What does that signify so pride inspiring? All flags should be hung together signifying solidarity, we should not be divisive but being conducive to togetherness. no flag is supose to be flone over the other they are supose to be flone at the same hight. |
a nighty
i think that media does a lot of things wrong this being on of the many. I or anyone for that matter could go on and on about the kind of things they do that often times hurt others. case and example princes D. Or think about what the family of that grandfather is going to think when they see him on the front of the six o'clock news lying dead...
Kiss Or Run - part 5
what do you think
And all those stupid commercials about how bad pot is for you. The one where the kids are playing with the shotgun, bull***t, people smoking pot are way too paranoid of everything to play with a gun. And the one where the guys are high going through the drive through and hit the little girl on her tricycle, that girl deserved it, cause if she got hit by a car doing 3 mph, something is wrong with her! great stuff keep it coming |
what do you think
ok how about just weed? there is nothing wrong with weed. if we can drink alcohol which alters people mentaly, weed should be allowed. |
Legal question
thats crazy! im not sure what the law in ohio is but im going to have to look it up now. so do you have strick laws about consealed carry too?
Has anyone
no and i dont think that i would even want to set my brother up... that would just be weard.
I'm part of the 2%
hmm i thought of a black hammer
texas and ohio
i dont think Obama will win ohio but i do think that he will win TX and when he does i dont think Mc Cain will be able to beat Obama for the presidental election. Obama is a political super star right now. Right now he is. NOv is long way off; Ever hear of Tony Rezco? And what exactly does Obama have planned for us? Tax increases? Deficits? Talking to our enemies. His time will come. for one thing talking to our enemies is one of the smartest things that he could do. we should have never been in Irac in the first place. with all to money that we have spent over there we could have turned the whole affgany MT. into a huge pile of gravel and we wouldnt have to worry about Osama but for some reason Bush thought that we should take more onto our plate. As for the deficits if we were not in a pointless war spending 12 million dollars a day we wouldnt have to worry about how our economy is going to crap because we could aford to put in a real stimulus package insted of a tax relief Nevill Chamberlain talked to Hitler; he brought "Peace in our time." And then we had WWII. After Pearl Harbor we didn't attack the Japs. We invaded . . . Morocco. Morocco! It is in Africa. We went to Iraq to fight them on their ground, not ours. Talking to our enemies will get us little, if anything. as of right now we are in a war that could last 50-100 years. fighting isnt doing anything ether. we cant win a war against an idea unless are are willing to go to total war. AKA blow up homes, kill women and children, destroy churches, and anyone that caries that same views as our enemies. but because we have to much media that effects the war we will never be able to do that. there for we should get the H*ll out untill we are ready to do what ever it takes to win. Get ready to start riding your bike, or prepare to drill off the coast of Florida and California and up in ANWR. Without Mideast oil we couldn't heat our homes. You can pontificate all you want, but we need the oil at market prices. that is a compleatly different issue than the war. i agree that we need oil at market prices but if its at the cost of American lifes then something needs to be done about it. |
texas and ohio
i dont think Obama will win ohio but i do think that he will win TX and when he does i dont think Mc Cain will be able to beat Obama for the presidental election. Obama is a political super star right now. Right now he is. NOv is long way off; Ever hear of Tony Rezco? And what exactly does Obama have planned for us? Tax increases? Deficits? Talking to our enemies. His time will come. for one thing talking to our enemies is one of the smartest things that he could do. we should have never been in Irac in the first place. with all to money that we have spent over there we could have turned the whole affgany MT. into a huge pile of gravel and we wouldnt have to worry about Osama but for some reason Bush thought that we should take more onto our plate. As for the deficits if we were not in a pointless war spending 12 million dollars a day we wouldnt have to worry about how our economy is going to crap because we could aford to put in a real stimulus package insted of a tax relief Nevill Chamberlain talked to Hitler; he brought "Peace in our time." And then we had WWII. After Pearl Harbor we didn't attack the Japs. We invaded . . . Morocco. Morocco! It is in Africa. We went to Iraq to fight them on their ground, not ours. Talking to our enemies will get us little, if anything. as of right now we are in a war that could last 50-100 years. fighting isnt doing anything ether. we cant win a war against an idea unless are are willing to go to total war. AKA blow up homes, kill women and children, destroy churches, and anyone that caries that same views as our enemies. but because we have to much media that effects the war we will never be able to do that. there for we should get the H*ll out untill we are ready to do what ever it takes to win. |
texas and ohio
Edited by
Tue 03/04/08 02:13 PM
texas and ohio
i dont think Obama will win ohio but i do think that he will win TX and when he does i dont think Mc Cain will be able to beat Obama for the presidental election. Obama is a political super star right now. Right now he is. NOv is long way off; Ever hear of Tony Rezco? And what exactly does Obama have planned for us? Tax increases? Deficits? Talking to our enemies. His time will come. for one thing talking to our enemies is one of the smartest things that he could do. we should have never been in Irac in the first place. with all to money that we have spent over there we could have turned the whole affgany MT. into a huge pile of gravel and we wouldnt have to worry about Osama but for some reason Bush thought that we should take more onto our plate. As for the deficits if we were not in a pointless war spending 12 million dollars a day we wouldnt have to worry about how our economy is going to crap because we could aford to put in a real stimulus package insted of a tax relief |
texas and ohio
I went to the polls early myself, here in Ohio. I choose to look at it like this, I'm lucky to live in a state where my vote counts. Our state is going down the toilet because we have too much government and too much union influence. despite that we still play a major role in the president this year |
texas and ohio
i dont think Obama will win ohio but i do think that he will win TX and when he does i dont think Mc Cain will be able to beat Obama for the presidental election. Obama is a political super star right now.
a bridge for sale?
just have to put in my two cents. I live in Ohio and i voted for Obama today but i dont think that he will win ohio i think Hillary will take ohio but not texas. If Obama wins the Democatic election he will win the presidency. right now he is a political super star. but if Hillary wins and somehow gets the democratic election i dont think she can beat Mc cain. But i also think that someone will try to kill Obama within the first year of his presidency. take it for what its worth message me if you want to talk more indepth.
coffee addicts
BTY how does everyone like there coffie, i take mine black and strong.
coffee addicts
have to have me at least two cups of java in the morning or the whole day is crap