<---my sheep can beat up your cat
G'night girl
Oh yeah and I WIIIIIN! |
aww thanks...done complaining here. I think its all out anyways. At least I have this great place to come to when I can't sleep.
Time Out Room
I don't know...I think the dog looks rather friendly!
Oh yeah and just so we don't forget, I'm the ugliest in the room.
number 5 on 101 ways to kill a thread: complain about your kids...lol
blue is cool...get to look like a smurf
but green is the color of many wonderful things. I gotta go with green! |
lol oh its ok if its the right color?
*steps on the hose and when orange looks in the hose, takes her foot back off* AHAHAHA!
Whelp, looks like I cleared this room out. Damn I'm good!
wow that bad huh?
Time Out Room
that wasn't a plastic bag that was a condom...amazing how those things stretch huh?
haha well i was a good kid/bad teenager
now my daughter's father...adhd kid...just awful...so i always say this is him coming out in her... |
*doing the ugly dance*
Betcha can't guess why I win. Oh yeah I'm the ugliest!
Time Out Room
*runs in the room with the ugly trophy*
Hey lookie what I stole from another thread... |
My mom tells me its called "payback." She thinks its funny anyways.