Those BLT's my daughter is going to make in a short while. I'm hungry!
I can't whistle either, but I can roll my rrrr's. I started out speaking French, picked up a bit of Spanish along the way and speak semi-fluent Swedish. I've had lots of practice rolling those r's.
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What R U Wearing Right Now?
A seafoam green big T-shirt that goes nearly down to my knees and says, "Hugs, 5 cents, kisses 10 cents, but lovin's free". That's pretty much it. Yup, I'm in my jammies because it's the one day I relax and do nuthin'.
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Fess Up
I could flip this thread with the number of silly and/or embarrassing things I could 'fess up! I'll claim 'em all - just name it and I've probably done it! Okay .. I confess: that's me too. I occasionally blow on my salad, trip over my own feet and when I wore makeup, I poked myself in the eye a LOT. I've also slipped and punched myself in the face while putting on my bra, poked my nostril while trying to aim my toothbrush into my mouth and washed my hair with dishwashing liquid at the sink when the shampoo bottle was right next to me and already opened, waiting for use. I can't tell you how many times I've poured coffee into the sugar bowl, thrown a dish into the garbage and the garbage into the sink and any number of absent-minded snafus. So now you know .. I am a total klutzy dork. ![]() |
Can I have a hug (((ED)))?
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Who becomes succesful?
I think that success depends on your own viewpoint.
I'm not interested in what the world thinks of me. By the world view, I'm not successful because I don't have a lot of money or own a lot of possessions. I've been married 3 times: 1st time to a closet homosexual who deserted us, 2nd time a widow, 3rd time to a foreigner who left during a mid-life crisis - none of them worked out. By my viewpoint, I am successful because I've managed to raise 8 decent human beings on my own, with little or no help financially, emotionally or spiritually from their fathers. I've also lived in different places in the USA and Europe, am a published writer, lyricist and photographer. I don't have a lot of possessions, but what I do have, I own (not in debt up to my ears to have what the Jone's have). But when it comes right down to it, what is most important to me is what G-d thinks of me and I will know how successful I have been once I pass on to the afterlife. |
Praise the Lord, I read much of the bible yesterday, prayed, and bought a beautiful new poster, for my room, with John 3:16 on it. I think other Minglers dont agree with my decision, by a few of the comments on my threads, but im here 6 days a week, is that not enough, that I cant give my Sundays to God? I should be giving him all of my everydays, but im taking baby steps. Its hard to give up your stuff, for God, but at least im starting now. God bless you. ![]() It's kind of hard to describe what I mean, but as you progress in your Christian walk, the giving up will not be so hard and as your mind becomes more like his, the unimportant things fall away and the things that you want are more in tune to his path for you, so you don't feel like you're giving anything up, but gaining so much more. Does that make sense? Baby steps is a wise choice to begin with. You don't want to lose yourself and get burned out. I like the passage from "Eat Pray Love": "Too much G-d, not good balance. Too much self, not good balance. Better to keep feet on the ground. So(pray) in the morning, enjoy the day (where you are), study (learn) in the afternoon and meditate in the evening, smiling with your mouth, your heart and your liver." (my paraphrase.) Great advice! Keep at it, Sister. You are an inspiration, even to this old Christian horse who sometimes feels like she's plodding along. ![]() |
Any Christian man?...
In the Springfield, MO area (southwest MO)? 50-65 pls!
I love following the "Through the Bible" ministry with J. Vernon McGee. It's a five year study of the entire Bible and I've learned so much with this series.
