Grannits Place
a 68w is a combat medic and an 11b is an infantryman... sorry i was slow with that
Grannits Place
you're welcome winnie, but without ya'll it wouldn't make it worth doing
Grannits Place
i'm all about drinks, no matter where they are. ha ha
Grannits Place
no that was my way of saying thank you bro
Grannits Place
hey 68w i was an 11b so it was ya'll that made sure i made it home.
Grannits Place
thanks brother, it's nice to be here
Grannits Place
i don't want to sound judgemental or anything my first time here, so i'm not going to touch that one. I'm a vet though, so I will say I know that it's always nice being able to talk to other vets.
Grannits Place
thankyou, i was trying to gather some of what was being said earlier. was there something about people wanted to start a veteran forum but weren't allowed or something.
Grannits Place
I'm new here but I wanted to say hello and see what's going on with everyone.
Hello Everyone
I'm new here as are so many other people in the welcome area so I just wanted to say hello to everyone out there.