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chismah's photo
Sat 10/21/06 06:39 PM what I miss???

chismah's photo
Sat 10/21/06 06:36 PM

U.S. Army North up and running

Army Times | October 21st 2006

U.S. Army North, the Army’s newest service component command reached
full operational capability Monday, which means that it is fully manned,
equipped and ready to assume its mission.

As part of Army transformation, USARNORTH was formed to become the
dedicated Army service component command to Northern Command, the
unified command responsible for defending the homeland and coordinating
defense support of civil authorities.

Located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USARNORTH achieved initial operating
capability in September 2005, and is responsible for specific missions,

• Execute homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities

• Provide training and readiness oversight of certified weapons of mass
destruction—civil support teams.

• Conduct the Army-to-Army portion of the theater cooperation mission
with Canada and Mexico.

• Coordinate the activities of defense coordinating officers and their
elements assigned in each Federal Emergency Management Agency region.

• Organize up to two task forces that, with augmentation, can become
joint task forces and deploy within the operational area to command and
control Department of Defense forces responding to homeland defense or
civil support operations.

For the past 12 months, USARNORTH has been building its organization,
readiness and mission capability. USARNORTH officially assumed the Army
component command duties from Forces Command on Oct. 1.

chismah's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:52 PM

US Army Announces Readiness for Total Military Takeover of America

Sorcha Faal / | October 21st 2006

Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that final steps
towards a full Military Dictatorship of the United States have been
taken with the US Army announcing USARNORTH has now reached ‘full
operational capacity’ and is now ready to:

“Execute homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities
missions”, and “Conduct the Army-to-Army portion of the theater
cooperation mission with Canada and Mexico”.

According to these reports, the first of the USANORTH plans for the
total military takeover of the United States, from its few remaining
civilian overseers, rest with a new series of draconian laws recently
enacted by their top Military Leaders and which, among other things,
suspends the right of habeas corpus for Americans, and which the
American Military Leaders have ordered their courts to disallow, and as
we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service in their
article titled "Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases", and which

"Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week
that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration
has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has
jurisdiction to consider hundreds of habeas corpus petitions filed by
inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

Beyond those already imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay or elsewhere, the law
applies to all non-U.S. citizens, including permanent U.S. residents.
Habeas corpus, a Latin term meaning "you have the body," is one of the
oldest principles of English and American law. It requires the
government to show a legal basis for holding a prisoner."

Not being fully explained to the American people, however, are that
these new draconian laws do in fact have a direct impact upon each of
them, and as explained by an American dissident group called The Future
of Freedom Foundation, and which in their article titled "Jose Padilla
and the Military Commissions Act", states:

"Anyone who hoped that U.S. military detention of Americans accused of
terrorism expired with the transfer of American citizen Jose Padilla
from military custody to Justice Department custody have seen their
hopes dashed by the Military Commissions Act that the president signed
into law yesterday. Although the act limits to foreign citizens the use
of military tribunals and the denial of habeas corpus, any person,
including American citizens, can still be labeled and treated as an
“unlawful enemy combatant” in the war on terrorism.

What does that mean for the American people? It means the same thing it
did for Jose Padilla. You’ll recall that Padilla was arrested in Chicago
for terrorism and transferred to military custody, where, according to
Padilla, he was tortured and involuntarily injected with drugs.

The government’s position is that since the entire world is a
battlefield in which the war on terrorism is being waged, U.S. officials
now have the power to arrest any American suspected of terrorism, place
him in military custody, and subject him to the same “unlawful enemy
combatant” treatment that Padilla received, until the war on terrorism
has finally been won, no matter how long that takes."

More ominously for the American people is their future culpability in
these actions being done in their name by their Military Leaders, and as
articulated by one of the United States most celebrated reporters, Helen
Thomas, and who has said about these horrific new laws:

"President Bush on Tuesday signed the law that legalizes the
administration's shameful treatment of detainees suspected of terrorism.
The same measure also empowers the president to define torture. It's a
sad legacy for America and its already-tarnished world image.

The far-reaching legislation gives Bush the right to decide what
constitutes torture. The president has often said "we do not torture,"
despite evidence to the contrary - and photographs from the infamous Abu
Ghraib prison as well. The president also can set guidelines for
interrogation of prisoners. White House spokesman Tony Snow declined to
say whether "waterboarding" - in which detainees are made to feel they
are drowning - would be permissible.

Under the new law, the president also has extraordinary powers to
designate who is an illegal enemy combatant, which potentially subjects
U.S. citizens and foreigners to indefinite detention with no power to
appeal. Bush is also allowed to interpret the Geneva Conventions on
Humane Treatment of Prisoners of War.

