Community > Posts By > Mag83

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:15 PM
Yeah, I don't see that one happening....

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:13 PM
I'm 27 and in the same boat as you.

Love is a funny little thing. It finds us but it's up to us to keep it without suffocating it; nurture it to help it grow and to grow with it while still remembering how things were in the beginning.

Love can make us fly, keep us grounded, bring us to our knees or knock us on our a**. I may never understand it, but I will never give up on it.

This song by Lisa Brokop sums up how I feel in a nutshell:

You live and learn crash and burn
And come out of the ashes even more alive
You make your mistakes whatever it takes
But know when to hit the brakes and when to let it slide

You can come crying on my shoulder
But don't ask me to show you the way
As I get wiser as I get older
It seems like I've got less to say

I know too much I've seen the light
And I've been lost in the shadow of doubt
I know too much to give up on love
And I know too much to ever try to figure it out

What would I do if I were you
Take my advice don't take advice from me
There's no wrong or right no black or white
Just shades of gray as far as I can see

Promises, rules and hearts get broken
Plans and minds and people change
One door slams and another door opens
Don't ask me I can't explain

I know too much I've seen the light
And I've been lost in the shadow of doubt
I know too much to give up on love
And I know too much to ever try to figure it out

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 05:03 PM

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:55 PM
How much was that ticket to Dreamland?

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:35 PM

Jt couldn't handle me winking

are you challenging me?smokin

As soon as I hit "Post reply" I knew you were going to say that grumble If I say No, I lose points for us girls in our little battle of the sexes. If I say Yes, I know I'm in trouble....

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:22 PM
Jt couldn't handle me winking

Mag83's photo
Thu 01/06/11 04:21 PM

I am back Mag and Ash sorry was away a few days taking care of some business wasn't in Asia but had to finish planning my trip details lol anyways

Love is great and Ash most reason people get divorce is b/c they rushed things to fast and got married when they were not ready for it. I know that was my case, And many of my friends in the Air Force had that happen, cheating in this day and age seem to be a huge problem these days from both sexes as well.

And Buttons I am not a football fan so I'd turn off the game in a heartbeat to give you a massage lol, But if the fights are on I think you might have to wait lol.

Showing love and to someone is about small things, I believe knowing what your girl wants and enjoys, it's also about putting your needs aside and taking care of hers first, and if you can't do that then your not necessarily in love.

HEAR HEAR!!! Welcome back Okami flowerforyou we missed you.

Mag83's photo
Wed 01/05/11 09:42 PM
Edited by Mag83 on Wed 01/05/11 09:42 PM
As long as you're still shirtless :)

I'm off to bed. Have a good night Jt smooched

Mag83's photo
Wed 01/05/11 09:25 PM
With you payin' the bills and cleaning the house... I think I'd manage smile2 I see me sitting back with something that comes with one of those lil' umbrellas watching you clean in those shorts from the other night winking

Mag83's photo
Wed 01/05/11 08:44 PM

Thought this thread was called "Man Law"...

Do your own frickin' vaccuming, sheesh!!!

Yeah, um... We women blew the whole "Man Law" thing right out of the water with our secret weapons

( . )( . )

Works every time biggrin

Mag83's photo
Wed 01/05/11 08:38 PM
Post some pics of you doing things around the house sans shirt and we'll give you "sexy"

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 08:16 PM

I prefer Jose myself. drinker

Mag...I do all kinds of things...carpentery, plumbing, painting-
interior and exterior, drywall, flooring, and a little electrical.
I even incorporated a little of all that stuff into the lessons when
I was home schooling my kids, and my son also learned car repair from
his dad.

Now he's something to look at! drool

I prefer mine with longer hair and a little stockier, but as long as
he gets the house clean, it's all good. :wink:

It's from this book called 'Porn for women' Very funny!

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 08:15 PM
You tell 'em Indy! ^..^

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 05:27 PM
Now he's something to look at! drool

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 05:08 PM
Edited by Mag83 on Tue 01/04/11 05:08 PM

now that's my kinda woman! lovedrool

I drink Jack

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 05:07 PM

Hi just sussing out forums new to it all. I'm ally from uk xxxxx

Welcome to bedlum! LOL
Just jump right in and join the crazy rofl

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 02:15 PM
We just had our last one. Holiday weekends are extra busy so I didn't get to relax at all. But I want one.

What salt mine do you work at?

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 02:00 PM
Edited by Mag83 on Tue 01/04/11 02:01 PM
How are you Ed and Ice. I missed you guys yesterday flowerforyou

Anyone else ready for another 3-day weekend?

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 01:58 PM

Lmao...I can see Mag has been keeping you guys in line while I was
gone.bigsmile laugh drinker

Before long it's you GUYS who will be in the maids outfits serving
US...oh yeah. bigsmile

dream on woman!

It's ok cupcake, we'll take it easy on ya, we won't make you wear the
stilletos too. smooched

i ain't wearin' nothing y'all tell me to grumble

Oh no no nooo, I know you're not sassin' me. That's it now you
ARE wearing the stilletos. Keep it up...and the bunny ears go on
too. :wink: :tongue:

She's being nice. I had you guys in the little tiny shorts with the cheecks cut out. Keep it up and I'll make you wear the collar too pitchfork

Mag83's photo
Tue 01/04/11 01:55 PM

I have to play hard, you two will trample me if I don't. Where's Indy when I need back up?

Sorry :angel: I was busy looking online for tow bars to start
getting vehicles from local auctions for my son to fix and resell,
and faucet assemblies because my daughter's shower needs a new one.

It's okay babe, I kept 'em in line for ya :wink:

Hope you found what you needed. Too bad you're so far, I need help fixing my door. Some a-hole thought it would be fun to get into my car without the keys.