your family wanting you too doesn't mean you have commitment issues. the question is yours, do you find yourself averse to the idea? do you have strong feelings against intimacy? i noticed your profile identifies two or three traits that kind of say "back off" or "beware" which does make me wonder if you are defensive...but again..i don't think anyone else can tell you..
i think she wants to know if she has a tendancy to avoid or run from commitment....i'm not sure anyone here can tell you that without knowing you. you might, you might not. while you have every right to not see someone or not be interested, the question really is, why are you breaking these relationships off. are you finding a fault just to get away, are you really not interested, or do these guys all have similar issues. then you have to ask if its that you're into the wrong type of guy or if....etc etc etc. i mean even i'd have to know way more than could be conveyed on here and even then, no one could be definitive.
why? and why all this interest?
that is tough. this culture is not very homogenous. the most i could offer is anecdotes i think. i can say only that it varies based upon geographic location, socioeconomic level and, probably most significantly, upon the family in which each individual was raised...its like religions, when you find someone who is religiously bigoted, look first at the family of origin and the denomonation second.
What is race?
the only reason i think biology matters at all is that it affects how some people choose to treat us and that in turn affects our self conception. I don't believe that it truly has an affect on our natures or personality otherwise...but it can influence us in how we decide upon our racial identity...unfortunately.
What is race?
i wouldn't say country, national boundries are not always drawn based on ethnic lines. i would say race is, in a biological sense, the ethnic heritage(s) from which you are descended, and socially speaking it is comprised of the mixture between the cultural groups from which you are descended, those taught to you by those who raise you, the general culture of the nation in which you are raised, and later the manner in which you choose or balance your various racial identities to form a self conception of your own individual identity...ok sorry i'm done apologies...