How old am I??
You're cool
Do you know what I'm doing?
fantasies never involve condoms, he he!
I'm a woman and I don't understand us either, mostly young women I dont' understand. I don't understand online dating which I have been doing for the last 6 years with practically no luck. I had one relationship from online dating in all those years. I just recently met a man who lives maybe 5-10 miles away and we have talked on the phone almost every day for 2 weeks, but he acts like he doesn't want to meet me because he is insecure about his weight, so I just talk to him when he calls, it is nice but he is meeting other women who live further away, what is up with that?
Let me know you...
I would say she is very lucky to have caught your eye. Also, nice that you are bold enough to be so untraditional; hat's off to you and good luck.
I think that before you quit you must be psychologically ready. What I did was slowly prepare mentally to hate and loath smoking and everything about it. Every time I lit up I would find something about the experience I hated, sometimes many things. From there I would continue this self-abhoring of the ACT of smoking until I got to a time and place where I was ready to plan my last carton, my last pack and my last ciggy. With all that hatred focused on cigarettes, I knew I did not ever want to lite one up again. This was the fuel that proded me on all the time, and it worked. It can be done and I wish you all the luck in the owrld. I remember hopeing they would pass a law against smoking so it would be easier.
blonde, blue eyed and single
Don't want- when what you already have is great, it is a state of mind that keeps you happy.
blonde, blue eyed and single
Here's another BBE Babe for the club. Single is good until someone comes along to rock your boat, that is when I think about chuking it all. Enjoy NOW!
I am still lost in all these halls and looking for some direction; hope you have good luck -
who's singing tonight?
or any gal who doesn't need to go into the kitchen.
I like a man who can snap his fingers, thanks
I didn't get my sex on the beach yesterday, anybody serving?
what's up with the mud? |
A string of fabric that retreats up your butt and some thought they should substitute for underwear; but of course, we charge twice the cost of BRIEFs for this piece of string that rubs you the wrong way, believe me.
That is right, want to LOOK sexy put some sexy underwear on for the occasion
UNDERwear looks sexy if seen a little, I just don't like the feel of thongs, they are torture to my joy button.
It looks good and feels good and I am all for feeling good
No panties is really the way to go
I'm with Debbie: I dont' want to be rubbed raw by a pair of panties, my privates like to feel FREEEEEE, like MEEEEEE
I will have some sex on the beach (although the weather here is nipply)