Community > Posts By > Caolina14

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Fri 10/19/07 04:51 PM
The scouts are a private club and as such they should have the right to set their own standards and values, and of course decide who and who souldn't be allowed to join. If homosexuality is considered by the scouts to be immoral, why would a bunch of fags want to join in the first place? I wouldn't try to join a club if my actions were inconsistant with it's values; especially if I saw no wrong in my actions. I mean if it's so prim and proper to be gay, something to be proud of they claim, why would you want to be a part of something that rejected you?

Let them start their own mirror organization, similar to the scouts, and make up their own rules. Hell they can exclude straits if they want, I could give a damn less.

I hear a good many of you gay supporters scream intolerance whenever someone disagrees with you. Aren't you failing to tolerate their decision to dissagree? And since when is tolerance of what one considers wrong a virtue anyway? I'm proud to say I don't tolerate what I consider evil or wrong. What we have freedom to speak, but not freedom to think? We can't make up our minds on an issue unless it's consistant with a leftist agenda? If it were the other way around you guys would be screaming fascism.

While I'm at it, drop the term homophobe. A phobia is an irrational fear. Most people I know who don't approve of homosexuality aren't scared of gays and their disaproval, right or wrong, is often grounded in some rationality.

Moving on, I'm going to have to call out Lizardking real quick. YOU son sound a little queer to me. If you find anything homo-erotic about young boys wearing uniforms, something's obviously very wrong with you. The scouts is a great way for young boys to learn valueable skills and be brought up with knowlege of good citizenship. Yea I know someones going to go "since when is bigotry a mark of good citizenship?". If the parent's don't agree with the scouts values no one is drafting their kids into it.

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Fri 10/19/07 04:30 PM
Oh I forgot. People with no sense of self-respect or pride.

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Fri 10/19/07 04:30 PM
Not neccissarily just a list of things that piss me off, but of things which discust me as well:






Fans of Emo



Unchecked finance-capitalism




Drama Queens

Flag Burners



Drug dealers






Micheal Moore (I guess he's redundent since I already covered liars, hypocrites, and commies)

Just about 99% of what's shown on TV

mass unchecked Immigration

slum lords

People who try and censor debate


People who call those who disagree with them 'close-minded'

People who can't see things right infront of their eyes

The Clintons

George Bush

People hate George Bush, because it's trendy

Politicians in General


Scum in general

- gee did I lose any potential friends?

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Thu 10/18/07 09:46 PM

In response to the catlady:

1. Show me a study that shows that the death penalty fails to deter crime. Since I don't know of one that supports the idea that it does in fact deter crime and since I'm too lazy to check with Google right now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets say the death penalty doesn't deter crime. There is still the benefit of tax money saved and prison space freed.

2. When was the last time you saw a rich, famous, black person get the death penalty? Does race have ANYTHING to do with this? Maybe rich, famous, white people don't get the death penalty because rich, famous, white (or black, or yellow, or brown) people tend not to commit the same crimes than people in other demographic groups (such as poor nobodies). There are exceptions to the rule however, such as the case of O.J. Simpson. But then again we all know the reason O.J. got off the hook was because he was white.

3. I fail to understand what your digging at here. I'm going to take a hunch and guess its a reference to rich, famous, white people buying their way out (which would just kind-of tie into point 2). The fact that the rich have more pull than others in this society sucks, but that’s a separate issue than the death penalty. Rich people also tend to avoid jail time. Does this mean we should abolish prisons (I'm beginning to sound like a broken record)? Maybe you'll like the 'free check and a cake' idea I proposed earlier.

4. Again this sucks, but when you look at the data there were 16,137 known murders (as distinguished from manslaughter) in 2004 (I don't know if the number has gone up or down, but it's a good reference point). Not all of these people can be assumed to be innocents (a good many were probably involved in gang activity, drug deals, etc.), but there were 16,137 murders none the less. That means there were at least 16,137 murderers. That's just one year. 130 innocents(over how long?)lost kind-of pales in comparison. Yea it's a bad situation and needs to be remedied, but, like even application of justice, it's a problem in and of itself and only peripheral to the question at hand.

5. We (I speak for myself only, but the pluralization sounds better)aren't out to teach them anything, we are out to eliminate unwanted burdens of the state. It would be pointless to try and teach them anything as they would soon be leaving this world. However it does serve as a good lesson to others that heinous crimes (not only murder, which I would distinguish as being the criminal killing of innocents, but other crimes as well) will be rewarded with death. The lesson is that individuals do not have a right to kill one another for their own personal reasons (excluding the natural right of self-defense of course), but banded together as a society they do have the right to exterminate those which present themselves as a threat to said society or who have presented themselves as a threat to society.

