A Story : by Many Pens
Johnny was savoring the kiss with JAq when he whirled and pulled his piece.
"BLAM BLAM BLAM" Three headless mutants lay on the ground. "Lets scram before the rest of those jokers catch up to us." Jaq began to run and Johnny followed. He hope she knew where she was going, these tunnels could end up being their tombs. --- Poke scanned the netnews while he was on the ship. Trying to get a feel for Lo Ming Settlement and what Johnny might be into. It would be another 12 standard hours before he arrived. |
"We can cover more ground, if we split up. You two go east, we'll go north." Dorn spoke.
Tim and Phil grumbled but the look in Dorn's eye told them not to argue. The F.B.I duo head east while Dorn headed north with Sarah in tow. When Dorn felt enough time and distance passed he turned south. Sarah with a puzzled look, followed and wisely kept her mouth shut. Dorn didn't know why or how but he sensed Diane was to the south, and was wet and very cold. He also sensed a menacing presence close by, seemly follwing him ever since he arrived at Elk River. Dorn and Sarah where about 10 miles south of Elk River, when he spotted the badly concealed pathway that had recently been driven upon. Diane's presence was getting stronger. He killed the headlights and slowly drove down the lane. |
A Story : by Many Pens
Johnny took to think-humming "Mary gotta lil rammed, her bodice white as snow" while compartmentalising the rest of his mind. He would not be an easy read for that Dark Angel.
"Your playing with fire, Doll" Johnny said, and turned to face what was approaching... Poke Uranus was an old well travelled techo-wizard. Tall, lean and wirey didn't look a day over 30, not bad for a 500 year old man. Having been all over the known worlds, he had learned a thing or two forgotten by all except ancient mortals and mystical beings. He was owed alot of markers and owed a couple himself, was on his way now to pay 1 off. Aboard the ship heading for Lo Ming Settlement, he began to wonder how long it had been since he saw ... |
"NEW WORD GAME" - part 8
"NEW WORD GAME" - part 8
A to Z Television Shows
Michael a.k.a. Dorn barely heard a word Sarah said, but many things were slipping into place.
The Crown Victoria screeched to a halt. "GET OUT." Dorn screamed. When Sarah didn't move, he pulled out his knife. "You're making a mistake Michael." "My name is DORN and get the frack out, NOW." he roared Dorn raced off down the county road towards Elk River. Thirty minutes later he was in Elk River. The place looked like a ghost town, long forgotten, the world had moved on. Dorn got out of the car and began to walk around. There must be someone here he thought. ---- Sarah was angry but could kind of understand what Dorn must be feeling. No cell service and not likely to hitch a ride out here she started walking towards Elk River. She heard a vehicle coming, she put on her damsel-in-distress look and waited for it to get closer. What she saw was the most unexpected sight, it was the freakiest looking pink taxi she had ever seen. It showed no signs of slowing down, the pink taxi flew by whipping up a dust cloud that blinded and choked her. Before she was totally blinded she thought she saw that weird waiter being driven by a creepy looking asian. After she cough and cried out most of the dust, she continued walking. Thinking to herself, this has been the strangest mission ever, this just be my last job for the FDA. But she would see this through, try to help Dorn even if he was pissed at her for the moment. --- Diane began to ask where the squad car was when she was knocked out cold from behind. The "sheriff" shoved into the front seat of the green dodge, he then cuffed her wrists and tied her ankles. He drooled as he ran around to the driver's side as he thought of the fun he was about to have. He did indeed drive off to the south but obviously not to Elk River. Being a paranoid survivalist conspiracy freak with a sick sadist sexual appetite he had built an underground layer... |
The Beardy-House - part 64
Name a Book/Magazine A-Z
Q (magazine)
Michael sipped his drink as he tried to make sense of Sarah's word. A few more pieces of the puzzle seemed to slip into place.
He was about to order another drink from that odd waiter when his instinct started screaming at him to go to Elk River. "Give me your keys" he barked. "Why?" she asked. "Just gimme your keys, I've got to follow a hunch, stay or come with I don't care." he spoke louder. She tossed the keys and ran after him him before he could drive away. Michael jumped in, gunned the dodge and roared off down the county road towards Elk River... |
Edited by
Wed 09/09/09 01:51 PM
The waiter coughed politely to announce his presence.
"Ahem, may I take your order?" he looked at the lady. Sarah ordered two all beef patties with special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles on a sesame seed bun, make that two please. "Sir?" Michael asked for double scotch thinking it might make Sara's news go down better. The waiter nodded and walked away. Sarah thought she could could hear the waiter's buttcheeks squeak, she gave a mental shake of her head thinking that was just a crazy thought. "SQUEAK SQUeak squeak" |
A Story : by Many Pens
When JAred had ahold of Johnny, Johnny ordered some of his nanobytes into Jared. Insurance, now he could end Jared's life with a mere thought, if he needed to, and he suspected Jaq only had so much control over him. Not that he particularly cared for the control she did exert over Jared, or even the way she did things.
For now he would play the game, self preservation was always his top priority. He bagan to follow Jaq again, gazing at her sumptuous @ss. Before this is all over I'm gonna get me some of that. Thinking he might require some backup he sent a sublight message via his nanobytes to a very old accomplice. |
revealing a face covered with ancient tribal tattoos. The eyes were deep dark pools that wanted to suck the very life out of you. Though you could almost see through his body, he emanated a powerful evil energy. His bass voice resonated and filled the train station.
