Community > Posts By > cuzimwhiteboy
i don't give a dime
medical miracles are not a believe they are a fact. There are documented cases where people should have died and somehow recovered and doctors don't know why. Science can't explain it but it has happened. Sometimes things just happen and they may not be God but we don't have an explanation. You'll have to define "miracle". If you mean 1 in a million, then there are approximately 301 miracles a day in the U.S. alone. |
Original sin... explained...
If eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (or the tree of knowledge of morality) was the original sin, how did those two even know that disobeying God was the wrong thing to do to begin with?
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Do Tell!!!
I'm an equal opportunity skeptic.
A critical mind is my church, and virtue is my religion. When things suck I enjoy a good beer. ![]() When things are good I enjoy a good beer. ![]() "Beer the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." -H. Simpson |
i don't give a dime
Edited by
Fri 01/04/08 09:47 PM
Exactly ,Do you remeber when Kansas had that school board that tried to push through the teaching of ID. They got enough people on a school board to make that happen then the courts had to step in to stop it. All of that costs money. What about the rise in sexual transmitted disease in teenagers in Schools that use an abstinence based health program. Not to mention the unwanted pregnancies. The Kansas public education school board isn't what I meant by higher education. I was referring to the university level. You have a legitimate complaint, but ultimately, the ID advocates are faced with a losing battle ever since the Kitzmiller vs. Dover trial set an important precedent. The reference to abstinence programs seems like a correlation-causation fallacy or a non-sequitur. You'll have to explain your point since I don't follow. |
i don't give a dime
I have said it many times. The Christian religions attack on science is very disturbing to me. In that sense there are many Christians that do not take seriously what I believe. It is costing our society monetarily and scientifically to fight against these people. So I point to the Book and the Doctrine were it is obviously wrong to me. I would think that if your religion is the one true religion it would hold up to this type of examination. That seems like a tempest in a teapot type argument. I recognize that there are sects within Christianity that discourage the teaching of evolutionary theory, but what effect they can have on higher education and the community is probably very little since most of the research and development of new technologies depends heavily on the scientific method. The industry most certainly realizes that. You'll have to cite some economic figures to support your claim. As far as I've seen, most Christians I've met understand evolution as fact and theory while others look to intelligent design (ID) for answers. They claim it deserves equal time in the science classroom, but I think they're misinformed for believing that ID qualifies as a biological science. I feel it deserves discussion in a philosophy program though. ![]() |
i don't give a dime
I think if someone posits a truth-claim based on insufficient or contradictory evidence, then that particular claim ought to be held up to rational scrutiny. If it's a false claim or an invalid argument, then free and critical inquiry are what's needed to determine that.
I won't debate someone on matters of preference, and it should definitely be discouraged. However, I'll gladly debate someone on matters of judgement, but that's not synonymous with ridicule. It's an important distinction to make. |
What is your Fav!!!!
he is quoting things that wouldn't be done today.. like stoning just because it is something he and just about everyone else wouldn't do. Then he has an attitude that is like " here is what you believe but I wouldn't do that" He is trying to belittle religious text and its pretty obvious. Aren't you above his "baiting" you? (if that's what he's doing) All he's done is quote scripture in this thread, and share his interpretation/opinion on it. So what. You don't believe in stoning, and I don't believe in stoning. Defend yourself if he attacks your character and mischaracterizes your personal beliefs, but other than that, why bother? Ignoring him and moving on doesn't mean you're weak-minded ya know. ![]() ![]() |
What is your Fav!!!!
If someone quoted I Samuel 15:3, would that mean they were mocking the text? I don't think that verse is a good guide for behavior; nonetheless, I still enjoy reading the Bible, and appreciate the history behind it. We all see it through different eyes.
What is your Fav!!!!
The Road to Emmaus story in Luke is pretty cool.
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What is your Fav!!!!
I enjoy the Bible for other reasons than most, but I'm sorry, Numbers and I Chronicles puts me to sleep.
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What is your Fav!!!!
Yeah! It's kinda sad that the sites that talk about sex or vulgar stuff get so many more hits..... They'd appreciate the Song of Solomon, and the book of Judges. ![]() |
I believe in everyone's right to believe, or disbelieve the supernatural or the paranormal without resorting to intimidation or coercion. I also believe in the value of critical inquiry when pursuing the truth. If that's the ultimate goal, then claims have to be rationally scrutinized to determine which have merit, and which deserve to be tossed into the dustbin of wishful thinking. That's why I'm here.
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I kicked a good guy's a$$.
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everyone in their 30's
<--32 and I have more hair on my head than on my back. Sweet.
well lets be honest everyone like a little boost in the ego Wait. Is that why you wax your chest? Let's start a fund drive to buy you a shirt. ![]() |
"to believe is to doubt"
You shoooore look like a man to me darlin.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Kat Why am I craving milk? ![]() ![]() |
Where are all the Tomboys?
C'mon now. You don't have the Victoria Secret catalog. You have the Sears catalog.
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Worst Christmas Gifts ~
My granny bought me g-strings. Funny and creepy.
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How bout da movie "300"
Who cares about the plot.It was just one kicka*s movie I think that's another vote for men's abs. ![]() ![]() |
If you could have...
I'm supposed to say world peace, but I'd rather have Jessica Alba dress up as Wonder Woman, tie me up with a golden lariat and force me to tell the truth.