Community > Posts By > MrBiscuit

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Thu 03/08/12 04:01 PM

Thinking this will be a nice weekend one of my aunts an uncles is flying in for the weekend to surprise my mom for her 70th bday having the party Saturday even though her Bday is Sunday..

Aww, how nice :)

My papa will be 70 in 2014, bless them, they are good proper people ^_^

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Thu 03/08/12 02:58 PM

I'm thinking my hair is screaming hair cut. *Sigh* And I was trying to grow it out. ohwell

I havn't had my hair cut for 51 weeks, see if you can do a whole year :heart:

Ha ha! My ends will have to be trimmed to be healthy if I was to not cut off my hair.

I'm sure we can come to some... arrangement lol :heart:

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Thu 03/08/12 02:47 PM
I am feeling reborn, I don't know weather to blame spring, or time :)

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Thu 03/08/12 02:43 PM

I'm thinking my hair is screaming hair cut. *Sigh* And I was trying to grow it out. ohwell

I havn't had my hair cut for 51 weeks, see if you can do a whole year :heart:

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Thu 03/08/12 02:39 PM

So I made a mistake, it happens to everyone. Why can I not stop thinking about it?!! I can't eat, sleep or concentrate on anything since it..

Nothing worse than a guilty conscience frown

Funny thing is if I told friends, they would laugh and say phuck it. They won't see the ''wrong'' that I see frown

everyone makes mistakes,
everyone has those days,
every knows what, what I'm talking about,
everyone gets that way.

nobodys perfect flowerforyou

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Thu 03/08/12 10:17 AM
I'll let you all know when I'm older laugh

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Thu 03/08/12 06:09 AM

I'm very traditional and quite old fashioned.I think I must be the female version of Jarvis Cocker, quite honestly. lol. Whenever i read his lyrics, it seems he's thinking the same things as me, and having the same opinions about whatever the song is about. Did you get all that? Good. Also, dress sense. He dresses classier than many men his age, just like i dress way classier than anyone who lives in my street. I WANT to be classy. Nobody told me to be. Me, The classy chick with the cherry-bomb hair. lol

That makes two of us drinker except I don't have the cherry-bomb hair! laugh

rofl rofl, coooooooool :). I'm just not "sorted for E's and Whizz" though. The only song i CAN'T relate to. :o


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Thu 03/08/12 05:36 AM
Dear march the 16th, hopefully a good day all round :D

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Thu 03/08/12 05:34 AM
I am thinking about all the many friends I have made over the past 4 years, and how dear they all are to me :)

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Thu 03/08/12 05:31 AM
I am feeling happy happy lovely spring like day today! ^.^

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Wed 03/07/12 02:11 PM

I'm very traditional and quite old fashioned.I think I must be the female version of Jarvis Cocker, quite honestly. lol. Whenever i read his lyrics, it seems he's thinking the same things as me, and having the same opinions about whatever the song is about. Did you get all that? Good. Also, dress sense. He dresses classier than many men his age, just like i dress way classier than anyone who lives in my street. I WANT to be classy. Nobody told me to be. Me, The classy chick with the cherry-bomb hair. lol

That makes two of us drinker except I don't have the cherry-bomb hair! laugh

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Wed 03/07/12 02:05 PM
Dear Spring, I await ye, see you in two weeks! :D

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Wed 03/07/12 01:55 PM
I'm feeling great! :D The ipad 3 is being released friday next week, I want one, but I also want windows 8, and the Wii U too, hmmm... decisions decisions!!! :D

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Wed 03/07/12 01:49 PM

The bith on the floor

Lovely to see you, I missed you :)

I am thinking that tomorow is awesome day for me ^_^

awwww. *hug*. It's Mingle2's Time Lord :) haha. Hope you're well. Thanks for that sweet compliment. flowerforyou

*hug* lol, I like being called Time Lord ^_^

I'm fine thankyou, I hope you are well too, that's ok sweetie, you're awesome flowerforyou

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Tue 03/06/12 12:03 PM

i find it a little funny when people are freaked out by what i write.
you're only seeing a tiny piece of what goes on in my head.
i wonder what you'd say if you could have my brain for a day.

I'd say... I love beards! :D

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Tue 03/06/12 09:42 AM
Yeah, I've been thinking about this, and it makes dating very difficult for me.

My best friend told me that these pretty model girls have no heart.

And I often wonder'd why she would say that, as she was very beautiful herself slaphead

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Tue 03/06/12 09:32 AM
Dear, W, Why did you get me that video game? I'm not 7 years old anymore laugh

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Tue 03/06/12 09:24 AM

The bith on the floor

Lovely to see you, I missed you :)

I am thinking that tomorow is awesome day for me ^_^

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Tue 03/06/12 09:20 AM
I am feeling great, I used the phone, which I didn't enjoy, but I got an interview, so I guess I didn't waste my energy, or patience after all :)

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Tue 03/06/12 09:12 AM

1) the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon
2) a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies
3) a depressed place or part : hollow
4) low
5) a period of low general economic activity marked especially by rising levels of unemployment

Wow, number 2 decribes me perfectly! xD

I didn't realise that I was depressed, but I guess that's the life I live, and that's the price I pay laugh

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