Community > Posts By > KarlaofJackson

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:41 AM
I drink alone - George Thorogood

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:37 AM

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:08 PM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sun 01/27/08 02:08 PM
mine is

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:11 PM

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 01/19/08 08:04 PM
<--- New to this forum, whats the game?

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 01/19/08 07:49 PM

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:45 AM
Or maybe, you should go talk to Dr. Phil...

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 01/19/08 12:42 AM
Yeah, maybe you are on the wrong site. Maybe you should start your own. For only single, straight, and you might as well make it a non-smoking site too while you are at it. Or maybe you should just not be so judgemental...

KarlaofJackson's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:58 AM
Olivia Newton-John

KarlaofJackson's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:56 AM

KarlaofJackson's photo
Tue 12/25/07 10:00 AM
START, Control Panel, Date & Time

KarlaofJackson's photo
Fri 12/21/07 09:24 AM
"Good day sunshine" - Beatles

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:03 AM
I only posted on this thread becuase the dude said there were only 2 categories that would post, one being those that have never smoked it and those that smoke it...

I have smoked it and don't now... I don't personally like it, I like to drink...not constantly, but... pretty much see it as the same thing, only drinking is legal...not why I drink, just prefer it...

addiction is really about having an addictive personality and/or not being able to deal with reality...I'm a little of both...arn't we all?

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:53 AM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sat 12/15/07 01:55 AM

How come they don't say when alcohol doesn't do the trick people do harder things?

And have you ever heard a story where a high driver killed themselves and a car full of other people?

Yup, I think they do...every body needs to escape once in a while...and everything is additive...well not everything, but in the terms that we are talking.

I drink, and I agreee....same boat...I have lots to escape's legal tho and I don't drink then drive....

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:48 AM
I can drink to that...drinker

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:42 AM
People that use drugs to "avoid" life get addicted enough that they eventually need something stronger because "pot" doesn't do the trick any more.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:38 AM

Hmmmmmmmm I have to disagree on pot not being addictive. Ive known too many people who were addicted to smoking cigarettes.....and when you take it away.....youre taking away the THC......weaning off any drug is preferrable.

and...also agree that it is additive..."some" peoople use it to not deal with their reality and therefore if quit cold turkey probably would not be able to deal with the real world

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:35 AM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sat 12/15/07 01:36 AM

ok somebody explain to me how their making money with it being illegal?????

and to say it was put here for a reason and it's natural, so are a lot of poisons should we take those too? their natural...

Because weed is not taxable, therefore they could not sale it. By it being illegal they can lock tons of people up & charge them, therefore making money. If something isn't taxable the government doesn't make money off it so it will never be legal.

Here I go again...just my opinion, but...That is excactly why it may become legal...and the ONLY reason if ever because the government can then tax it and make money off of it!

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:31 AM

lol Im not disagreeing with anyone.....Im just rambling....laugh laugh laugh talking to myself mostly.....but you keep answering!!!laugh laugh laugh myself getting waaaaay to involved in poltitcal and religious topics than I intend this late at nite...but no one is posting in fun, flirty topics...just bored...but do have an opinion...just me.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:26 AM

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