"If you want your boy back you will get him to finish his job for me." he boomed at Diane. "I may even let you both live." He pointed to Dan and said "WITHER" Dan drew his gun and fired three shots before he crumpled to the ground. The bullets passed through and hit the advertisment for a "Drug Free America" behind the blue bearded one. It took Diane all she had not to start screaming. "Get me your boy or else." Bluebeard roared and vanished. |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 06:24 PM
Squeaky McCheeky ordered Hung So Lo to drive them to Wolf Point, Montana.
"Michael had last been seen at the Wolf Point F.B.I. office. We are looking get Michael alone with you, hopefully triggering his memory." Dan explained to Diane "Well we better ditch this freak show if we want to get around unnoticed." Diane fumed. "Lets stop in Glasgow and take the train to Wolf Point." she continued almost pleaded, while she envisioned herself shooting the driver. They arrived at the empty station in Glasgow, the next train wasn't due for 8 hours. Hung So Lo was secretly laughing as he drove away. Dan sent Squeaky back to Canada with further instructions. An silent hour later, a storm began, from nothing to full furry within minutes. The wind howled, rain and hail pelted the windows. Thunder cracked almost deafening, lights flickered and went out. Doors banged open and closed with the wind. Diane moved closer to Dan. Lightening lit up the empty station every few minutes. The storm brought a sense of foreboding. As quickly as it had come the storm dissipated. But the power was still out. It was oddly quiet not even sounds from the surrounding forest could be heard. A cloaked figure walked in through the main doors, all dressed in black. Long blue braided beard hung from beneath his hood. He was apparently quite dry for someone who must have been outside during that storm. He strode straight to the platform edge, making no attempt at conversation with Dan and Diane. Diane had an even stronger sense that something terrible was about to happen, as she held onto Dan. Dan was also alert, gun in one hand, his other arm around Diane. |
A Story : by Many Pens
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 05:50 PM
With a look of mischief in her eyes, Xiao looked upon Johnny and said "I believe you've met my daughter, Jaq. You will work with her to eliminate The Mephisto Patriarch."
Johnny nodded to Xiao, and regaining his cool, gave Jaq his best smile. To Xiao he asked, "Was Dude in you employ? She replied, "No he was not, so there are still some unknown players in this game." "Go with Jaq to Lo Ming Central, see if you two can find out who else wants The Patriarch dead and why." Xiao continued. "And Johnny Strokes keep my daughter safe." Xiao entered into a meditative state as Jaq and Johnny left for Lo Ming Central. |
Dan Van Halen was a bit perturbed upon seeing the transportation secured by Squeaky McCheeky. A flaming pink taxi, seats made with plush pink fur, plastic little dildos framed each window. A pair of furry balls hung from the rearview mirror and to top it off a Bobblehead Knob, which looked extremely real, made Dan feel even more uncomfortable.
"Is this what you call being inconspicuous?" Dan asked Squeaky. Diane had become sullen and quiet, she just followed Dan into the taxi. Hung So Lo, the driver asked, "Where to Boss?" |
A Story : by Many Pens
Xiao The Cheyenne Shaolin called for tea. A servant appeared with a tray of three steaming cups of Jasmine green tea. Xiao questioned the servant with a look, who nodded as he served his master her tea. The servant served Eiliki and Johnny and left the hall.
Johnny thought, poisoned or not I must drink this tea. He glanced at Xiao and Eiliki, while sipping his tea. He didn't taste bitter he thought, but that didn't mean anything. Eiliki grabbed her stomach as her mouth foamed and her throat constricted. Her last puzzled gaze upon Xiao as she died. Johnny was surprised but kept composed. It wasn't a scenario he had considered. Xiao looked past Johnny's barely hidden shock to someone in the shadows. "My dear Jaq, come forth." Xiao spoke fondly. |
Squeaky McCheeky, the DEA most uncorruptable agent.
"Michael is on the move, and even though hes made contact with the FBI, he doesn't appear to really know whats hes doing. Our transport is ready, whats the plan, Dan?" |
A Story : by Many Pens
"Greetings Venerable Leader of the Shaolin" Johnny bowed.
"Come forth and speak Johnny Strokes." Xiao whispered with authority. I shouldn't be surprised she knows my name, Johnny thought, I better just lay it all out on the line. "I was hired by Dude Dudely to kill The Patriarch of the Mephisto Clan and on my way here I was knocked senseless by the purple wench from the bar and threatened to kill young Eiliki Mephisto also." Johnny spoke as he pulled out a Triple Tar, lit, took a long drag and continued. " I began to suspect something bigger was going on here than I knew. I also sensed I was being set up by Dude Dudely, so I detonated explosives I had hidden in his bar." "I have no idea where the purple one is now, I have no intention of carrying out her demand and am no longer obligated to my contract. I am at your service." Johnny bowed. Johnny was cool even with the possibiliy of his imminent death. Xiao's gaze revealed nothing as she listened to Johnny's story. She had already made up her mind but would let Johnny wonder what his fate would be awhile longer yet. |
A Story : by Many Pens
Edited by
Wed 09/02/09 01:41 PM
Xiao grinned and nodded as the scout withdrew.
"Looks like your boy is coming to us." she said "What, why didn't my guard inform me?" Eiliki gasped. "Apparently this Johnny Strokes is more than he seems, but why you rely on cyborgs never ceases to amaze me. Superior beings will always prevail over bots." Xiao chuckled Johnny knew he was being watched even if couldn't see anyone as he entered Shaft Sixtynine. He kept his weapon secured, best not to appear hostile. What he was about to do would be hard enough, but he had the balls to pull it off, if they didn't cut them off before he could speak. He had heard the Leader of the Shaolin was ruthless but somewhat fair. As he entered the Hall he saw the woman from the bar and the other could only be the Leader of the Shaolin. He kept his eyes on Xiao as he walked up to her and spoke ... |