hit'n da sauce again is he?...hehehe, jk.... as i said on my profile i don't think there is anyone perfect for me in marriage i always seem to falter. gonna die an old lonely weathered man someday
wow i only have a few friends, everyone p;lease add me as a friend so i feel special and loved....
i still have my parachute pants however i don't think i can fit into them probably dry rotten after 25 years..( the pants not me!!!!!)
Oh NODEN!!!! the things you do to me, when i figure it out i will let you
pink silk panties
sorry used panties are not my thing but if i see them i will let ya know
Time Out Room
gonna sit by laura so we can be punished together...
i am a huge fan of the 80's. the music, the fashion and believe it or not the hair(punk). i am a hair dresser maybe that's why. i have a website all about the 80's but don't think i am allowed to post the link on this site, its down for maintenance for a few days but should be back up in a week or so.... i guess anyone can email me if they want the addy.
any other 80's fans out here? or am i the only freak left on this planet... |
i like mud fights in mud puddles
Why can't men be honest?
I just don't get it........when men say they want a relationship but are afraid to step up and take the reins.....somebody help me!...
i think its just the same for woman.... its not a gender based fair question period! |
Who is the SEXIEST...
Jasmine (aladin)
pink silk panties
first quote:"Okay, this site is for finding compatible friends, etc, so if you contact someone to express your interest, do you want that person to reply honestly about areas of incompatibility or would you rather not know?
Example, you are a smoker, but that is a problem for the person contacted. Is it better to hear this? Or, say you're very pro-military & the other person is anti-war.." yes give it to me straight up.... cant stand liars. maybe thats why i never date anymore i always pick the loosers, or maybe its just me? hmm, will have to ponder this tonight cause i just confused myself |
preparing myself for my nursing home future and looking for the ultimate shuffle board partner for the weekends..hehehe
42 and going on 142
damn i always win these
hello y'all!!!!
ty ty ty
hello y'all!!!!
hi, i am donnie from the cincinnati, ohio area. nice place you have here. whens the next shin dig?... lol