Community > Posts By > Poetrywriter

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 01:57 PM
Chocolate syrup all over

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 01:15 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 12:06 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 11:49 AM
Master Chef

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 11:42 AM
Magic Kingdom

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 09:10 AM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 08:51 AM
Feel like 2 ships that have passed in the night. You being the Queen Mary and me being the Titanic.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 08:44 AM
Edited by Poetrywriter on Sat 04/29/23 08:45 AM
Guitar strings

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 08:43 AM
Get A Sign


Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 04/29/23 08:41 AM

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 07:16 PM



Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 07:08 PM
I am a lurker. The lurkee never knows I am lurking their profile because I lurk in stealth.

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 06:44 PM

I am new here, people have expressed interested in you on MutualMatch, but you have not rated them back yet.

how to you rate someone?

What that means is you haven't clicked yes to them yet. Just remember that the mutual match is just a game. Just don't put a lot of stock into it. If you really like someone just send them a message. If they like you they will respond. If they don't then just keep plugging away til you find one who will respond. But always remember that if you do not get an answer that is an answer.

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 06:34 PM

Take some time, go though people in the search option, on people profile you will see "Like" " Nudge" Etc, any one you like press the like button, if you are intrested in some one, send them a message, you have a limited number of "Chats" each day, when you run out of chats, you can then "Nudge" some one.

It is worth setting a reasonable limit to the range, finding some one you like across the world, would mean it is very unlikly yu will ever meet.

But half of what Mingle offers, is hope, all the humans here have one thing in common, were all lonly.

Hope this helps.


The first part of your post is only partly true. There is no limitation on chats or nudges for paid members. It's just one of the perks to being a paid member, unlimited chat. I am a paid member and I have no chat limitation. Also you are saying all the humans here are all lonely. I am not lonely. I am here for friendship but not lonely.

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 08:44 AM
472 Deewaving

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 04/28/23 08:42 AM
Lurking in between snoozes.

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 04/27/23 12:19 PM
Edited by Poetrywriter on Thu 04/27/23 12:19 PM
Put Slim back in his car and remind him that he stopped too soon. The end of the rainbow is still a ways off. When you head south be on the look out for hot weather and palmetto bugs.

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 04/26/23 10:11 AM
I can lurk and chew gum at the same time. I am so talented!

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 04/25/23 06:05 PM
Edited by Poetrywriter on Tue 04/25/23 06:06 PM
Topic: BIDEN'S mental challenge of the week.

I would say he has to make the decision on which leg to put in his pants first each morning. That has to be a tuffie for him.

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 04/25/23 02:32 PM
I've discovered that I have not discovered anything any time anything discovered was discovered.