The Ten Commandments
Gee, I wonder why no one has responded to this. As my old theology professor would say people who respect the bible never actually read it. It often doesn't say what you have been taught it says. I remember an old lady asked me a trick question: how many of each animal did Moses take on the ark? I told her not Moses but Noah and he took 7 of each animal. She laugh and said I got her, but Noah took 2 of each animal; I told her to go and read her bible. She read her bible everyday and was a devout member of Billy Graham Organization. The next day- I used to bring her fancy desserts- she suddenly looked at me and almost whispered: I read my bible last night, Noah took 7 of each animal on the Ark. I said yes deary, but what does that have to do with loving and caring for each other. She smiled really? i have read it about 8 times cover to cover..., and have studied it since childhood. it is, interestingly the sigular book that one can study thier whole lives and learn as much the last time they study as the first. |
.... this is my read on this, and i have done no little research on this very subject..,but it is only my opinion... God doesent understand sin. He simply cannot comprehend why we would not happily follow his laws, which the bible says "are not grevious". yet we steal. we kill each other, ect.... the only way was to send his son, Jesus, to die for us.. Now Jesus , because of his own suffering, has earned the right to save us, if we only accept him and humble ourselves before him. God either cant or wont save us, but Jesus can.
10 commandments- utdated?
point! - there is a big difference between killing and murder. i can kill someone who is shooting at my family and that is fine. it is self defense. If on the other hand I go into a liquor store and blast everyone into little quivering pieces, thats murder. , Which i would think every reasonable person can see is wrong. I also can live WITH a gun , and not BY THE GUN, which is an entirely digfferent matter.
10 commandments- utdated?
I do not believe in anything just because the priest said so. LOL As the matter of fact, most of my friends of the same faith agree that I am more a heretic, than a Catholic. God, I am so glad they do not burn people like me anymore! ![]() Atheists? Well some of my friends are also atheists. I can't prove there is God, and they can't prove there isn't, so we agreed to let everyone keep their BELIEFS. It's based all on beliefs anyways - some believe there is, and some believe there isn't God and all of us shall find out when we die. The 10 commandments are fundamentals of ethics, which explores the matters of moral. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear that I know more atheists who try to live by those basic rules, than religious people who claim they try to do so, but their actions in life show quite the opposite. So, in order not to fall into a trap and start generalising, I'd rather stay neutral in these types of discussions. One of my friends who is not religious stated that he would like to see 10 commandments removed from the schools etc., not because he has anything against any religion, but to make it clear to everyone that church had been separated from the state and it should remain that way. I agree with his argument and have no objections. |
10 commandments- utdated?
besides, the stuff from the commandments is plagiarized from other places. Just because somethings in the bible doesnt mean people who dont appreciate the bible arent living by the same standards. |
A major function of fundamentalist religion is to bolster deeply insecure and fearful people. This is done by justifying a way of life with all of its defining prejudices. It thereby provides an appropriate and legitimate outlet for one's anger. The authority of an inerrant Bible that can be readily quoted to buttress this point of view becomes an essential ingredient to such a life. When that Bible is challenged, or relativized, the resulting anger proves the point categorically. [Bishop John Shelby Spong, Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism, (San Fransisco: Harper Collins, 1991), p. 5.] if you care, i can tell you that you are confusing religion with the bible. they are in facr incompatible with each other. Please refreain from quoting what someones doctrine is and saying, or implying that it is what the bible says. these "religious: types out there in fact are way more confused than you and i are. p.s., have you seen the pics of the dinasaur tracks with human footprints inside of them? not talking about "piltdown man footprinte here, or some such so called pre human, but a perfectly preserved homo sapien foot prints. |
Be Not of the World
Don't you live in Vegas? This is why the morality and ethical teachings of the Pagan philosophers are so very important. I do live near Las Vegas, but a different city which I have not named. Very far from the strip. This is why focus is important, so that WHEREVER one lives, they can keep their moral compass. amen sister from another mister. |
10 commandments- utdated?
So, what IS offensive about the ten commandments? or is it because of the source? if we recognise the bible as in effect a LAW BOOK, (which it is) , then we are forced to accept that ther is in fact a God. This is the real problem they face. Better to take the commandments off the wall than deal with the possibility that the bible may in fact be full of good advise, which it is. i wonder, if the commandments had been written by some old satan worshiper back in the day, if they would be so offended. i suspect not.
10 commandments- utdated?
So, who should answer this question? Religious people? Atheists? Agnostics? Or anyone will do? Nominally Catholic, I am more spiritual than strictly religious, but I think those basic rules are still acceptable. Is there something wrong with a respecting and caring for your family and friends, as well as neighbours, not cheating your partner,or not being a liar and a thief? I was kinda directing the question to the athiest types out there, but i guess it is a fair question for anyone. ... THOSE "TYPES" WHO WOULD HAVE THE 10 COMMANDMENTS REMOVED FROM PUBLIC BUILDINGS COME TO MIND IMMEDIATLY, THOUGH. |
This is in the bible ...
another example of the churches total confusion: Pull out a copy of strongs bible concordance... which has every word in the bible, and where it is at.. , and show me where the word "Rapture" appears .Doesent happen. Not there. This whole pre trib rapture stuff is not repeat not in the bible, yet the churches preach it as gospel.