One of the reasons Bush sought a green light from the lawmakers is "to
have Congress stand with him in the dock," Malinowski added. The
military commissions act is law. And all Americans will be tainted by

Helen Thomas’ reference to American Military Leaders standing in the
‘dock’, which means standing trial for War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity, rings ever truer with the decision of the International
Committee of the Red Cross issuing only its second ever in history
“concern” regarding the actions of a warring Nation [the first “concern”
issued by the ICRC was in 1944 over the Nazi German treatment of
concentration camp detainees], and which we can read as reported by the
SwissInfo News Service in their article titled “ICRC "concerned" over US
anti-terrorism law", and which says:

"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expressed concern
on Thursday at the United States' tough new anti-terrorism law. The
president of Swiss-run humanitarian body, Jakob Kellenberger, said that
there were questions over its compliance with the Geneva Conventions on
the conduct of war."

To the second part of the USANORTH plan for the unsuspecting American
people, Conduct the Army-to-Army portion of the theater cooperation
mission with Canada and Mexico”, we can read from the Council on Foreign
Relations report that first outlined the merger of the independent
Nations of the United States, Canada and Mexico into a North American
Union, and which says:

"Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations in association with the
Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos

North America is vulnerable on several fronts: the region faces
terrorist and criminal security threats, increased economic competition
from abroad, and uneven economic development at home. In response to
these challenges, a trinational, Independent Task Force on the Future of
North America has developed a roadmap to promote North American security
and advance the well-being of citizens of all three countries.

When the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in Texas
recently they underscored the deep ties and shared principles of the
three countries. The Council-sponsored Task Force applauds the announced
"Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," but proposes a
more ambitious vision of a new community by 2010 and specific
recommendations on how to achieve it."

Also not being understood by the American people are how their young
children are currently being trained to be administrators of this North
American Union, and as we can read as reported by the World Net Daily
News Service in their article titled "N[orth] American students trained
for 'merger', and which says:

"In another example of the way the three nations of North America are
being drawn into a federation, or "merger," students from 10
universities in the U.S., Mexico and Canada are participating annually
in a simulated "model Parliament."

Under the sponsorship of the Canadian based North American Forum on
Integration, students met in the Mexican Senate for five days in May in
an event dubbed "Triumvirate," with organizers declaring "A North
American Parliament is born." A similar event took place in the Canadian
Senate in 2005.

The intentions of organizers are clear. "The creation of a North
American parliament, such as the one being simulated by these young
people, should be considered," explained Raymond Chretien, the president
of the Triumvirate and the former Canadian ambassador to both Mexico and
the U.S. Participants discuss draft bills on trade corridors,
immigration, provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement and
produce a daily newspaper called "The TrilatHerald."

To those dwindling numbers of Americans aware of the total destruction
of their Nation, and way of life, ever harsher measures to destroy all
dissent were outlined to them this past week by their Military Leaders,
and as we can read as reported by these various sources:

As reported by the Reuters News Service in their October 17th article
titled "Web could be terror training camp: Chertoff", and which says,
"Disaffected people living in the United States may develop radical
ideologies and potentially violent skills over the Internet and that
could present the next major U.S. security threat, U.S. Homeland
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Monday. "We now have a
capability of someone to radicalize themselves over the Internet,"
Chertoff said on the sidelines of a meeting of International Association
of the Chiefs of Police."

As reported by the CNET News Service in their October 17th article
titled "FBI director wants ISPs to track users", and which says, "FBI
Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday called on Internet service providers
to record their customers' online activities, a move that anticipates a
fierce debate over privacy and law enforcement in Washington next year."

As reported by an American dissident writer, Chris Floyd, in his October
17th report titled "Sentimental Education: Academia Signs Up for
Tracking Down Dissent", and which says, "Why is the United States
government spending millions of dollars to track down critics of George
W. Bush in the press? And why have major American universities agreed to
put this technology of tyranny into the state's hands?

The Bush administration already has spyware devouring reams of private
information in every direction. It is now paying top universities
millions of dollars to refine this data into actionable intelligence -
including the automated discernment and tracking of dissent against
administration policies and criticism of the president. Bush has openly
declared that he has no intention of obeying privacy laws - or any other
laws safeguarding the Constitutional rights of American citizens - if he
doesn't want to."

More interesting, perhaps, than the simultaneous flooding of the
American media this past week with ‘frightening’ reports on the
‘dangers’ of the Internet by the US Military Leaders, was the
sensationalist reporting revolving around an American man posting on the
Internet a hoax threat, and which has resulted in his arrest, and as we
can read as reported by the KWTX News Service in their article titled
"Store Clerk Arrested In Stadium Threat Hoax", and which says:

"A Wisconsin grocery store clerk is under arrest on charges he's behind
the hoax that claimed there would be dirty bomb attacks during this
weekend's NFL games. Jake Brahm surrendered to federal authorities
Friday morning, and was due in a Milwaukee court later in the day. The
US Attorney in Newark, N.J., says Brahm is charged in a sealed criminal

Russian Intelligence reports on this American ‘hoax incident’, in our
opinion, have correctly stated that these events are a false flag
operation intended to bring the ever growing American dissident
community to heel by ‘reminding’ them that even a 20-year-old store
clerk is not beyond their reach. We can rightly imagine the fear these
events have caused among the American dissidents as what they are
experiencing now we have lived with our entire lives.

