unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 10:49 PM
May You forgive me for what I have done. May You forgive me for when I neglected the light of Your sun.
For I did not know and I did not show the righteousness of your blessed gift.
But I am only human, my Father, and thus I am unfit, misfit, and set adrift.
While the days pass along with a fury unknown,
I set to myself and I feel so alone.
But as my fire burns brightly once here and again,
I am reminded that my gift is not a sin. And so I set down to dutifully write,
And the fury consumes, and I know what is right.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 10:04 PM
So would it be proper to say, "we beat that horse to death?"

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:36 PM
Night, Mag.. nice meeting you ;)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:33 PM

ladies if you give in now,we'll tell yall where we hid your underwear at smokin

Not a nessecity. If you give up I'll tell you where I hid your porn pitchfork

pfft...yall found that soft core stuff.you ladies don't know where our 3 big stashes are hidden at!smokin

I have your stash of Naughty Nurses vids pitchfork

Don't fall for it, boys, there's porn on this here Internets! I mean, somebody told me this ;)

I'm innocent.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:25 PM
They ain't wearing no undiewear? Boys, I believe this is what they call as dirty fighting..

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:23 PM
Topless beer wenches? Ah, I see. Ok, I don't see but I wish I did, girlie. ;)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:21 PM
There's nothing wrong with appreciating the beauty of a woman in as many clothes as she has on. ;)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:20 PM
*Tosses cookie to mag* I'm waiting for the chicks in the French maid outfits though... I have a thing for scantilly clad women.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:20 PM
Aw, darlin, I've been called far worse than a decoy in my time ;)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:19 PM

don't just stand there. sit down, and enjoy a beer brought to you by a nice waitress in a french maid outfit

Ooh, french maid outfit? Sold. *sits down with my cookies*

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:17 PM
I'm not a windows kinda guy.. *tosses Indigo her slippers* Want a cookie though? They're peanut butter.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:16 PM

*Watches conversation, tries to look tough and manly* =)

Don't even bother trying, 'cause if ya ain't on OUR side...you're
goin' down.

I'm just standin' here all observant-like. I could learn stuff.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:12 PM
*Watches conversation, tries to look tough and manly* =)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:51 PM
welcome, Bill.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:49 PM
Yep, I may have even flexed a little, lol.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:05 PM
Eddie Money references are always win. I'm waiting for "Take Me Home Tonight" reference for the official completion of my night, haha.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:59 PM
Nope, not yet. Well, I told myself. =) I doubt that counts.

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:56 PM
welcome to the site, I'm new also. =)

unstateddefiance's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:54 PM
Welcome to the site, I'm new also. =)

unstateddefiance's photo
Wed 01/05/11 06:16 PM
Welcome, Jannie, I'm always down to chat. =)