Its called tough love for a reason sweety. HE decided to move out, He chose to do the things he did and ended up with the felonys. Life is FULL of choices. He made his. I would not let him come back home. He will get angry, but.... he will get over it. Once he proves to you that he is straightening out his life maybe then...ALOT of proof a steady job for six months. I kicked mine out, threw their clothes out in the lawn. It was the best thing I ever did for them. They had to survive on their own. It was shakey at first and I worried and cried alot of tears. One took 6 months to staighten out, the other 2 years!!!! You are not going to be there to pick up the pieces forever, he needs to learn to survive on his own. If he needs clothes buy them do not give him money. If he needs food buy it for him do not give him money. Hes 18 you are no longer responsible for him. You know I always tell my children - "I will ALWAYS Love you, but I may not like you or what you are doing at times" Good luck |