Community > Posts By > Bryan787

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 04:18 PM

I'll come back to this later. But when these people go after ALL holidays that could have a religious meaning (whether it's celebrated that way or not) and go after EVERYONE equally....then maybe the argument might hold water with me.

BTW are actually helping me prove my point. Someone will always be offended over something that someone else isn't.

As a person who has no belief in a god, I'd have no problem eliminating all things religious in a public capacity. However, I'm a realist in understanding that accomplishing such a thing is impossible without becoming a Nazi-like state, or better yet, a 1984-type world where we all inform on one another.

BTW, was I trying to disprove your point? I don't think I was actively trying to do so, but maybe I was. I guess I'd have to reread my posts again. Ahhh the sweet gift of a swiss cheese brain! winking I agree whole-heartedly, no matter how it all goes down, someone will always be offended about something. If we keep all the decorations etc., someone will be offended. If we get rid of all of them, someone else will be offended.

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 04:13 PM
Sorry..should have finished reading the post before replying...

Our founding fathers wanted more than anything a country where you can be as free as possible and to practice your religion with out the Government saying one word about it.

--They also wanted a government without religion saying one word about it. The idea of separation of church and state works both ways - Government should not impose itself upon any religion (or those without religion), and those who are religious (and non) should not impose their personal beliefs upon the government. It IS possible to be a nonbeliever and still have morals.

Since I find Atheist offensive I will have to put that on the list,gay pride parades,liberals,Obama,and Pelosi.

--What is it about those who don't believe in anything offensive? Is it that they don't believe AT ALL, or that they don't believe as you do? How about Muslims? Jews? Buddhists? Hindus? I won't travel down the political path because it takes us a bit too far off topic.

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 04:02 PM

We can all just sit around and believe in nothing and be totally miserable.

Interesting that you assume that if someone believes in nothing that they are totally miserable. I guess that would also suggest that someone who believes in ANYTHING could never be totally miserable, yes?

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 08:39 AM

as far as public nudity....there are laws against that. Not against decorations.

Oh I know there's a law against it, but why? Because SOME people are offended by the naked human form? Is something being shown that is foreign to us? Children seem to have no problem with nudity until it is imposed upon them.

I wonder if you did a poll of all Americans as to whether they felt the naked human form was offensive, how many would say it is?

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 08:24 AM

and doesnt the first family have to reside there? so why should they, as citizens, not be permitted to celebrate whatever holiday they wish(with the accompanying decorations)?

I think it's safe to say if the Obama family did NOT put up a Christmas tree and instead had Kwanzaa decorations that there would be an uproar by quite a few people. He's even been accused of being <GASP> Muslim! I think if he announced that he was agnostic or atheist would be even more offensive than if he announced he was Muslim...

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 08:13 AM

If someone gets offended then that is for them to deal with. I certainly don't set out to do things for the sole purpose of offending people.

Pleasing everyone and not offending everyone is impossible.

We seem to draw that line at public nudity. You can do it in the privacy of your own home, you can even do it "publically" in privately owned areas with other people. But if you go on your front lawn for nude sunbathing, people have decided that is offensive.

Why is that? If nothing sexual is happening, what is the offense? If it causes sexual thoughts, whose fault is that? And that's all just while you stay upon your own private property. If someone is offended by nudity, isn't that for them to deal with?

Just food for thought...

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 07:43 AM

I'm offended when people show cleavage (mainly cause I don't have much of my own laugh ) so the new law is everyone has to wear turtle necks bigsmile

I'm offended when women wear an outfit that shows cleavage and then get upset when I stare. If you don't want me looking at it, DON'T FRAME IT! winking

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 07:41 AM

there is a neat little store here called The Enchanted Forest. It is basically a Pagan store. The decorate every year for the Yule.

Should they have to remove the decorations or should I take responsibility and either stay out of the store if it offends me or protest or just let them celebrate as they wish?

I have control over myself.....I don't control others

Ahh...but you know before entering that it is a Pagan bookstore. The name even suggests it pretty strongly. But walking into Chase Bank doesn't immediately hint at being a Christian bank, nor does the business inside suggest that is what they do. It doesn't suggest they are Jewish either, although stereotypes would suggest otherwise.

If I walk into the local Christian bookstore, I'd have to be an idiot (or a glutton for punishment)to get offended by religious decor or greetings.

I should point out that I've had quite the bit of exposure to all of this. Born of Hispanic parents (Cuban, I think); adopted by a Jewish family (but never had a bar-mitzvah, by choice); exposed to Christianity in military school (although non-denominational); read up on quite a few of the "pagan" religions including Wicca and Native American beliefs, I now sit here pretty much a Buddhist in mind, body and spirit.

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 07:30 AM

Someone will always be offended. Should we stop saying Good Morning because someone may or may not be a morning person?

No, BUT.....