To the greater of these issues, though, remains the fact that the total
destruction of America today has long been planned, and is even now in
its final stages. To the many warning signs put before these American
people there have also been many, and, perhaps, none more chilling then
a simple letter sent from a former US Congressman, Bill Hefner, to a
constituent of his in North Carolina written in 1997, and which says:

"Enclosed is the information you requested pertaining to the Army's
policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor program and
civilian prison camps on Army installations.

This information has not yet been published (it is currently at the
printers), however, it has been funded, staffed, and does reflect
current Army policy. I hope you find this information useful."

As the storm clouds continue to gather over these once great American
people, one cannot wonder at their continued insistence to not look up,
see what is coming, and prepare.

chismah's photo
Tue 10/17/06 09:20 PM
It all just makes me feel all good & nice inside ^_^

(weeps) now you brought back the memories of my pet dog woofy.....=(

chismah's photo
Tue 10/17/06 09:18 PM
You have to tell him about it. you both we're responsible to lay down
together. now it's time that he knows the news and take it in from

But I do understand his point of view that he is with his family still.
that's his right and family is important in today's society in my

I do agree that it is time for him to step up to the plate and to live
his life in the world and STILL have his family. but he should take full
responsibility to move out and be on his own or whatever. it is time to
grow up in his case and take responsibility to raise his child he made
with you is now his decision.

You have to tell him hun.. he does have the right to know about this and
then see where it goes after the news break. you both need to have a
long talk!!

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 10:49 PM
Guiness taste like HORSE PISS 0_o

But them 2 idiots that say "BRILLIANT" on those sunday football
commercials on tv is pretty funny and silly!!

Budweiser is still muh king of beers dammit....makes me pee alot...but
oh's still great stuff ^_^ oh yeahhh!!

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 10:44 PM
Hey prob...I aimz ta please the community ^_~

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 08:27 PM
For Video Chat...

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 08:26 PM
lol....Welcome to the "Online Digital Age" sir ^_^

Please See Reference:

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 08:10 PM
That's only if you want to BLOCK them from sending you anymore messages
only. but I don't think maybe that would block them from trying to add
you from the add-on feature...I haven't checked out that feature yet.

I'm still open to peeps sending me messages so ^_^ I haven't encountered
anybody bad yet...but I'm sure I will down the road!!

chismah's photo
Mon 10/16/06 08:08 PM
If you want to remove a friend simply go to your main page...Click on
FRIENDS at the top like in your list of friends CLICK that
little MAIL ICON graphic (that is the delete feature) and WALLA!!!

That person be dissapeared from your list!!


chismah's photo
Sun 10/15/06 01:23 PM
LMAO dam the eagles lost to the lame ass saints....sad...really sad!!
heh heh LmAo...

chismah's photo
Sun 10/15/06 01:22 PM
Without McNabb back there throwin them sweet balls around. the eagles
would be soaring to the ground out of the sky...

chismah's photo
Sun 10/15/06 01:22 PM DA MAN 0_o

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:54 PM
To tell the truth angeleyes I know exactly where you are coming from and
I feel the same dam way. I've never been married...but I know what you
are going threw.

you find somebody you wish to spend the rest of your life with (that
special person nobody ever made you feel like in the whole world) then
one day everything changes...and he/she doesn't stick around and then
your left heartbroken and hurt & it's never the same again when you try
to go out and find somebody that would make you feel the same way again.
but you can't get over the one that mattered most...

it's true...."loves a bitch" and she's mean as fuck like a swift kick to
my balls...but after balls don't ache anymore and I feel
much much better after awhile. but you can just NEVER forget...


chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 08:22 PM
Oh man that's so sad =(

Sorry to hear about your loss Jenn...we wish you the best sweety and we
are here to support heart to you and your family at this time...

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:29 PM
Depends on who you are with...but if your so called "Special Parnter"
doesn't acknowledge you..then what's the point eh!!!

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:28 PM
Hell I'd do anything to make her feel all nice and yummy & good. but for
peeps sake. no pain..ha ha ha..whips, chains nor would kill

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:26 PM
I'm so filthy right now I need 2 bars of Irish Spring ^_^...

to the shower waterfalls of muh bathroom laddie...WooOooOOO dam that's
cold...who the heck left the shower nosel on?

chismah's photo
Fri 10/13/06 02:25 PM
HA HA dam straight eh?? I can't wait until the Jason Voorhees series
comes on tv tonight...nothing like 80's blood gushing Friday the 13th
Movies on and a batch of cheese popcorn to start it off and screams tis good!!!