Community > Posts By > allinoell

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:25 PM

onl;y thing i do with a pole is fish,, or hit someone up side the head with em,,, still aint dancing

I'll bet you dance when you think nobody's

I'm keeping my mouth shut on this one :angel: :angel: winking

aww come on Suz, give it to us straight... he dances naked in the bathroom doesn't he

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:23 PM

onl;y thing i do with a pole is fish,, or hit someone up side the head with em,,, still aint dancing

I'll bet you dance when you think nobody's

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:18 PM

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:15 PM
we were both crying .... just out of nowhere......
a miracle...noway tears :angel:

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:13 PM

me either ! ohwell
last time i daned some one throwed change up on the stage ......almost broke my neck !laugh

:banana: :banana: :banana: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:11 PM

and this is why aint no one getting me to dance, not eileen, not kate, not allison, not jennifer, not even suz

I could so go somewhere with this but I'll behave :angel:

LOL you're funny Suz... and here's what happened with Jenn,
You know how I was like praying and asking bethany and you and anyone to think positive.....
So all of the sudden this stranger comes into her driveway, says "something told me I needed to get this to you" and hands her $100. she filled her gas tank and got to the hospital, now Jared is better and ..... PHEWWWWW and MIRACLEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!


allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:07 PM

cause no ones been using it,, and if i left it full all the time,, it would start growing democrats and extreme left liberals

OMG NO YOU DIDN"T........ oh hell........

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:04 PM

chev,, you know we wont set a trap fer you right?? at least i wont,, the women folk might though

oh whatever, you'd set a trap for anybody if you get away with it....

and why is the pit empty?????

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 12:03 PM

lol, im sorry alli, flowerforyou
my real name is kevin ,ohwell

LMAO I knew that wasn't your real name when you gave the whole thing and said your last name was stillwater......

can't fool a fooler chev!!! LMAAAAAOOOOOOO

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:59 AM
oooooooooo..... ummmmmmmmmmmm.....

no he's too nice to me, I couldn't set a trap for him....

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:56 AM
That you do my friend.....

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:52 AM
HAAAA ya hear that legs??? Patti's son makes YOU a midget


allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:49 AM

what do i have to like being up during the day??? reformed vampire remeber??? oh yeah,, i have a new job interview tomorrow am,, so maybe i will have a full time job with bennies before i start school


Congrats my bloodsucking friend

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:46 AM

ummm,,, trees, sky,, things like that are up right now,, and that damn daystar

ah ha haahaah ha ha haa....ohhhhhh..... pfffffffft

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:46 AM

Hi Alli, nice to meet youflowerforyou

Likewise flowers

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:44 AM
guess I don't know Patti....

Hi Patti, I'm Alli..... ol' timer

'sup legs

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:41 AM

frustrated frustrated frustrated
frustrated with men named James. Your first name isn't James is it?
no, hun my name is jonathan p. stillwater

oh good... that's a good solid name. good man.

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:39 AM


Did you mention cherries? I love cherries, though you need a brownie sundae to go with bigsmile bigsmile

awwwww chocolate... now that would do me goooooood......

so suz guess what happened to Jenn the other day or did you already hear?

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:37 AM
frustrated frustrated frustrated
frustrated with men named James. Your first name isn't James is it?

allinoell's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:34 AM

hiya how ya doin?

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