Community > Posts By > chris1979

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:24 PM

Is the Pickle offended when he is called gherkin or baby dill?what

Inquiring minds want to knowhuh laugh
not one bit. he finds it rather funnylaugh

very well, gherkin, baby dill and pickle extraordinare it is:banana:
well you can throw huge in there if you want sometimes. not true, but would make him happybigsmile

How about massive or vast, are they OK?bigsmile :thumbsup: rofl
yes they arerofl

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:23 PM

Has anyone ever tried to kill you, or hurt you really bad?

2 years ago i got into a fight, and the other guy pulled a gun, i caught one .38 to the shoulder area, and to this day, it still burns at times.
sounds fun

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:21 PM

Is the Pickle offended when he is called gherkin or baby dill?what

Inquiring minds want to knowhuh laugh
not one bit. he finds it rather funnylaugh

very well, gherkin, baby dill and pickle extraordinare it is:banana:
well you can throw huge in there if you want sometimes. not true, but would make him happybigsmile

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:20 PM

ever have one of those kinda days
i have, cheer upflowerforyou

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:19 PM

I want the PICKLE backhuh huh huh

hahaha, someone wants the pickle back

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:18 PM

why you cryin sweety. no tears allowed tonite

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:16 PM

Is the Pickle offended when he is called gherkin or baby dill?what

Inquiring minds want to knowhuh laugh
not one bit. he finds it rather funnylaugh

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:15 PM

i see now laugh

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:14 PM

ohhhh thanks
4 what

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:13 PM

thank goodness you're here, i need to ask...

should i go with the dill or the sweet butter chip? spock
go with the dill. but it always depends on what your eating of course

:thumbsup: thanks, you're the best! laugh
i think so tolaugh laugh

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:13 PM

who's pickle?" just wondering.
only mine. sorry

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:12 PM

yea yea..... where do babies come from ?
the ones i have came straight out of the va jay jay

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:10 PM

im tired :angry:
not a question. now wake up

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:10 PM

thank goodness you're here, i need to ask...

should i go with the dill or the sweet butter chip? spock
go with the dill. but it always depends on what your eating of course

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:08 PM

hmmm intresting
i think so

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:08 PM

How much for an oil change?
i just payed $28, but i can do much cheaper

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:07 PM

When will I find true love (and where is he now...?)
he is in your closet, in 2 seconds you will find him

Darn, I just checked-no one there.... do I get a refund?
you get another question, thats all. sorry

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:06 PM

you driving to kent?
no, but i will 4 you

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:05 PM

Does Psychotic Ink do head tattoos????
i would say yes

chris1979's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:05 PM

sorry i am supposed to ask a ????

WHERE THE HELL IS THE PICKLE//////????????laugh
in his jar