Community > Posts By > HelloHalo

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Fri 10/19/07 06:28 PM
I just have to say Spider...IF a computer could stand and applaud... this one would do just that as I doing just that for your posts. The same could be said about Abra's & others as I have thouroughly enjoyed reading what you have obviously put alot of thought and energy into. If I was to comment on anything it's to keep up that principle of attraction...I'll assume you know what this means and leave you with a sincere silent Bravo.

To the creator of this thread I would simply state... Not everything can be explained or proven in the sense of solid human logic.Some things are beyond out capacities at this time or beyond our capacities at all, thats yet to be determined.

One such theory might state that over intellectualizing anything will be a detriment to the process and subsequent outcome.

I could elaborate on this in numererous theories, history and other things that go bump in the night. Lets just uncomplicate a few things and maybe you'll come to see where I'm coming from and where this question might be better posed.

and this is really simplified so just bare with me...

Lets look at a simple emotion...the feeling of Love. How does one prove it in any sense of the word? We could argue till the cows come home between principles of science to Dr Ruth Weisenhiemer (sp) theories? depending on which kind of Love we are talking about lol to name BUT TWO. So lets not split hairs ... yes it makes our heart beat faster, yes its nice to receive nice gifts and kind words, yes it makes us feel happy and full of joy when in it and miserable when we fall out of it. Those are all tangibles but are they really a true measure of Love?...Isn't the truth of the matter intrinsically you know
within. Isn't it reality that very little of this emotion can be actually proven?

We can expand on this in any sense of the word and simplify theses thoughts and questions even greater. I would Love to quote the bible's defense but whats the use? God's intentions were not to argue nor drag people screaming into beleiving in him any more then scientists are trying to bang us over the
head.Although, It may be argued God is more alturistic but lets save that for another day shall we? Uniquely and more so commonly hence terminal uniqueness we all we all seemingly
possess the same curious questioning nature and within have numerous questions that go unanswered and will go unanswered. This can be stated about all theories...

There simply is no hard or fast regarding to be true. We don't have to like it we just have to accept it. What we know today could be disproved make this even sillier to drive the point home... what would happen if tomorrow the sky opened and a site you never thought possible to see came to be? Would that change what you know today?...its possible.

Blind faith is called this for a very logical illogical reason. As for listening to me...I would suggest you take an onuce of it and discard the rest...go to the ultimate authority when asking questions you want answered. In closing I would think you would want an authority that isn't as messed up or as imperfect human mind is.

Best Wishes in finding the answeres you are looking for...

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