Community > Posts By > DQ66

DQ66's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:32 PM
No set number here. It'll happen when the time/feeling is right. Maybe first date, maybe 5th date. :wink: I try to wait until at least the second date though rofl

DQ66's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:28 PM
flowerforyou I barter for all kinds of things. In my area we have a local barter list. Services and goods. Really helps when you're short on money. Good luck to you and I do feel your painflowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:10 AM
I'll go! drinker

DQ66's photo
Thu 08/07/08 09:09 AM

This whole conversation makes me crazy!!

It is human nature to look at, and possibly sample the grass on the other side of the fence.

If you have only been on a couple of dates, and you aren't "promised" to each other. Then the gate is open. The gate goes both ways. Gals you can go sample some other grass as well as the guys can. Then come back to the one, or continue to see the one.

At that stage in the "relationship" It's all open. The point of dating is to find a potential Mate, so... SHOP AROUND!!

I agree! Happy shopping!drinker

DQ66's photo
Thu 08/07/08 08:52 AM

Well, it was about 8 months after my marriage ended to start putting myself out there.

It's been about 10 months for me and even though I've put myself out there, I'm still a little gun shy....embarassed

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 10:41 PM

noway Waffle House noway

ill ill ill

omg! for ur sake i hope that was the last date as well, they're food will kill ya...

ill ill ill

That date was soooo wrong on so many levels.....scared

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 02:23 PM
noway Waffle House noway

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 01:18 PM
I'm married to a person that never admits to being wrong. That's why we are in month number 10 of this divorce. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 08:16 AM

I just had a disturbing message from someone asking me my bra size and if i had shaved... down there...
What the HELL???
Do you men actually think this is what we want? To talk dirty online at 9am? Get REAL and get A LIFE!!!!

I think these guys are "on line flashers" noway
Except even sicker. At least a "real life flasher" can see the reaction on the victims face......mad

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 05:41 AM
I agree with Elaine. Hang back and be a friend, unless you WANT to be the "rebound" guy.flowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Tue 08/05/08 05:27 AM
Not me laugh

DQ66's photo
Mon 08/04/08 10:09 AM
Sneezing......I'm very loud and usually sneeze in multiples.....noway

DQ66's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:56 AM
Money???? What money????? rofl

DQ66's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:58 PM
I normally go right, but the last "first kiss" I went left.... I think I'm confused.......shocked

DQ66's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:44 PM
If you're uncomfortable talking, plan an activity date. That way you will only have to talk about the "activity". Rock climbing, miniature golf, bowling, horseback riding are all activities that allow interaction but you're not stuck just talking, because you're doing something. And you'll have stuff to talk about later also.
Good luck!flowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Sun 08/03/08 02:29 PM

I feel ya, i was suppose to meet someone from here i think i had an anxiety attack waiting,

to bad i was stood up,

noway noway noway grumble explode mad :angry:

You too?? I had a date last night we are about two hrs. apart so we agree to meet in between.. I rented some rooms so we could stay in town... She called when she was on the way.. Then I never heard from her again last night...

I guess these are the reasons guys are so surprised when I show up for a date.....
Sorry to both of you. That's not nice....flowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Sun 08/03/08 09:20 AM

Not going to say never, since you should never say never, but I see no reason to get married again. Not having any more kids and my son has a father. Dealing with a divorce after 20 years of marriage has taught me several things....You can protect your premariatal assests, but the debt accumulated after marriage belongs to both. One person can screw the other person financially. The courts and attornies are sloooowwww.
I am not bitter and will be happy to get involved with somebody emotionally and sexually, but not legally or financially. Waaayyyy to hard to get out of. JMHO flowerforyou
Thanks for the truthglasses

Life lessons:wink:

DQ66's photo
Sun 08/03/08 08:55 AM
Not going to say never, since you should never say never, but I see no reason to get married again. Not having any more kids and my son has a father. Dealing with a divorce after 20 years of marriage has taught me several things....You can protect your premariatal assests, but the debt accumulated after marriage belongs to both. One person can screw the other person financially. The courts and attornies are sloooowwww.
I am not bitter and will be happy to get involved with somebody emotionally and sexually, but not legally or financially. Waaayyyy to hard to get out of. JMHO flowerforyou

DQ66's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:05 PM

really want? I hope it's not just the forums.

Depends....what have you got to offer??? :wink:

DQ66's photo
Fri 08/01/08 08:42 PM
And cheap, too!!!! rofl rofl rofl

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