Community > Posts By > semiloco2007

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Wed 01/02/08 01:14 PM
Hello and welcome

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Wed 01/02/08 01:13 PM

I wasn't going to say anything but why is it so hard for people to believe i am still a virgin?

Why is important to you what we think?

That is the real question!!!!

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Wed 01/02/08 10:33 AM

Dude I'm in the same position as you are. Unfortunately I cannot yet move out and have to deal with her seeing others while I feel like throwing up day after day. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone. I have heard that time cures all. Good luck.

dont torture yourself, leave. Thats just disrespectful. You deserve more than that. I d rather live in an alley.

I couldn't agree more, go to a halfway house or something but get the hell out now.

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Wed 01/02/08 10:17 AM

*phew!* everyone seems to have the same answers I did.

That's because we all copied from you hahaha

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Wed 01/02/08 10:13 AM
Time heals all wounds, trust me on that one.
And nothing hurts more then a broken heart.

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Tue 01/01/08 06:33 PM
hahahaha I slept with a pig,,,oh wait never mind lol

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Tue 01/01/08 06:29 PM
hahahahaha there is really something wrong with you LMFAO

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Tue 01/01/08 06:28 PM

monkey spanker

oh god please, be a monkey spanker!!

DAMN YOU....line cuter....hehehehe

Dude go spank your own monkey hahaha

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Tue 01/01/08 06:27 PM

monkey spanker

oh god please, be a monkey spanker!!

DAMN YOU....line cuter....hehehehe

Dude go spank your own monkey hahaha

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Tue 01/01/08 06:20 PM

I believe in French, le is used for masculine and la is used as feminine. It means The King. You kind of look like one with the robe.

Well thank you

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Tue 01/01/08 06:18 PM
well let's start with the spelling "cigarettes" hahahaha JK

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Tue 01/01/08 06:15 PM

Hey Nick are you any good with that guitar or are you faking it. hahahahaha

Not to toot my own horn...but I like to think so. Been doing it since 88.

Very cool I have been playing for a few decades myself hahaha
That's not tooting your own horn, if you got skills then be proud. I play everything from Metal to Jazz and went on a classical kick for a short time.

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Tue 01/01/08 06:12 PM
No I didn't accomplish a freaking thing

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Tue 01/01/08 06:10 PM

Le King


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Tue 01/01/08 06:07 PM

Thank you Semiloco....smooched

My pleasure beautiful


Aladin's girlfriend was hot umm umm umm for a cartoon that is hahahaha

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Tue 01/01/08 06:00 PM

Thank you Semiloco....smooched

My pleasure beautiful

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Tue 01/01/08 05:52 PM
Edited by semiloco2007 on Tue 01/01/08 05:54 PM
Kissing beauty
for Ising

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Tue 01/01/08 05:51 PM

pee king

get it? oriental rug? peking? ha!

ok i suck at this game.......

uh that was for semiloco......

I got it and that was pretty funny hahaha

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Tue 01/01/08 05:48 PM
baybridge guy

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Tue 01/01/08 05:46 PM

<---- Seneca Indian

Cool do you get involved with your history?