no not you caam
the a**hole i married. im trying to find my nerve to push him all the way off the cliff as opposed to waiting ima big chicken like i said yesterday |
dinner at gmas
The Worst Break Up
i decided i wasnt that into him anyway....did go psyco when his reply when i told him i was pregnant was "what are you telling me for?"
Do you love your car
* sits and listens to lhb intently*
i drew a mustache on your picture threw your ring away ida wrote you a letter but i couldnt spell pffft and that's all i got to say i think ive almost had enough to drink
The Worst Break Up
he knocks on my door, points to a girl sitting in his car and says im leaving you for her then left
take care peach
i wanna big squishy bed. mines too hard a matress for my liking
babys like to bounce on the bed
odd messages
atleast im not the only one who thinks its a set up
odd messages
yea a few weeks ago. he keeps asking me to drop the charges. toldim he's being charged one way or another cuz the state automatically charges
im ona seefooddiet. i see food and i eat it
odd messages
i have a guy who's trying to win me back but im not thinking i want to. but yesterday i kept getting text he says were for a friend of his, but i kept getting them saying things like "if i cant have her im gonna dissappear. i couldnt bear to see my kids cuz they're a spitting image of her. i want it all or nothing" and today i got messages to the 'other woman' whom he cheated on me with most recently. saying things like "i dont wanna f*** things up again. ill be your friend, but nothing more take it or leave it." and him saying to her she's just a b**** and he never had feelings for her (when he kept telling her he loved her) but i never had the problem of getting messages from him that weren't meant for me and he says the other person recieved those texts. could it really be a screw up with the phones that i got all of these messages ( 14 in all) or is it just some kind of game for him to try and make me think he's telling people all these things so that i'll take him back after hearing all these things?
cocholate pie and peanut butter cookies
ooo chili got any fris??
whoever thought of that must work for disney cuz whoever comes up with the kids movies has to be on something
never heard of this before. who comes up with this stuff yup yup yup uh huh uh huh
ok. im good
im lost now
For women only
Do you have a lot of make-up? none
How much do you put on? none How long does it take you to get ready? 5-10min 20 if im bringing the kids Do you carry a purse? nope What color is it? n/a Where did you get it?n/a Do you have a Louis Vuttion? a what?? Do you like to wear nail polish? on my toes How often do you get your nails done? never Do you like manicures? never had one Do you like pedicures? never had that either Do you have a usual nail salon you go to? nope Where do you get your hair done? haven't cut it in 5 years, braid and wash at home Do you straighten your hair? no How many pairs of shoes do you have?4) cowboyboots,tennis shoes, flip flops, and work shoes Which pair of shoes are your favorite? cowboy boots What brand are they? laredo Do you wear heels? no Where do you buy most of your clothes? walmart and thriftstores |