6. You tell me.

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Thu 10/18/07 07:26 PM
Yea I realize that. In the US there are federal, state, and local laws. If something isn't covered by federal law its up to the individual state to decide, after which it's left up to the county, then city or town.

Go back and re-read his post, he's refering to his individual state.

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Thu 10/18/07 07:19 PM
Jess I think he was refering to his individual state in the Union.

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Thu 10/18/07 05:00 PM
I support the death penalty for those who commit heinous crimes. In my opinion it isn't simply killing that is wrong, it is the killing innocent people. I have no objection to the destruction of undesirable elements of society (murderers, rapists, child molesters, traitors).

It certainly saves all the tax money that has to be diverted into keeping them alive in a cell for the rest of their lives. As far as forcing someone into living with guilt goes, it's impossible. Some people have can feel no regret or remorse. Not all criminals share the same thought processes as regular individuals, which is, in many cases, why the committed the crime in the first place. Even for those that can feel sorry for themselves, it's far too expensive to keep them alive simply for this reason. Scumbags having pity parties doesn’t really help society out in any perceivable manner.

And as for Bruno, or whoever else the criminal in question has to fear, sex offenders (who I at least consider the lowest of the low and most deserving of the death penalty) are generally kept out of general pop for their own safety. Again, catering to the mentality of the criminals as victims.

Yea it sucks that innocent people are sometimes the victims of mistakes, but that serves as no reason to completely abolish a program such as the death penalty. Innocent people can end up getting locked up for 15+ years of their lives for crimes they didn’t commit too. Does that mean we should rid ourselves of prisons as well?

I know, maybe we should give criminals a cake and a $500 check every time they break the a law. Then they'll see how nice our judicial system is and revert to being law abiding citizens. Afterwards we can all run down to the bubblegum meadow and take a dip in the chocolate milk lake.

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Wed 10/17/07 10:07 PM
No I don't find money attractive and not just as far as what I'm looking for in a girl/young-woman, but just socially in general. Often people who work the roughest jobs get paid the lowest wages, while people who have it much easier get big fat paychecks, which make them feel like they're some-how better than those who break their back all day for nothing.

Same goes for rich kids who don't work and yet feel their superior to others because of how much money their parents make.

I don't have anything against people simply for having money, that's ignorant and foolish. If someones a decemt person and isn't arrogant about it, I could care less how much money they/their parents make. It's all based on the attitude of the individual.

Now if he/she raked in his/her money in what I would percieve as an unsatisfactory manner (dealing drugs, hiring illegal immigrants, pimping, etc.) there's a whole other element added to the situation.

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Wed 10/17/07 09:57 PM
Rock-and-roll superstar here.

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Wed 10/17/07 09:55 PM
Any of you guys ever watch 'Taxi Driver'. I'm sure a few of you have, it's a classic film (up there with 'Red Dawn' and 'A Clockwork Orange'). Anyway I heard the main character Travis Bickle made some list of top movie villians. WTF? Travis is one of my all time favorite fictional characters. Pimps should be shot not emulated.

Anyone else disguisted by this gross travisty?

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Wed 10/17/07 09:48 PM
Thanks for the laugh Bearbait.

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Wed 10/17/07 09:06 PM
I'd like to see Ron Paul take the presidency, but he has about a snowball's chance in hell of taking the republican primary.

Giuliani? Pfff. That joker is all about gun control. How can you have someone serve as this country's figurehead when they don't even believe in the constitution in it's entirety? What's up with picking and choosing which amendments to keep and which to throw out the window?

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Wed 10/17/07 08:53 PM
Yes lets vote for Clinton soley because she's a woman, let's not even take merit into account. Wait, wouldn't that be sexist?

Throwing her reefer toking husband out of the equation and looking solely over her policies... I would have to answear with a resounding HELL NO! The last thing this country needs is a Marxist dictatorship.

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Wed 10/17/07 08:38 PM
Here are a few gems:

"Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha";
"Kill d'White People"; --Apache, Apache Ain't ****, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.

"Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles they found that they couldn't handle us; Bloods, CRIPS, on the same squad, with the Essays up, and nigga, it's time to rob and mob and break the white man off something lovely";
--"The Day the Niggaz Took Over"; Dr Dre, The Chronic, 1993, Interscope Records, under Time Warner in 1993.

"Swing by on the pale guy. . . . break him in the neck. . . . the guerrilla with the poison tip. . . . shaking pinky up on a dull-ass ice-pick . . . this is Lench Mob. . . . devil, what you want to do; when you see the boot, knew your head is hoohoo ";
--"King of the Jungle"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

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