People all to many look for the facts that fit there pre-determined conclusion anyway.
I am sure if there is a god, he isn't going to 'hate' anyone and loving someone of your own sex is hardly a sin. |
The High Cost of Cheap Labor
Well our economy demands cheap labor and our immigration laws make it cheaper, faster, and easier to walk across a border.
So if you decide you are not to proud to pick beans for $3.00 a hour or if you want to pay double even triple for your food then you can start to make a difference. |
No call UPDATE
Your claims are false and this is just spam. No need to worry everyone this is just a hoax. I keep only a cell phone for that reason only.
* Contrary to the e-mail, cell phone numbers are NOT being released to telemarketers, and you will NOT soon be getting telemarketing calls on your cell phone. * There is NO deadline by which you must register your cell phone number on the Registry. * Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations prohibit telemarketers from using automated dialers to call cell phone numbers. Automated dialers are standard in the industry, so most telemarketers are barred from calling consumers on their cell phones without their consent. * The national associations representing telemarketers have stated that their clients do not intend to start calling consumers’ cell phones. * There is only ONE DNC Registry. There is no separate registry for cell phones. * The DNC Registry accepts registrations from both cell phones and land lines. You must call from the phone number that you want to register. If you register online, you must respond to a confirmation e-mail. * While the telecommunications industry has been discussing the possibility of creating a wireless 411 directory, according to the FCC, even if a wireless 411 directory is established, most telemarketing calls to cell phones would still be illegal, regardless of whether the number is listed on the federal government’s National Do Not Call Registry. |
Then you are going to blame your pencil for mis-spelled words? The phone did nothing wrong, the driver did. I will continue to speed and talk on my phone thank you very much.
New Pledge of Allegiance
Thank god I'm atheist!!! lol
ewww haha nice one. disgusting? what are you 7? grow up and get a sense of humor.