbalance, it becomes WRONG by any standard. You are correct ma. |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... How is it current and up to date? Much of what is in the bible is out of date. 'He who receives a prophet as a prophet shall get the reward of a prophet...' and vice-versa. For one to get the latest and current information from the bible,she/he must be truly born again having received Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and saviour. She/he must also depend solely on the Holy Spirit to interprete the most uptodate information,to run daily affairs,even out of the so-called obsolete biblical injunctions,for her/he. Otherwise you'll only be reading the bible like a common story book without making any sense out of it. Faith and a meek heart that will not be carried away by one's level of education and/or civilization are some of other factors. So you now see why many think bible teachings are out of date! Totally agree you have to born again to receive the bible as the word of God. Halleluyah! |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... How is it current and up to date? Much of what is in the bible is out of date. Agreed but try ALL OF IT IS OUT OF DATE that is more accurate. It is silly to think that 2000 years ago men knew better than we do today ![]() ![]() Date has nothing to do with knowledge. Disaster events has a way of destroying knowledge. It has happened in the past and could happen in the future if an extinction level event occurred. Especially in the past when writing was more primitive and less people were educated. Epidemics and natural disasters killing enough people could cause a loss of knowledge. Guess I'm having supporters here. The problem is that people all over the world are being carried away by their level of technological advancements rather than their Godly spiritual entities which is timeless and far greater than millions of technology which fades with time! |
WOW ![]() You don't have to show frustration maam! It's only a matter of sorting things out and you will of course agree with me that I don't have to say everything here. ![]() |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... How is it current and up to date? Much of what is in the bible is out of date. 'He who receives a prophet as a prophet shall get the reward of a prophet...' and vice-versa. For one to get the latest and current information from the bible,she/he must be truly born again having received Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and saviour. She/he must also depend solely on the Holy Spirit to interprete the most uptodate information,to run daily affairs,even out of the so-called obsolete biblical injunctions,for her/he. Otherwise you'll only be reading the bible like a common story book without making any sense out of it. Faith and a meek heart that will not be carried away by one's level of education and/or civilization are some of other factors. So you now see why many think bible teachings are out of date! |
Edited by
Thu 09/01/11 02:02 PM
If you’re relocating from Nigeria to Canada don’t you need a visa or a green card or something like that? What if your other half lives in Benin? Well,may be when she shows up we can sort things out |
Edited by
Thu 09/01/11 02:07 PM
If you’re relocating from Nigeria to Canada don’t you need a visa or a green card or something like that? What if your other half lives in Benin? ..........:.......:......:.......: |
I'm still waiting for the one who may end up being my wife. If u think you are,pls don't hesitate to signal...
Hummm each can believe what they want to until it happens to them then they want believe... Been there done that and had it happen more then yeah I'm a believer.. Was it lust well if that is all it was we were married less then 3 months later and it lasted 11 years... Just because it does not last a life time does not mean it was not love!!!! ![]() But I think anytime we talk about true love,marital love should be one of such. And it has been said that true love endures and is sacrificial. Therefore I reason that whatever might be the disagreement between married couples,it shouldn't lead to their separation if it's actually true love in the first place. True love in marriage should be forever despite all odds,it doesnt't wear out,it's not a business contract. It should only take determination of either parties to make it work,though may not be easy but it must be able to overcome the challenges that could cause separation or divorce if it is indeed true love. Real love doesn't fade but always magnetic! Hummm well by your opinion then there is only maybe one in a million that finds true love or the odds may be even higher.. Or maybe it does not exist at all... ![]() ![]() There is some things that even true love can not endure.... There were and are millions around the world who stayed and are staying together a lifetime. It's rather unfortunate that divorce and separation have become commonplace in US and some european countries. But the truth of the matter is that true marital love that has brought the partners together under the same roof does not fade. It doesn't get old and it is very possible to achieve(as being done by many around the world) without it unnecessarily enslaving the partners. I can't imagine myself getting married to someone now and envisaging divorce or separation at any point of the marriage. God forbid! And of course as a christian,I must have prayed very well about it. Tha settles it! |
