Pro conspiracy theorists are FOOLS! These are people who sit at home in front of computers, read mantras of social misfits, and want to believe our leadership is always up to something. And now the matrix isn't make believe? What are you guys smoking? I want some! yes sir and the moon will turn blood red for you and the stars will fall from the skys |
yep ive been looking into this for 30 years and your 5 minutes of investigation has trumped my sure you know the real reason jfk was shot and why the titanic sank.yet you fail to realize all the satanic marks everywhere today like patrick swazy said if there was a cure for cancer every doctor would have it and they would be rich.yep satanism comes around once a year around halloween and disapears.your like a little fat kids in a candy store that hasnt discovered the truth about sugar.everything is bright and sugar coated and you feel safe and happy. recycled post thats because bill gates,warren buffet,and rothchilds dont pay their fair share. the way they have it set up billionaires will pay less for everything and you will pay more. bill gates started as a little rich dork he didnt invent windows his mom bought it for him from someone as ibm reqested. this is how the rich get richer they all have the satanic minus touch.these satanists only deal with other satanists and use unfair compilation so the reg joe cant compete then thell buy his company at bargain discount prices and start it up again. of course this is done in secret.until they own everything. this is why you only see big brand names anymore.this is also why your doctor prescribes you long term pills but cant cure siht. they keep getting richer while you struggle to make ends meet. every time you buy anything today you are making satanists more rich. every store is a chain and owned by very few people at the top. almost all the products in the store are owned by them to. all the products have a satanic mark on them arm and hammer,dole,finish,motts,windex,dawn,crest and walmart.......its the sun. its everywhere and yet you dont even notice it. i found out the secret the secret is everybodys retarded the reason there isn't a cure for cancer is that all the money is in finding the cure. if they found the cure, all their funding stops. wouldnt it be funny if it was the same reason we had terrorism |
yep ive been looking into this for 30 years and your 5 minutes of investigation has trumped my sure you know the real reason jfk was shot and why the titanic sank.yet you fail to realize
all the satanic marks everywhere today like patrick swazy said if there was a cure for cancer every doctor would have it and they would be rich.yep satanism comes around once a year around halloween and disapears.your like a little fat kids in a candy store that hasnt discovered the truth about sugar.everything is bright and sugar coated and you feel safe and happy. recycled post thats because bill gates,warren buffet,and rothchilds dont pay their fair share. the way they have it set up billionaires will pay less for everything and you will pay more. bill gates started as a little rich dork he didnt invent windows his mom bought it for him from someone as ibm reqested. this is how the rich get richer they all have the satanic minus touch.these satanists only deal with other satanists and use unfair compilation so the reg joe cant compete then thell buy his company at bargain discount prices and start it up again. of course this is done in secret.until they own everything. this is why you only see big brand names anymore.this is also why your doctor prescribes you long term pills but cant cure siht. they keep getting richer while you struggle to make ends meet. every time you buy anything today you are making satanists more rich. every store is a chain and owned by very few people at the top. almost all the products in the store are owned by them to. all the products have a satanic mark on them arm and hammer,dole,finish,motts,windex,dawn,crest and walmart.......its the sun. its everywhere and yet you dont even notice it. i found out the secret the secret is everybodys retarded |
i doubt anybody will get it until its too late but here goes.its way bigger than 911.your whole reality system is based on lies.everything that happens is preplanned and shaped towards a arent free like you think.almost all the stores that you buy from are owned by satanic groups.almost all food products in the restaurants and stores contain massive amounts of msg(to lower your IQ)allowed by the fda.most of your water supply contains fluoride(to lower your IQ)your fillings and shots contain mercury (to lower your IQ)you still dont get it? most of the vitamins and nutrients have been removed from your food (to lower your IQ).from the first president until the last has been raised and prepicked.(not by you).it doesnt matter if your dem or repub or other.they all have the same goals to carry out.this is being done all over the world.they have been in power since babylon.the terrorism adjective is to confine you and track your every move.but you feel safer.very few have understood this.this is to set you up for one world world world army.the rich familys have always been rich and stay rich they were the ones inside the are poor and always will go to work everyday and seem to really get nowhere while you dream of becoming rich.they make the rules and you play the game.thats why you can never get pay for energy at any price they say and it seems fair.if you dont constantly pay your taxes they take your stuff.its like the casino the dealer always still think your free?all of the odds are set up against recycle to save the environment as they poison your food and water.but the food says its extra healthy and sugar and fat free.they are lying to you and the fda goes along with it.the pharmaceutical companys own the health food companys and the vitamin companys.most stores and products now have satanic logos but i guess you cant see them.just like the oil companys bought all the electric trolly companys and destroyed them.electric cars work they just dont want you to have them.they want everybody to use gas and oil so they can pull the plug. so you think you are still free? anyone can become were taught in school to give you a false sense of hope.if you do have a business thats growing big they buy you out and then own you.your products cant compete if you cant sell buys your products in record amount and lower your price each time.when you resist they drop you and your company goes under.then they buy it at rock bottom prices and take over.every product is a name brand owned by another company. but dont worry your still free.