This is in the bible ...
And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story? I believe that Noah built the Ark as God instructed. I am in no way sure of what the ages of his family were and its not really relevant to the rest of my belief. Interesting how the average pew-sitter (lol) has not actually read the text. I suppose you believe he took two of every animal on the Ark as well? The important thing about Noah is the Noahide code, which James tells Paul (in Acts) that non-Jewish converts should follow or perhaps the average pew-sitter has once again not read the text no i dont believe there was two of every animal on the ark, because that is not what the bible says. two of every UNCLEAN ANIMAL, SEVEN OF EVERY CLEAN ANIMAL. NOT A PEW SITTER HERE, IN FACT I STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM CHURCHES AS POSSIBLE. When we confuse bible teacings with religious trachings,we are prone to grave errors. The TWO are the same, just like apples and road signs are the same. ( which meand they are completly different.) as an example, i can say with complete confidence that saturday is the sabbath day. The bible says that the penalty for not observing the sabbath is death.., yet the churches out there, with rare exception, practice sunday worship. If they cant even get the worhip day correct, i am very skeptical about thier other "doctrine". Doctrines are theory, whereas the bible is factual./ |
I believe HE gave man capacity to understand many things, and that many other things aren't meant to be understood but taken in faith You have skillful avoided actually answering mine classical criticism of your premise you anti-science-mite!! LOL! I thinkg I am getting tired and goofy i am admittedly not a scientist, but, there are not that many grains of sand on the earth, i know a bad bet when i see one. |
10 commandments- utdated?
Which one of the ten commandmens offends you and seEms like it is unreasonable. For that matter, which biblical laws are just wrong?
so we are not bound by old testament laws? cool! now i can murder, rape, steal , take my neighbors wife, ect because all those laws ar old testament..? jesus was quite specific about this, and so is pauls writings that we are not under grace, as all these ch\urches out there believe, but rather the law is permament. Gods law camnnot change, mans laws change every day so we tend to think in terms of revisions , ect, but that doesent work with biblical law. it never changes. what was wrong 2000 years ago is still wrong. by the way which one of the ten commandments offends these people? I dont see anything there except good advise for clean living. i THINK IT IS THE MORAL ISSUE: if we can rationalise that the bible isnt true, then one is free to live an immoral life without any problems. if however we believe the bible. which is essentially a law book, is true, and the word of God, then we are constained to to what is right, instead of what we WANT to do.
A major function of fundamentalist religion is to bolster deeply insecure and fearful people. This is done by justifying a way of life with all of its defining prejudices. It thereby provides an appropriate and legitimate outlet for one's anger. The authority of an inerrant Bible that can be readily quoted to buttress this point of view becomes an essential ingredient to such a life. When that Bible is challenged, or relativized, the resulting anger proves the point categorically. [Bishop John Shelby Spong, Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism, (San Fransisco: Harper Collins, 1991), p. 5.] |
This is in the bible ...
And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story? Human cells have the capacity to divide to a point where 120 years appears to be the maximum life span [/quote YES THAT IS WHAT THEY tell us ignorant types , most of which will not dig any further once we find an answer which fits our beliefs. The fact is we dont know why the body ages. the concluusion i, and many others have come to, is the reason we age is because of sin. The farther we get away from God the worse everything gets. |
This is in the bible ...
And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story? Human cells have the capacity to divide to a point where 120 years appears to be the maximum life span [/quote YES THAT IS WHAT THEY tell us ignorant types , most of which will not dig any further once we find an answer which fits our beliefs. The fact is we dont know why the body ages. |
This is in the bible ...
here is another free one for you scientist types who think the rest of us are ignorant fools: referring to the infallable carbon 14 dating techniques... a live oyster shell was carbon dated by MIT I believe, thet were not told it was just pulled out of chesapeke bay, They dated it at 600 million years old. It was alive the day before. hmmm ( speaking of blind faith in our technology)
This is in the bible ...
Now for the skeptics ...I thought I heard some time ago ...they found Noah's ark but have heard nothing since ... and they said it is not a given any more for those to believe in Noah Ark story from the bible becouse of their ages that some have said was imposable becouse of their ages ... and god does not hold you responsible if you don't believe it anymore ... People still do believe and that is their right ...just like those ...that still believe the world is flat ... ![]() Maybe you haven't heard anything on it because they have all been hoax's. Pagan philosophers knew the earth was round, only the literal Xians believe the earth is flat |
This is in the bible ...
And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story? |