Is it possible to love somebody at first sight? Absolutely! How? Have you experienced it before? |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... |
The bible was written a very long time ago and people should realise that much of it doesn't apply to modern society. Many believers will disagree and choose to live in a way that is not best for them or their happiness. I find it very pitiful. The Holy Bible might have been written a very long time ago but I make bold to say it yet remains the most current and uptodate information material ever produced in this world. No matter what,it can't go out of date and times. On the issue of submission by women,since d Bible commanded it,it becomes a divine instruction which must be adhered to but men too are biblically expected to reciprocate this by showing respect and providing for the needs of their wives. They are expected to treat their wives with care and tenderness... |
I am gonna be technical here. No, you can't fall in love at first sight. And you can pray for God to send you the person that HE has chosen for you to fall in love with. But that doesn't mean you will look upon them the first time you see them and go, "Wow! I am in love!". Sorry. Doesn't work that way. You can be amazed by someone and love there look. But if the rest of the package aint there, then all you have is physical...which tends to be more lustful than anything. I'm not gonna go into the whole "I need my mind stimulated" ideology because I feel all of us do not wish to date someone who is dumber than a Nun at a Scientology convention. It's safe to say we all want someone we connect with. But guess what? I am a believer in God, but even I know that if I sit and just pray and hope and wish for something that it won't happen. You have to be active, and you have to take chances and you have to get to know someone. Becoming interested at first sight is one thing. Spenspend several hours with that person and you can know a lot more about how you feel. You can, even by that point, fall in love with someone. But at the very first sight. I don't believe so. Perfect! You are correct man and I quite concur with your position. A bold and balanced one! |
Is it possible to love somebody at first sight? If not,wht do you think happens at first sight? Secondly,does anyone out there believe in seeking the face of God before finally choosing a marriage partner? Well,whatever anyone thinks and with whatever human effort put in place,I believe strongly that whoever ends up with me in marriage is a product of my prayer and supplications to God. Still searching! I dont think you can love a stranger, not romantically anyway. So my answer would be no. I believe the best thing to do is seek God first and people second. Thank you for your Godly comment,I really appreciate it! |
No... you can have infatuation at first sight... but you cant really love someone until you know them... and you can start to love all their little annoying quirks... That is thoughtful 'knowing them and start loving 'all' their annoying quirks...' but it takes a love that cannot accommodate separation or divorce to do that. That is the true love in sharp contrast to infatuation! |
Hummm each can believe what they want to until it happens to them then they want believe... Been there done that and had it happen more then yeah I'm a believer.. Was it lust well if that is all it was we were married less then 3 months later and it lasted 11 years... Just because it does not last a life time does not mean it was not love!!!! ![]() But I think anytime we talk about true love,marital love should be one of such. And it has been said that true love endures and is sacrificial. Therefore I reason that whatever might be the disagreement between married couples,it shouldn't lead to their separation if it's actually true love in the first place. True love in marriage should be forever despite all odds,it doesnt't wear out,it's not a business contract. It should only take determination of either parties to make it work,though may not be easy but it must be able to overcome the challenges that could cause separation or divorce if it is indeed true love. Real love doesn't fade but always magnetic! |
well On this I disagree. I know first hand that it is possible I met my wife ( now ex wife) and was completely taken by her and was in love i knew it right away my heart was pounding and I was in love. we met and spent the next 20 hrs together. I asked her to marry me the next day! she said yes and we had 23yrs together and two beautiful Daughters. So yes it is possible!!!!!! Yes,beautiful story and in fact 23yrs is not a joke! But I wouldn't appreciate any reason for divorce,separation or break-up in marriage,except when it has to do with one's life and faith. |
Is it possible to love somebody at first sight? If not,wht do you think happens at first sight? Secondly,does anyone out there believe in seeking the face of God before finally choosing a marriage partner? Well,whatever anyone thinks and with whatever human effort put in place,I believe strongly that whoever ends up with me in marriage is a product of my prayer and supplications to God. Still searching!