All I can say is, I pity you Kleisto. You and I have agreed on other issues in other threads, but on this issue, your mind is completely shut to any argument. I've been known to be a stubborn man. I've even felt so strongly about something that I knew I was right even when I was proven wrong. Hell, I've believed in some pretty absurd stuff in my time. In the end, I had to realize that I bought the B.S. because I was simply looking for something to believe....something to give me a purpose in life. You know what? The only purpose in life comes from within. Not from what you hear or read or even what you "want" to believe. It comes from learning about yourself, what you want and what makes you happy. This comes from a guy who has had psychic visions and remembered past lives. A guy who has studied environmental science and how Earth's systems interact. Someone who went to college to be an author but found himself working in factories, cooking in restaurants, and wiring houses. A man who has met and talked with authors, actors, politicians, and diplomats. Who choses not to have a religion because of dogma, but who follows a spiritual path of his own after studying a number of religions to just to understand the concept of religion. I've found times when I fell into the conspiracy theory trap. Each time I found the information lacked objectivity. Before I realized that, I believed in the information I was fed. When I questioned it - and my formal major in college was history....writing was my minor - my own research to answer those questions proved my beliefs wrong. No one told me what to believe. I already had a knowledge base that allowed me to understand the information I received from research. I was able to form my own conclusion based on logic and common sense....based on what I had learned and observed in the world around me without being told how to think. So, nobody is going to change your mind. Debating this topic is fruitless. But I don't think you are stupid or ignorant. In fact, I think, based on other topics, you have intelligence, but like me when I was younger, you are looking for a sense of identity....trying to understand who you are in your own eyes. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. Only time will reveal the truth, and that could be 5, 10, maybe 20 years from now. For now, you question what others do not....but do not fail to listen. Even if you do not admit it openly, make note and judge for yourself rather than take it at face value. In time, I think you will understand what I am saying even if you do not agree with it now. That is all I can say because I know when the horse is dead. yep every night you can see the fema trains lined up only to disappear before morning.time will reveal all soon. to bad we wont be around.eyes wide shut you have.there is only one religion to study and your eyes will be opened. |
Edited by
Tue 08/02/11 11:07 PM
If the Government is in on it, you think they killed thousands of people so why wouldn't the hesitate in killing the hundreds (I don't even think there are that many) of truthers who would threaten to expose them, if there really was a conspiracy all these people would be dead. Plain and simple. Former FBI chief Ted Gundersen says 9/11 was an inside job |
You mention building 7. It wasn't just the fire (which was fueled by diesel fuel that was stored in the building for back up generators) that burned for 8 hours but also the structure was badly damaged from the collapse of the WTC. If you watched the video it explains it. They knew the building was going to collapse. The firefighters on the ground knew. There is video of them saying its gonna collapse We can go over that too.....Silverstein saying to "pull" the towers. That's a whole other thing unto itself. Then you had the BBC reporting on the tower falling before it actually did.......with their feed going out just as it "really" happened. Really strange things. No he said to pull it as in pull out. That isn't a term for towers coming down. Again this is addressed in the video. oh by the way the building was constructed of tubes like straws 4 inches thick. just like the titanic owned by jp morgan the wtc collapse was a satanic ritual sacrifice. remember the goat |
our world is so complex that it would never exist without GOD.they built biosphere 2 and had everything you could possibly want and they couldnt get it to work.matter can only be changed not made.where did our universe come from?do you really believe we came from monkeys?or the sea?if you would get rid of the moon or even move it just imagine how different our life would be.everything is perfect and has been for a long time.evolution says we got taller and less hairy and smarter thats about it.that has to do with nutrition not evolution.