"That's the trouble with 'have a nice day'; it puts all the pressure on you. Now you've gotta go out and somehow manage to have a good time. All because of some loose lipped cashier. 'Have a nice day'...Maybe I don't feel like having a nice day. Maybe, just maybe, I've had 63 nice days in a row. And, by God, I'm ready for a crappy day. Let someone wish me a crappy day. I never hear that. "Have a crappy day!" That's no problem at all. All you have to do is get up some mornings. There's no planning involved."

I miss George.

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 07:25 AM

i'm offended that this bird crapped on my car....

me too.....we must get rid of the birds laugh

i'll start a billboard...

I'll rally my bird minions and we shall bury you and your cars in droppings!

Bryan787's photo
Tue 12/07/10 07:17 AM

So exactly how to evergreen trees, brightly decorated, get associated with one specific religious holiday?

One story tells of the Tree of Thor being cut down by a Saint Boniface: "cut down the tree of Thor in order to disprove the legitimacy of the Norse gods to the local German tribe. St. Boniface saw a fir tree growing in the roots of the old oak. Taking this as a sign of the Christian faith, he said '...let Christ be at the center of your households...' using the fir tree as a symbol of Christianity."

I'm sure those who still believe in Thor and other Norse gods find the Christmas tree to be a lovely and festive symbol...

Relating more to evergreen trees, I found this on another site:

"Many Pagan cultures used to cut boughs of evergreen trees in December, move them into the home or temple, and decorate them. Modern-day Pagans still do. This was to recognize the winter solstice -- the time of the year that had the shortest daylight hours, and longest night of the year. This occurs annually sometime between DEC-20 to 23: most often DEC-21. They noticed that the days were gradually getting shorter; many feared that the sun would eventually disappear forever, and everyone would freeze. But, even though deciduous trees, bushes, and crops died or hibernated for the winter, the evergreen trees remained green. They seemed to have magical powers that enabled them to withstand the rigors of winter."

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 08:49 PM
Almost a repeat of my last entry:

White Zombie

Ugly Kid Joe....WOW...there's a band I've not thought of in a decade or two....

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 12:04 PM

If one hates/despises something, wouldn't it make sense to move to where it didn't exist?

We're expecting lows of 38 tonight, with highs into the mid-60s during the day. I think some people here saw snow briefly, and I remember seeing it the last around when I was single-digits old. If you don't like snow, move south!

There are a lot more factors in moving than the weather. Perhaps they like the area they live in except for the snow? Or they have a good job there. Or great friends. Or family they don't want to leave behind.

Rubbish! winking I guess what I ultimately mean is, you CAN change the situation if you truly dislike/hate it enough. It's all a matter of the pros and cons of where you live. The weather may be a con, but then the job, family, etc. are pros.

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 12:01 PM

Just to be clear, I am always cold in my house, no heat upstairs due to poor design of my house. Downstairs the warmest room is maybe 58, I live under blankets and wear lots of layers!! But still I love living on the mid coast of Maine!!

The exact opposite for me. Heat rises and the hottest room in the house is my bedroom. I'd rather it not be, so that I could keep the A/C bill lower in cost, but so be it. I keep the a/c at a higher temp during the day with the ceiling fans always on, and then drop the temp right when I go to bed.

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:56 AM
Lacuna Coil (rock/metal group from Italy with two singers: one man, one woman)

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:42 AM

The United States has a legal system and government that is supposed to be based on Judeo/Christian values combined with the belief that everyone can believe anything or nothing as they choose. Now the majority is expected to change long held traditions because of the noise made by a small minority.

I think being PC is the problem.

Actually being EXTREME in being PC would be the problem, just as it applies in other areas.

Remember, it was a long held tradition that women remain barefoot and pregnant at home. They weren't to have careers, except as a waitress or a secretary at best.

It was a long held tradition that a business could deny someone business based on the color of their skin. Hell, we recently had a politician say that businesses should still have the right to serve who they want and deny service to who they want based on the color of their skin. He was quick to say it was a wrong belief, but that it was their right.

I dunno, maybe I've made some sort of disconnected attempt to illustrate my point and that the comparison doesn't hold. Just sayin...

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:22 AM

I'm going to start making up holidays. Can't be offended if you don't know what it is, right????

Happy blubatoney everyone drinker

Now I'm offended....what about Festivus, for the rest of us? winking

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:18 AM

But wouldn't saying Season's Greetings be offensive to those that don't celebrate the season in any way???

Actually, I'd think Season's Greetings is as neutral as can possibly. Happy Holidays would suggest that you do celebrate some holiday, whereas Season's Greetings could apply to ANY season, not just winter.

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:09 AM
Faith No More

Bryan787's photo
Mon 12/06/10 05:56 AM

If one hates/despises something, wouldn't it make sense to move to where it didn't exist?

you make is sound like moving is that easy. Uprooting your whole life just for one season? What about friends, family, jobs?

Ahhh...screw all that! laugh But seriously, I guess the "hate" of the cold/snow/etc. is not strong enough to get up and go. I guess I'm just glad that I was born in Miami so I didn't have to get up and go.