Community > Posts By > Charlesc

Charlesc's photo
Sun 01/06/08 03:21 PM
i know it will be the first time somones seen a bird punched to death

Charlesc's photo
Sun 01/06/08 12:06 PM
sucks to be the next bird that messes with me:angry:

Charlesc's photo
Sun 01/06/08 06:42 AM
maybe i wasnt paying attention huh id like to hear the fairy story bigsmile

Charlesc's photo
Sun 01/06/08 06:40 AM
no no no no wait. lemme tell you how it went. the first time i got messed up by a bird it was the fisrt time holding a bird it was all nice crawlin along my arm and then ... it went crazy!!! noway explode mad devil and bit the hell outta my thumb.

the next time i was hanging out at my friends and his bird was out... in the other room away from me ( same bird as before) im sitting in the kitchen it flew in landed on my shoulder and went to town on my ear.

also a bird has **** on my head in the middle of pickup game football huddle under a treesick

Charlesc's photo
Sat 01/05/08 05:13 PM
so far ive had a thumb turned into hamburger meat and an ear bit to hell by a bird... i think its especially gray ones that hate me. this is why i never hold gray birds... others i may consider

Charlesc's photo
Sat 01/05/08 04:39 AM
welcome to the thread.

and birds hate me... idk why but they just hate the hell outta me

Charlesc's photo
Sat 01/05/08 04:38 AM

Nah... this is a good thread and they all will realize it.

I wonder how Lady is doing btw?

i have yet to realize this :tongue:

Charlesc's photo
Mon 12/31/07 07:16 PM
Edited by Charlesc on Mon 12/31/07 07:16 PM
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker



Charlesc's photo
Mon 12/31/07 07:15 PM

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker PARTY!

Charlesc's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:26 PM
ok well im here ive just been damn busy. my holiday was great i spent it at my womans. it was fun best christmas everbigsmile

how bout you?

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/26/07 05:19 PM
Edited by Charlesc on Wed 12/26/07 05:19 PM
bigsmile i got a new years date bigsmile

w00t:heart: love love smooched bigsmile

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/26/07 04:17 AM
Welcome cherry bigsmile drinker

and merry day after christmas

Charlesc's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:32 PM
huh im not lazy everyday until thursdays. every other day im either my works ***** or my schools ***** or im doing favors or helping people move or this and that . i stay busyyawn

when are you not lazy?bigsmile :tongue: bigsmile

Charlesc's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:16 AM
pfff its all good now. its my day off!!

you know what that means? it means i get to sit in my room be lazy and not have to change outta my tshirt and boxers. today im gonna be soooooo damnnnn lazy!!! bigsmile yawn yawn bigsmile

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/19/07 05:11 AM
huh thats not good huh

id post more and be fun but work is kicking my ass... and thats where im headed now so cya

Charlesc's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:44 PM
bigsmile welcome kb!!

and i am not full of it:angry:

Charlesc's photo
Thu 12/13/07 01:33 PM
bigsmile pfff im awesome. numbers are a mystery to me so they mean nothing!

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:35 PM
i like to party moredrinker i have some serious partying skillz!

its just the day after skillz that i lack sick sad sick sick sad sick

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/12/07 02:33 PM
well kinda welcome back over near us .. i guessbigsmile

Throw the damn party!!! people drinker laugh drinker

Charlesc's photo
Wed 12/12/07 02:32 PM
hi lady! bigsmile