thats why theres an owl (molech) on every dollar bill.look up bohemian groove.thats why the washington monument stands 555 ft tall buried 111 feet underground.thats why dept of transportation has 666 logo.thats why the disney logo has built in 666.thats why walt had his head cut off and frozen.thats why theres a pentagram in washington dc layout.thats why washington sits like baphomet.thats why the pentagon is the only 5 sided building.thats why you have an eye logo for your tv station.thats why you never hear any satanic stuff on the news.thats why every barcode has 666 built into them.thats why everybody has to go through body scanners and their buying information is tracked and their phones are tapped.thats why yep busted right open ![]() did you get stuck on the dollar bill? |
thats why theres an owl (molech) on every dollar bill.look up bohemian
groove.thats why the washington monument stands 555 ft tall buried 111 feet underground.thats why dept of transportation has 666 logo.thats why the disney logo has built in 666.thats why walt had his head cut off and frozen.thats why theres a pentagram in washington dc layout.thats why washington sits like baphomet.thats why the pentagon is the only 5 sided building.thats why you have an eye logo for your tv station.thats why you never hear any satanic stuff on the news.thats why every barcode has 666 built into them.thats why everybody has to go through body scanners and their buying information is tracked and their phones are tapped.thats why yep busted right open |
Netflix NOW
evil dead 2 army of darkness drag me to hell doc who killed the electric car? FOOD.Inc the beautiful truth link >>>>>>>> |
well i feel body mod is meant to change you from the way GOD made you.
so im glad i dont have any.some look cool. some look stupid i dont date girls with tattoos its just my preference. |
did anyone here ever hear of the amero?this is why our money isnt backed by gold anymore.growing up i never head them saying the currency would it every year or so.i think if they say it enough people will stop paying attention and not be prepared when they crash it.then you will be payed pennies on the dollar.for fun look to see whats happening in when ss checks dont go out your money
might already be worthless.and unlike the first depression this will be worldwide.this is why your bombarded with hoarding shows.stuff you dont use everyday throw away they say you will never need it again.untill....i think almost everything in the stores today is junk.everything is cheap plastic so you could never replace what you threw out. |
![]() dont do that it just kills off more of your braincells ![]() |
Smarter-than-human minds
You grow stevia or cane and make your own sugar? How do you do that? I have stevia also, but I don't like it as much as sweet n low. you can grow it (stevia)it loves lots of water and light.i have mine in a big self watering pot and have kept it over the winter with a florescent grow can harvest 2-3 times a year.cut off stems leaves dry in paper bag.grind up leaves. you have green can refine the sweet part with acetone but im not doing can use the powder for baking.the made grain alcohol illegal where i live so i cant extract it that way.cane sugar wont grow here.pittsburgh pa.they sell stevia in the stores and internet but i wont be using brand was suncrytals and now their looking for a new stevia source with no luck.i havent really used much of the fresh leaves yet other than chewing on them. it took me a while to acquire the taste. now when i use reg sugar i say having trouble finding normal priced pure cane sugar now too.i also use molasses. |
Smarter-than-human minds
Sweet'N Low Saccharin yes they found out this was very bad for you in the 70s. this is also when they switched the pop and everything else to hf corn syrup of course the gov. feels all this stuff is safe and healthy for us I don't think saccharin is bad for you. The only study they ever did on it was to give a mouse a huge over dose of it. When aspartame,SPLENDA®/sucralose came out, I had a bad feeling about them, even when they swore that they were safe, and even when they kept shouting warnings about saccharin. I don't use splenda or aspartame or drink any soda with that in it. I still use saccharin and have been for many years. I'm 62 and very healthy. my aunt used that alot to. its probably not as bad as splenda or seems the new healthy alternative gets worse for you as they improve aunt lived to her 70s.but from what i know we all could live to be 120.theses poison additives are like smoking they build up over time and cause many health problems but so does old age. i use stevia now and it is not without its warnings.but i feel its the best choice for me.they have 20 different alt sugars here.the only one i was using went out of was 50% pure cane sugar 50% stevia.i still grow it but its hard to extract.i would rather not buy it in the store at all.unless i could be sure about how it was made.dextrose is in alot of them.sweet n low has it too but i dont think it did 20 years ago. the gov spent alot of money telling people to drink we have a warning label on all gallons. they tell people soy is a health food call me parinoid but i dont trust studys done by the same people that are going to make tons of money on a product. people look for name brands and they own all of them here is the one i trust. |
Smarter-than-human minds
Edited by
Sun 07/31/11 10:59 AM
Sweet'N Low
Saccharin yes they found out this was very bad for you in the 70s. this is also when they switched the pop and everything else to hf corn syrup of course the gov. feels all this stuff is safe and healthy for us |
Smarter-than-human minds
Edited by
Sun 07/31/11 10:07 AM
well the problem is that it might be the best thing for someone else and not bill gates is very into eugenics so if you ask to have kids the anwer would always be no.unless you were a billionaire
satanist. EXCITOTOXINS The Taste That Kills MSG its in everything hidden under 30+ names natural flavors lowers your I.Q. fluoride lowers your I.Q. aspartame,SPLENDA®/sucralose lowers your I.Q. |
the secret......shhhhhh
the secret