Community > Posts By > LadyDezzie
Anyone here watch anime?
yea, saint seiya is a good one
“Dream Kiss”
Just Beautiful!
i thought i had found the right guy...i quit my job, school, and left my friends and family behind to move half way across the US with my guy and we were supposed to get married this past august. but he decided to cheat on me with my cousin's wife who i also went to highschool with.
i'm a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason, so even tho i'm extremely bummed out about wut happened, i guess it was for the best. i figured out early that he was the cheating type....make sense to anyone else? lol ok...i'm done rambling now... |
oh no ya dont!
i win
darn u
mark, lol wut u up to??? not tryin to win are ya?
Hello !
It most definitely is a rotweiler...and cute it certainly is!
she's right u won't win.....
wow country, take it easy ur keyboard ok? i think you've killed it
ooh darn i'm never gonna be winner haha
The last poster for wut? Every minute? lol
hm, very exciting indeed
I'm baffled as to how this game works...ppl just keep screaming 'WINNER!'...
how many people
It just baffles me how some guys just expect sex after dating a girl only a few times. It's like they think we owe it to them for "allowing" us to go out with them...I feel like I'm just rambling. Does anyone else find rationality in this thought? *sigh*
Advice for the Newbies
Rightly said Kojack! wish more men had the right train of thought like u do! haha
how many people
i definitely agree with totage. it sounds like the guy isn't looking for a relationship or anything, he just wants to get in your pants....