Also, I love Living Proof with Beth Moore. Sometimes her studies are about an individual book; more often they are topical. I can really relate to her studies; she is quite knowledgeable in Scripture, easy to follow, has a great sense of humor and gets to the heart of the matter. |
Edited by
Mon 10/17/11 02:47 AM
Ok, Why is it that in Genisus 19:26 But Lots wife looked back, and she was a pillar of salt. What was the reasoning, or significance, for her to be turned into a pillar of salt, when she looked back? JUst to see if she would obey? And why would he kill her, if she disobeyed him? Is that what God did, at that time? Wipe our entire nations, and kill people, if they sinned, or disobeyed him? Please explain. Okay, the word used in this context actually means "ashes". She was turned to ashes (like the rest of Sodom and Gomorrah) because she didn't just look back; her heart was back there in one of the worst places of sin in Biblical history. At least, that is my take on the matter. As far as reading which book, I would suggest starting with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and the Acts. I have found that reading about Jesus' birth, life and ministry - and then the early days of the Christian churches is most exciting for someone who is newly into reading the Bible and will keep you interested. I've raised seven kids with this (still working with number 8) and helped adults in this area as well. My personal favorite of that time period is Paul's conversion in Acts. I would also recommend getting more than one version and comparing the verses (or even simpler, use a website like crosswalk-dot-com and compare what the verses say in different versions). I was raised on the KJV, but I prefer the Complete Jewish Bible and New International Readers Version (both can be found on crosswalk) The Old Testament, while it is the foundation of Christianity, needs a bit of historical background and knowledge of the customs of the times to get a better understanding. A great source to read is Torahclass-dot-com. It will give you the insight you need and has text, illustrations and/or audio clips. Genesis is not an easy read to start with; it has a certain pattern and seems to repeat a lot but when you understand more, you will get the rhythm of it. Importantly, I also suggest that you read only a few chapters a day, slowly so you can digest and meditate on what you've read. There is reading and reading to absorb and learn, if you know what I mean. As always, I would suggest to pray before reading. Ask G-d to open your eyes and teach you the truth through the Holy Spirit (who is our teacher and the Spirit of Truth). G-d will bless your efforts, Luv; he knows your heart and I believe it is pleasing to him when someone seeks to know him through his Word. I have been reading the Bible for over 35 years; I've been seriously studying for the last ten and it never gets old for me ... each time I open it, I learn new things and re-reading the things I already know is like visiting old friends. It builds our faith and there is always something new to learn because we are always changing, developing and growing in our spiritual walk. I pray that you will be able to enjoy it as I do every day. ![]() |
Christian Ethics
No, the Bible doesn't give specific instructions on every thing in life. But it does cover life simply:
" ...`You are to love ADONAI your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.' This is the greatest and most important mitzvah (commandment). 39 And a second is similar to it, `You are to love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All of the Torah (Law) and the Prophets are dependent on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:38-40) CJB If you put G-d first in every situation (prayer, applying Scripture, leading of the Holy Spirit) and treat others as you would like to be treated, you can handle anything. |
Edited by
Mon 10/17/11 02:04 AM
I love to cuddle; to me it means caring without sexual pressure or expectation - or when I've been with someone, it was more than just physical. I'm usually the strong one, the "nurse", the encourager. I take care of a special needs daughter, who takes up a great deal of my time and energy. When someone cuddles me, it gives me the chance to be the treasured one, the one who is safe and loved.
Awwww ... now I want a cuddle! |
Do you see your grown kids very often? Do they live close to you? How about grandkids? Some of them. My eldest daughter lives in the same apt. complex, so I see her and my two teenage granddaughters almost daily. Second daughter lives far away; I might get to see her and grandsons once a year. Third daughter calls every weekend; I see her every few months, along with three more granddaughters. Fourth daughter lives out of state; I also see her and three grandsons about once a year. Son and granddaughter and grandson live about an hour away; I see them every few months and he calls me every few weeks. Fifth daughter and infant grandson just got her first apartment in the next town. I see her at least once a month and we are in constant contact on FB. Two youngest daughters still live at home, but eldest of the two is going away to school next year. We're a close knit family. |
For my children to be happy.
Just my take on it. From 16 on...I dated around...a LOT. So, I understand. Eventualy, I decided I wanted something real and would no longer settle for less. When you decide you only want REAL love...then yeah, the options dry up quickly. So, ya gotta decide, do I go back to settling for less than you are worth and picking up any chick who is interested? Or do you hold out for rare gem that you will treasure with everything you got in your soul? As far as the Nice guy/bad boy thing..... Women either want a nice guy with some bad boy tendancies or they want a bad boy who is nice beneath the veneer. They don't want a panzy and they don't want a jerk. As usual Krups you hit the nail squarely on the head! ![]() ![]() ![]() I totally agree. Krupa, if I haven't said it before, I think you are one of the coolest guys on this planet. ![]() |
Thinking that my bladder is full and I'd better go do something about it.
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Wat will be ur wish
I would wish that everyone would just treat each other as they would want to be treated themselves ... if each person did that, it could change the world.
I am told that I'm open-minded. I love to laugh and make others laugh also. I have a strong faith. One of my friends recently paid me a lovely compliment: she said that everyone should have an Alyx in their lives.
I wasn't aware that I dazzled the opposite sex in any particular way, except that they all seem to enjoy the picture of my feet! ![]() |
Yes, I'm whining. lol
I'm sorry. You can always send me meaningless one liners on the forums ... people write the most interesting stuff here.
I use the filter because for some reason I get a lot of messages from 20 year olds wanting me to spank them. |